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Sign function native Rust
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MatthewDarnell committed Mar 1, 2024
1 parent 85f0fe4 commit 84834d5
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Showing 5 changed files with 126 additions and 64 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions api/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ pub mod response;
pub mod transfer;
extern crate crypto;
extern crate identity;
extern crate core;

use crypto::qubic_identities::get_public_key_from_identity;
use crate::header::{ EntityType, RequestResponseHeader };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,8 +111,10 @@ pub mod api_formatting_tests {
req.header.zero_dejavu(); //Dejavu is random 3 byte value
let bytes = req.as_bytes();
assert_eq!(bytes.len(), 68);
println!("{:?}", &bytes);
assert_eq!(bytes.len(), 40);
vec![68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, 69, 80, 89, 87, 68, 82, 69, 68, 78, 76, 72, 88, 79, 70, 89, 86, 71, 81, 85, 75, 80, 72, 74, 71, 79, 77, 80, 66, 83, 76, 68, 68, 71, 90, 68, 80, 75, 86, 81, 85, 77, 70, 88, 65, 73, 81, 89, 77, 90, 71, 69, 72, 80, 90, 84, 65, 65, 87, 79, 78]);
vec![40, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 170, 135, 62, 76, 253, 55, 228, 191, 82, 138, 42, 160, 30, 236, 239, 54, 84, 124, 153, 202, 170, 189, 27, 189, 247, 37, 58, 101, 176, 65, 119, 26]
45 changes: 25 additions & 20 deletions api/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
use std::ffi::c_uchar;
use identity::Identity;
use crypto::hash::k12_bytes;
use crypto::qubic_identities::{ get_subseed, get_public_key_from_identity };
use crypto::qubic_identities::{get_subseed, get_public_key_from_identity, sign_raw};
use logger::info;
extern {
//extern ECCRYPTO_STATUS SchnorrQ_Sign(const unsigned char* SecretKey, const unsigned char* PublicKey, const unsigned char* Message, const unsigned int SizeMessage, unsigned char* Signature);
fn sign(subseed: *const u8, publicKey: *const c_uchar, messageDigest: *const c_uchar, signature: *mut c_uchar);
//fn SchnorrQ_Sign(subseed: *const u8, publicKey: *const c_uchar, messageDigest: *const c_uchar, SizeMessage: u32, signature: *mut c_uchar);
fn getSubseed(seed: *const c_uchar, subseed: *mut c_uchar) -> bool;
//bool getSubseed(const unsigned char* seed, unsigned char* subseed)
//void sign(const unsigned char* subseed, const unsigned char* publicKey, const unsigned char* messageDigest, unsigned char* signature)

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TransferTransaction {
Expand All @@ -38,6 +28,7 @@ impl TransferTransaction {
Ok(pub_key) => pub_key,
Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err)
println!("{} -> {:?}", source_identity.identity.as_str(), &pub_key_src);
let pub_key_dest = match get_public_key_from_identity(&String::from(dest)) {
Ok(pub_key) => pub_key,
Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err)
Expand All @@ -56,14 +47,10 @@ impl TransferTransaction {
let digest: Vec<u8> = k12_bytes(&t.as_bytes_without_signature());
//let mut sub_seed: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let mut sub_seed: Vec<u8> = get_subseed(source_identity.seed.as_str()).expect("Failed To Get SubSeed!");
unsafe {
getSubseed(source_identity.seed.as_str().as_ptr(), sub_seed.as_mut_ptr());
let mut sig: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
unsafe {
sign(sub_seed.as_slice().as_ptr(), pub_key_src.as_ptr(), digest.as_ptr(), sig.as_mut_ptr());
//SchnorrQ_Sign(sub_seed.as_ptr(), pub_key_src.as_ptr(), digest.as_ptr(), 32, sig.as_mut_ptr());

