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The multiscale paricle (MSP) package provides users with tools for particle tracking, trajectories review and characterisation. This repository contains two modules with graphical-user interface:

  1. MSP-tracker: particle tracker with extra module of membrane segmentation
  2. MSP-viewer: track viewer to visualise the tracks, correct trajectories if required and provide statisticsy.

The software package and its applications are decribed in "Tracking exocytic vesicle movements reveals the spatial control of secretion in epithelial cells" Jennifer H. Richens, Mariia Dmitrieva, Helen L. Zenner, Nadine Muschalik, Richard Butler, Jade Glashauser, Carolina Camelo, Stefan Luschnig, Sean Munro, Jens Rittscher, Daniel St Johnston bioRxiv 2024.01.25.577201; doi: and basis of the tracking approach is described in "Protein Tracking By CNN-Based Candidate Pruning And Two-Step Linking With Bayesian Network" M Dmitrieva, H L Zenner,J Richens,D St Johnston and J Rittscher, MLSP 2019:

Please, see manual for the detailed description of the software and its functionality: MSP_framework_manual_v04.pdf

Software installation


  1. Install conda:
  2. Open the folder which contains the software in finder.
  3. In finder, right click on code folder and select New Terminal at Folder
  4. In the terminal type conda env create -f environment_mac.yml and press enter. It should install all the required packages


  1. Install Anaconda:
  2. Launch Anaconda Prompt
  3. Navigate to the source directory and create conda environment with: conda env create -f environment_win.yml


  1. Install conda:
  2. In the terminal open the directory with the software
  3. In the terminal type conda env create -f environment_linux.yml and press enter. It should install all the required packages



  1. In necessary update the environment: conda env update --file environment_file_name.yml
  2. In a terminal (Anaconda prompt for Windows) navigate to the software folder, activate the environment: `conda activate msp'
  3. To run the software: python
  • load the image sequence
  • set detection parameters
  • set linking parameter
  • run for the entire image sequence
  • select membrane, set parameters and run for the entire image sequence

2a. For window machine double click on run_tracker_windows.bat - it should do all the work

Run tracker without GUI

Use '' to run the tracker when the parameters for detection and linking are saved into a file. It is preferable to use the option when the image sequence is large and the tracking can take some time.

  1. Following variables should be adjusted:
  • MOVIE_PATH - path to the image sequence (should be tiff format, single channel)
  • DETECTION_PARAMETERS_PATH - path to the file with detection parameters (created with the MSP-tracker GUI)
  • LINKING_PARAMETERS_PATH - path to the file with linking parameters (created with the MSP-tracker GUI)
  • USE_EXIST_DETECTION - "True" or "False": set it to False to run the detection part of the tracker, and True to use existing detections
  • DETECTION_PATH - path to the file with the detection for the current image sequence. When USE_EXIST_DETECTION is"False" - detections will be saved there, otherwise (when "True") - detections will be read from the file
  • RESULT_PATH - path to save the trajectories
  1. run the script from the command line 'bash'


  1. If necessary update the environment: conda env update --file environment_file_name.yml
  2. In a terminal, activate the environment: conda activate msp
  3. To run the software: python
  • load protein movie
  • select the tracks (.txt file (json format) or csv file)
  • optional: select membrane movie

Docker container

Docker container with working set up is available to use: !!! link will be here!!!

  1. Install Docker from the official page.
  2. Build the image from the provided file: docker load -i msp_docker.tar
  3. Run the Docker container (docker run -it --rm msp_docker) mounting the folder with code and data (-v /path/to/folder/with/code/and/data:/mnt), as well as providing Display informration for the Docker (-e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY). All the data should be inside the mounted folder. The display attachment setup varies for different OS.
  4. While inside the container use command line to activate the environment `source activate msp' and run the software using command line.


MSP-tracker and viewer







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