A python package for working with the Portable Batch System (PBS) job scheduler.
See the documentation for more information.
from pbspy import Job, JobDescription
# Run a job with some explicit parameters
job_a = (
JobDescription(name="job_a", ncpus=4, mem="192GB", walltime="00:05:00")
.add_command(["echo", "A"])
# Submit another job that waits for job_a to finish
job_b = (
JobDescription(name="job_b", ncpus=1, walltime="00:05:00", afterok=[job_a])
.add_command(["echo", "B"])
# Get the result of the jobs
# result_a = job_a.result() # wait for job_a to finish and get result
(result_a, result_b) = Job.result_all(
[job_a, job_b]
) # wait for job_a and job_b to finish and get results
print("job_a:", result_a.output.strip())
print("job_b:", result_b.output.strip())
Output (partially executed):
✓ 124397435.gadi-pbs job_a
0:01:15 124397436.gadi-pbs job_b
Output (completed):
✓ 124397435.gadi-pbs job_a
✓ 124397436.gadi-pbs job_b
job_a: A
job_b: B
is licensed under the MIT License LICENSE or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.