sig = sign_raw(&sub_seed, &pub_key_src, digest.as_slice().try_into().unwrap());
println!("Signed Signature: {:?}", sig);
t._signature = sig.to_vec();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,9 +119,27 @@ impl TransferTransaction {
fn create_transfer() {
let id: Identity = Identity::new("lcehvbvddggkjfnokduyjuiyvkklrvrmsaozwbvjlzvgvfipqpnkkuf");
let t: TransferTransaction = TransferTransaction::from_vars(&id, "EPYWDREDNLHXOFYVGQUKPHJGOMPBSLDDGZDPKVQUMFXAIQYMZGEHPZTAAWON", 100, 100);
let expected: Vec<u8> = vec![170, 135, 62, 76, 253, 55, 228, 191, 82, 138, 42, 160, 30, 236, 239, 54, 84, 124, 153, 202, 170, 189, 27, 189, 247, 37, 58, 101, 176, 65, 119, 26, 170, 135, 62, 76, 253, 55, 228, 191, 82, 138, 42, 160, 30, 236, 239, 54, 84, 124, 153, 202, 170, 189, 27, 189, 247, 37, 58, 101, 176, 65, 119, 26, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 105, 55, 108, 214, 255, 246, 151, 81, 6, 214, 129, 65, 96, 14, 146, 66, 206, 140, 212, 149, 217, 230, 189, 217, 106, 16, 216, 3, 208, 51, 185, 179, 25, 89, 215, 168, 85, 62, 9, 204, 52, 238, 245, 199, 48, 2, 43, 52, 117, 72, 109, 119, 84, 236, 135, 240, 56, 179, 194, 36, 96, 124, 32, 0];
let t: TransferTransaction = TransferTransaction::from_vars(&id, "EPYWDREDNLHXOFYVGQUKPHJGOMPBSLDDGZDPKVQUMFXAIQYMZGEHPZTAAWON", 100, 80);
let expected: Vec<u8> = vec![
//source pub key: u32
170, 135, 62, 76, 253, 55, 228, 191, 82, 138, 42, 160, 30, 236, 239, 54, 84, 124, 153, 202, 170, 189, 27, 189, 247, 37, 58, 101, 176, 65, 119, 26,
//dest pub key: u32
170, 135, 62, 76, 253, 55, 228, 191, 82, 138, 42, 160, 30, 236, 239, 54, 84, 124, 153, 202, 170, 189, 27, 189, 247, 37, 58, 101, 176, 65, 119, 26,
//amount: u64
100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
//tick: u32
110, 0, 0, 0,
//input type: u16
0, 0,
//input size: u16
0, 0,
//signature: u64
179, 108, 100, 1, 209, 21, 45, 198, 110, 190, 137, 194, 107, 157, 36, 76, 124, 94, 142, 45, 125, 220, 238, 70, 17, 253, 181, 125, 147, 192, 126,
93, 7, 155, 196, 186, 185, 143, 220, 131, 215, 170, 241, 92, 83, 71, 181, 143, 107, 62, 90, 232, 10, 164, 55, 202, 24, 189, 84, 156, 203, 51, 27, 0

assert_eq!(t.as_bytes().as_slice(), expected.as_slice());


Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions crypto/src/fourq/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ use crate::{

fn addcarry_u64(c_in: u8, a: u64, b: u64, out: &mut u64) -> u8 {
pub fn addcarry_u64(c_in: u8, a: u64, b: u64, out: &mut u64) -> u8 {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
unsafe {
_addcarry_u64(c_in, a, b, out)
Expand All @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ fn addcarry_u64(c_in: u8, a: u64, b: u64, out: &mut u64) -> u8 {

fn subborrow_u64(b_in: u8, a: u64, b: u64, out: &mut u64) -> u8 {
pub fn subborrow_u64(b_in: u8, a: u64, b: u64, out: &mut u64) -> u8 {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
unsafe {
_subborrow_u64(b_in, a, b, out)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ pub fn fp2div1271(a: &mut F2elmT) {
let mut mask: u64;
let mut temp = [0u64; 2];

mask = 0 - (1 & a[0][0]);
mask = 0u64.wrapping_sub((1 & a[0][0]));
addcarry_u64(addcarry_u64(0, a[0][0], mask, &mut temp[0]), a[0][1], mask >> 1, &mut temp[1]);
a[0][0] = __shiftright128(temp[0], temp[1], 1);
a[0][1] = temp[1] >> 1;
Expand Down
97 changes: 94 additions & 3 deletions crypto/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@

mod fourq;

const A_LOWERCASE_ASCII: u8 = 97u8;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,9 +36,12 @@ pub mod hash {

pub mod qubic_identities {
use core::{ptr::copy_nonoverlapping, fmt::{Debug, Display}, str::FromStr};
use tiny_keccak::{Hasher, IntoXof, KangarooTwelve, Xof};
use crate::{A_LOWERCASE_ASCII, hash};
use hash::k12_bytes;
use crate::fourq::ops::{ecc_mul_fixed, encode};
use crate::fourq::ops::{addcarry_u64, ecc_mul_fixed, encode, montgomery_multiply_mod_order, subborrow_u64};
use crate::fourq::types::{PointAffine};

