Proffy is a platform to connect students with teachers.
- Node 16.20.2
- Yarn
- Expo
I recommend creating a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with another version of node and expo. You can use Python's virtualenv. If you don't want to it skip the next step.
If you have a problem on Windows with PowerShell execution policies: How to resolve it.
Run in the project root folder: Python3 -m venv venv
ative a venv . venv/bin/activate
install nodeenv pip install nodeenv
install the recommended node version nodeenv --node=16.20.2 node16
exit venv with deactivate
Activate the virtual environment in the project root folder with . node16/bin/activate
Install yarn npm install --global yarn
and install expo with yarn add expo
To exit the environment: deactivate_node
For the following commands, you must be in the node16 virtual environment. Then activate it from the project's root folder. node16/bin/activate
cd server
yarn install
yarn knex:migrate
yarn start
Web Esteja com o server rodando em outro terminal e em seguida :
cd web
yarn install
yarn start
Mobile You will need an emulator or run directly from your smartphone using the expo client for
You can run it directly from your smartphone using the Expo client for Android or iOS or with an emulator.
cd mobile
yarn install
yarn start