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UniRemote - one remote to rule them all!

I wanted a way to control all the projects I make.

  • Note: it is not a remote for A/V systems. It is for my projects.

I wanted this to work not just at home in my WiFi zone but also at remote locations like a Maker Faire.
It communicates with my projects via ESP-NOW WiFi

Current state of software and tools: v0.9 "basics work: CYD, Tiny Code Reader for QRcodes, Mifare RC522 RF IC via MicroSD sniffer for 13.56MHz MIFARE Classic 1K cards, XPT2046_Bitbang lib to free up VSPI"

Here is a short YouTube demonstration of the latest version

This is the UniRemoteCYD breadboard setup with "drone style" batteries.

  • I removed the QR code reader since the RFID reader was so easy to use
  • The contactless RFID PICC cards (Proximity Integrated Circuit Card) are to the left
  • The "drone style" battery charger and charging cable is at the top
  • The XAIO ESP32-Sense target processor is below that, attached to a USB cable
  • The Cheap Yellow Display (CYD) and its RFID sensor and batteries are on the bottom right
    • The red board sticking out at the bottom is the MicroSD Sniffer card used to communicate with the RFID sensor
  • You can see more photos at

Image of UniRemote breadboard overview

A little comic relief - the hilarious Legendary Artifacts Club by Elle Cordova

One Remote to Rule Them All I can bend countless devices to my will
Legendary Artifacts Club by Elle Cordova Legendary Artifacts Club by Elle Cordova

Table Of Contents

The Plan

My current thinking is to just use the RFID reader and leave out the QR code reader. Maybe add it back in later.

Because the MicroSD sniffer sticks out so far, I had planned to use removable 18650 batteries mounted on the side of the CYD to give it some protection. However, putting the 18650 batteries on the outside was trickier than I thought due to some connectors and components getting in the way. It also didn't provide much protection for the sniffer. I went ahead and put the Lipo "drone style" batteries in for now. There is a connector that allows me to charge the Lipo batteries without removing them.

I have settled on the following hardware for the Universal Remote Control:

Will be trying these to see if they can be a more compact MicroSD sniffer:

May use one or more of the following

The hardware that receives the commands can use basically any ESP32 that includes WiFi.

Guide to the Code

Here is what the code is:

Link Description
code/UniRemoteCYD "Cheap Yellow Display"-based UniRemote code sending ESP-NOW commands - attributions in the code.
Commands are input with either the QR code reader (I2C) or the RFID Reader (SPI via MicroSD sniffer).
To free up access to the CYD hardware VSPI port for the RFID Reader, the code uses the XPT2046_Bitbang software-based SPI library instead of the TFT_eSPI hardware based SPI library for the touchscreen.
This technique of using XPT2046_Bitbang for the touchscreen could alternatively be used to access the MicroSD card on the CYD if the MicroSD pins weren't being used for the RFID Reader.
code/UniRemoteRcvrTemplate UniRemote code template for generic receiver of the commands - attributions in the code.
UniRemoteRcvrTemplate.ino shows an example of using UniRemoteRcvr.h and UniRemoteRcvr.cpp to receive ESP-NOW commands from UniRemoteCYD
code/Uni_RW_PICC UniRemote PICC read/write routines - attribution in the README
code/tiny_code_reader *.h file for using the QR code reader - attribution in its README
--- ---
code/readMacAddress Code to read the WiFi MAC address of pretty much any ESP32 - used on remotes to get info - attribution in its README
MDOpythonUtils Python routine to generate QR code based on directions in a text file
code/CYDbitBangCalibrate Modified Random Nerds CYD Calibrate routine that uses the XPT2046_Bitbang software-based SPI library instead of the TFT_eSPI hardware based SPI library for the touchscreen - attributions in the code
code/WriteRFID_CYD Code with same hardware setup as UniRemoteCYD to write RFID cards using input text strings in same format as input to - attributions in the code
--- ---
code/CYDtest ESP32-2432S028R (Cheap Yellow Display or CYD) pointers to tutorials and hardware information
code/RFIDRC522test RFID RC522 pointers to tutorials and hardware information
code/UniRemote UniRemote code with QR code reader and generic ESP32 module - attributions in the code. This is now unused and deprecated. I am switching to the CYD and the code in UniRemoteCYD.
code/UniTestRcvr UniRemote code testbench for receiver of the commands - attributions in the code. This is now unused and deprecated. All further development for the receiver will go to the generic UniRemoteRcvrTemplate.
--- end of table --- --- end of table ---

Battery Harness

As mentioned above, I would like to come up with a more compact MicroSD sniffer arrangement. The fact that this sticks out so far has driven me to consider multiple ways to handle it in packaging, including the posibility of placing 18650 batteries on the sides to give it some protection.