// fn getPublicKey(privateKey: *const u8, publicKey: *mut u8);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,9 +144,81 @@ pub mod qubic_identities {

pub fn sign_raw(subseed: &Vec<u8>, public_key: &[u8; 32], message_digest: [u8; 32]) -> [u8; 64] {

println!("Got Subseed: {:?}", subseed);
println!("Got Public Key: {:?}", public_key);
println!("Got Message Digest: {:?}", &message_digest);

let mut r_a = PointAffine::default();
let (mut k, mut h, mut temp) = ([0u8; 64], [0u8; 64], [0u8; 96]);
let mut r = [0u8; 64];

let mut kg = KangarooTwelve::new(b"");
kg.into_xof().squeeze(&mut k);

let mut signature = [0u8; 64];

unsafe {
copy_nonoverlapping(k.as_ptr().offset(32), temp.as_mut_ptr().offset(32), 32);
copy_nonoverlapping(message_digest.as_ptr(), temp.as_mut_ptr().offset(64), 32);

let mut kg = KangarooTwelve::new(b"");
let mut im = [0u8; 64];
kg.into_xof().squeeze(&mut im);

copy_nonoverlapping(im.as_ptr(), r.as_mut_ptr(), 64);
let k: [u64; 8] = k.chunks_exact(8).map(|c| u64::from_le_bytes(c.try_into().unwrap())).collect::<Vec<_>>().try_into().unwrap();
let mut r: [u64; 8] = r.chunks_exact(8).map(|c| u64::from_le_bytes(c.try_into().unwrap())).collect::<Vec<_>>().try_into().unwrap();
ecc_mul_fixed(&r, &mut r_a);

encode(&mut r_a, &mut signature);
let mut signature_i: [u64; 8] = signature.chunks_exact(8).map(|c| u64::from_le_bytes(c.try_into().unwrap())).collect::<Vec<_>>().try_into().unwrap();

copy_nonoverlapping(signature_i.as_ptr() as *mut u8, temp.as_mut_ptr(), 32);
copy_nonoverlapping(public_key.as_ptr(), temp.as_mut_ptr().offset(32), 32);

let mut kg = KangarooTwelve::new(b"");
kg.into_xof().squeeze(&mut h);

let mut h: [u64; 8] = h.chunks_exact(8).map(|c| u64::from_le_bytes(c.try_into().unwrap())).collect::<Vec<_>>().try_into().unwrap();
let r_i = r;
montgomery_multiply_mod_order(&r_i, &MONTGOMERY_R_PRIME, &mut r);
let r_i = r;
montgomery_multiply_mod_order(&r_i, &ONE, &mut r);
let h_i = h;
montgomery_multiply_mod_order(&h_i, &MONTGOMERY_R_PRIME, &mut h);
let h_i = h;
montgomery_multiply_mod_order(&h_i, &ONE, &mut h);
montgomery_multiply_mod_order(&k, &MONTGOMERY_R_PRIME, &mut signature_i[4..]);
let h_i = h;
montgomery_multiply_mod_order(&h_i, &MONTGOMERY_R_PRIME, &mut h);
let mut s_i = [0u64; 4];
montgomery_multiply_mod_order(&s_i, &h, &mut signature_i[4..]);
montgomery_multiply_mod_order(&s_i, &ONE, &mut signature_i[4..]);

if subborrow_u64(subborrow_u64(subborrow_u64(subborrow_u64(0, r[0], signature_i[4], &mut signature_i[4]), r[1], signature_i[5], &mut signature_i[5]), r[2], signature_i[6], &mut signature_i[6]), r[3], signature_i[7], &mut signature_i[7]) != 0 {
addcarry_u64(addcarry_u64(addcarry_u64(addcarry_u64(0, signature_i[4], CURVE_ORDER_0, &mut signature_i[4]), signature_i[5], CURVE_ORDER_1, &mut signature_i[5]), signature_i[6], CURVE_ORDER_2, &mut signature_i[6]),signature_i[7], CURVE_ORDER_3, &mut signature_i[7]);

signature = signature_i.into_iter().flat_map(u64::to_le_bytes).collect::<Vec<_>>().try_into().unwrap();

pub mod qubic_identity_primitive_tests {
use crate::qubic_identities::{get_identity, get_private_key, get_public_key, get_public_key_from_identity, get_subseed};
use crate::hash::k12_bytes;
use crate::qubic_identities::{get_identity, get_private_key, get_public_key, get_public_key_from_identity, get_subseed, sign_raw};
fn get_a_subseed() {
let seed = "lcehvbvddggkjfnokduyjuiyvkklrvrmsaozwbvjlzvgvfipqpnkkuf";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,6 +263,23 @@ pub mod qubic_identities {

assert_eq!(public_key, pub_key_from_id)

fn test_sign_a_message() {
let seed = "lcehvbvddggkjfnokduyjuiyvkklrvrmsaozwbvjlzvgvfipqpnkkuf";
let message: [u8; 32] = [1; 32];
let digest = k12_bytes(&message.to_vec());
let subseed = get_subseed(seed).unwrap();
let private_key = get_private_key(&subseed);
let public_key = get_public_key(&private_key);
let identity = get_identity(&public_key);
let pub_key_from_id = get_public_key_from_identity(&identity).unwrap();
let result = sign_raw(&subseed, &public_key, <[u8; 32]>::try_from(digest.as_slice()).expect("Failed!"));
println!("{:?}", result);
assert_eq!(public_key, pub_key_from_id)


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35 changes: 0 additions & 35 deletions network/src/bin/

This file was deleted.

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