This repository contains small scripts I have created.
Copyright (c) Matthew David Miller. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.
7z Batch Compress - Powershell script to batch compress files and folders to a 7z archive.
Batch Process Hard Links - Simple script to make hard links of all files from where the script is run from.
Get File Hashes - PowerShell script to get the hash of a file.
Printer Restart - Script to restart print spooler and clear temporary files from the spooler.
Robocopy Backup - Script to copy a directory to another location.
Run PowerShell Scripts - Script to run a PowerShell script without modifying the execution policy of the device.
Tar Batch Process Files - Places all folders in a tar archive from where the script is run from.
View Hard Links - Simple script to see all the hard links of files from where the script is run from.
WSL Restart - Simple script to restart Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Apt Package Updates - A bash script to update the packages on Debian based distros.
Backup Configs - A bash script to tar the /etc and /home directory. Used to automate backing up config files.
Delete Logs - Simple python script to delete some logs files after going over a certain size.
Email IP Address - A simple python script to send an email with the ip address of the device that ran the script.
Send Email - Python script to send out an email.
Email on VPN Connections - A bash script that checks the openvpn log file for a certain keyword and sends out an email.
Log Rotate - A bash script to configure log rotate.
Network Reconnect - A bash script that restarts a network interface if it can't ping the gateway.
Rsync Backups - Bash script to backup files with rsync.
Updates - Python script to update packages with the apt-get package manager.