  • Alternatively I might use the two-wire interface to connect to another Arduino that connects to the RFID scanner, although that seems somewhat complicated. When I compare it to the time spent trying other options for MicroSD sniffers, the additional Arduino is looking better and better.

I chose to implement the fixed Lipo "drone style" batteries. There is a connector that can be used to disconnect the Lipo batteries from the UniRemote and connect to a charger without removing the batteries. Below is a diagram of the circuit.
Diagram for Fixed Lipo Battery Harness and Charger

Alternatively I did create a removable 18650 battery harness. Because these would be mounted on the sides of the CYD, the theory was that they would provide some protection for the MicroSD sniffer which sticks out on one side. In practice this did not seem as helpful as I hoped. Below is a diagram of the circuit.
Diagram for Removable 18650 Battery Harness

Interesting Considerations

Following are things I wanted to document and remember.

General CYD and LVGL and Related Info


One key thing I found out was that all four of the ESP-32 hardware SPI ports are in use in the "standard" LVGL configuration. In order to use a hardware SPI port for the MicroSD slot, I had to use the XPT2046_Bitbang library instead of the TFT_eSPI library for the touchscreen.

Description URL
CYD Pinouts & Connectors
More CYD Pinouts in useful format
CYD info in Japanese; need Google Translate but info looks quite good
Info/Code for CYD and many variants
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RFID library I use
CYD and alternative library with lots of good info
CYD LVGL interesting project
YouTube Ralph S. Bacon "#203 SPIFFS vs LITTLEFS for ESP32 & ESP8266 (not Arduino UNO)"
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Espressif ESP32 example using non-standard SPI pins
Using bit-banging so touch and SD can work in same program

DRAM_STR - Move Constant Strings to RAM instead of Program Storage

Since I am using an ESP-32 CYD with WiFi and LVGL, there is a lot of code included in libraries and I quickly ran to the limits of program storage versus RAM.

Sketch uses 1208557 bytes (92%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1310720 bytes.
Global variables use 61544 bytes (18%) of dynamic memory, leaving 266136 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes.

I discovered that I need to do the opposite of what I do with the Arduino Nano. I need use the "DRAM_STR" macro to move constant strings (easiest to find) from program storage into dynamic memory. On the Arduino Nano it was often helpful to use the "F" macro to move constant strings in the other direction since the dynamic memory was so limited.

Entire Screen Pans or Scrolls

I didn't find a good way to prevent the entire screen from "panning" or "scrolling" during a "long press". I tried the following without success.

Routine Description
void lv_indev_set_long_press_time(lv_indev_t * indev, uint16_t long_press_time); Setting value to 65,535 after creating indev did not help
void lv_indev_reset_long_press(lv_indev_t * indev); Calling within indev read_cb function (cyd_input_read() in my code) when .tirqTouched() or .touched() caused buttons to not operate

LVGL Timeout and Crash if Call LVGL Routine inside ESP-NOW callback

I guess I should have predicted that a callback, which is somewhat similar to an interrupt routine, shouldn't assume it can call a lot of routines that might not be re-entrant.

  • Result - just set flags in callback routines, do the work of the flags in loop() and its routines.

The symptom was:

  • If I did ESP-NOW messages (using PICC card as the source) for which the receiver was present and receiving, I could seemingly send as many as I wanted with the physical scanning of a PICC card giving a timing interval.
  • If I did 2 or sometimes up to 3 ESP-NOW messages with no receiver, even if done quite slowly, the CYD would get an LVGL watchdog timer timeout and then it would crash and reboot.

It was a little mysterious because the processing was the same for both of them, only the status message itself was different.

My guess at the mechanism is:

  • If the receiver was present, the response was so quick that the LVGL routines were not doing anything when the ESP-NOW send callback routine was called.
  • If the receiver was absent, the response was a timeout and this could happen when the loop and/or LVGL refresh was happening so problem if calling non-reentrant LVGL routine from ESP-NOW send callback.


This repository has a LICENSE file for Apache 2.0. There may be code included that I have modified from other open sources (such as Arduino, Espressif, SparkFun, Seeed Studio, DFRobot, RandomNerds, etc.). These other sources may possibly be licensed using a different license model. In such a case I will include some notation of this. Typically I will include verbatim the license in the included/modified source code, but alternatively there might be a LICENSE file in the source code area that points out exceptions to the Apache 2.0 license.