Delver's Guide is a web app that lists all monsters and spells from Dungeons & Dragons.
This is a capstone project for the neuefische web development bootcamp.
Delver's Guide is an app that let's you find and create any monster and spell from the Dungeons & Dragons universe!
You can find the hosted version on Vercel: Delver's Guide Demo
IMPORTANT NOTE: currently optimized for IPhone SE!
- React
- React Router
- React Custom Hooks
- Styled-Components
- React Testing Library / Jest
- localStorage
- PropTypes
- 5e-SRD-API
- Figma
- Clone this repository
- Inside root folder install all dependencies via
$ npm install
- Run app in development mode via
$ npm run dev
- Client: http://localhost:3000/
- View the web app using the IPhone SE display size using the DevTools
- Run tests via
$ npm run test