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Releases: MasterJ93/ATProtoKit


04 Mar 00:03
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Version 0.25.2 includes the following changes:

  • When uploading videos, ATProtoBluesky.createPostRecord() will now check if the video size exceeds the current maximum amount.
  • Updated the documentation to reflect that fact that you can now upload videos that’s as large as 100 MB.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.


03 Mar 02:29
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Version 0.25.1 includes the following changes:

  • Changed all ATProtoBlueskyChat methods to use the session’s service endpoint as part of the request URL.
    • This fixes a bug where ATProtoKitBlueskyChat.listConversations would give out a 404 error.
    • Also fixed several decoding issues related to the method’s output.
  • Fixed an edge case where pdsURL may be nil at an inappropriate time. (Thanks, @aaronvegh!)
  • Fixed a decoding issue with AppBskyLexicon.Feed.GetPostThreadOutput.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.


28 Feb 21:21
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Version 0.25.0 includes the following changes:

  • Added support for the following in ATProtoBluesky:
    • Adding, editing, and deleting Postgate records.
    • Adding, editing, and deleting Threadgate records.
  • Moved the pdsURL argument from non-authentication and authentication optional methods into an argument within the ATProtoKit and ATProtoAdmin initializers.
    • This is to simply make things cleaner, as well as to give the lexicon generator less of a burden to deal with.
  • Improved how ATRecordTypeRegistry notifies methods of when recordRegistry is ready to be read.
  • Updated the lexicon models and methods from the latest lexicon changes in bluesky-social’s atproto library.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.


25 Feb 04:58
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Version 0.24.3 includes the following changes:

  • Updated the lexicon models and methods from the latest lexicon changes in bluesky-social’s atproto library.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.


24 Feb 00:32
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Version 0.24.2 includes the following changes:

  • Fixed a deadlocking bug in ATRecordTypeRegistry.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.


23 Feb 11:26
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Version 0.24.1 includes the following changes:

  • Fixed the sample code in the documentation and README.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.


23 Feb 10:57
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Version 0.24.0 includes the following changes:

  • Changes to ATRecordTypeRegistry:
    • Moved responsibility of checking the readiness of ATRecordTypeRegistry.recordRegistry from UnknownType to APIClientService.
    • Gave ATRecordTypeRegistry a singleton.
    • Removed static from recordRegistry.
    • Replaced initializers with the equivalent functions.
      • There is now only one private initializer.
    • Added a DispatchGroup property to ensure that reading and writing on recordRegistry doesn’t run at the same time.
    • Added an AsyncStream property to manage when the registry is ready.
    • Removed DispatchGroup.
  • Updated the lexicon models and methods with the latest changes from bluesky-social’s atproto repo.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.


21 Feb 18:38
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Version 0.23.9 includes the following changes:

  • Updated the lexicon models and methods with the latest changes from bluesky-social’s atproto repo.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.


20 Feb 10:31
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Version 0.23.8 includes the following changes:

  • Updated the lexicon models and methods with the latest changes from bluesky-social’s atproto repo.
    • Created a formatting rule about Int value formatting.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.


12 Feb 00:20
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Version 0.23.7 includes the following changes:

  • Updated the lexicon models and methods with the latest changes from bluesky-social’s atproto repo.

Once again, thank you for your support. Please give feedback, bug reports, and contributions if you have time. Consider starring this project if you find it helpful, and feel free to donate an amount that reflects the value it has brought to you. Your support helps ensure the continued development and improvement of this project. You can also speak to me on Bluesky ( for any questions.