Final project for the 3D Scanning & Spatial Learning practical course from the Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization at Technische Universität München in the WS 2019/20.
The course is held by Dr. Justus Thies and our group is supervised by Aljaž Božič.
A multi-view RGB-D Capture Setup is built using 4 Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D415 to perform real-time reconstructions of a moving scene.
- Image preprocessing
- Depth filtering
- Background subtraction
- Visual hull computation
- Non-rigid shape reconstruction
- Sparse voxel grid
- Deformation graph construction
- Non-rigid tracking
- Projective depth ICP
- Global sparse correspondences
- Motion2Fusion: Real-time Volumetric Performance Capture [Dou et al.]
- Fusion4D: Real-time Performance Capture of Challenging Scenes [Dou et al.]
- DynamicFusion: Reconstruction and Tracking of Non-rigid Scenes in Real-Time [Newcombe et al.]
- RealSense Multiple Camera WhitePaper
- Volumetric Capture
- Voxel grid TSDF
- OpenGL Compute Shader