The purpose of this project is to manage any can network, the data flowing throught it, its serialization/deserialization and the interactions with the bus itself
CAN CICD was born to solve the many issues regarding the CAN network arised from Formula SAE design competition.
This project fixes the following problems:
- Lack of a single source of truth for the CAN network description (hassle-free alternative to DBC files)
- Human error during the development (deserialization errors, wrong bitrate, etc.)
- Desynchronization between different nodes (ie. a message id has changed and the developer forgot to update the code)
- Message loss due to conflicting ids or wrong id priority
- Lack of visual representation of message definitions, useful during the development process
- Network description format:
- json-based, simple, hassle-free and powerful
- single source of truth
- Automatic message ids generation:
- accounts for priority assigning lower ids to higher priority messages
- ids can be filtered by masking the least significant bits and filtering by topic
- generation of masks and filters based on the concept of topic, filter by the topics that your device has interest in
- Automatic source code generation for c, c++, python and javascript:
- serialization/deserialization code generation with zero-copy zero-overhead
- header files with constants and types
- header files with can configiration such as bitrate, frequency, etc.
- Spreadsheet generation:
- visual representation of the can networks with messages payloads, ids, topics, etc.
📂 project root
├ 📂 id_generator
├ 📂 naked_generator
├ 📂 includes_generator
└ 📂 sheet_generator
- Fork this template repo
- Commit your customized network config files under 📂 networks
- Push your commits on GitHub, sit back, relax and the actions will do the rest!
- Once finished a release will be generated, and you will find your freshly baked assets as release files. For usability the same files will be present under the branch build
Each network should have its own folder and files as shown below:
📂 project root
└:open_file_folder: networks
└:open_file_folder: [network name]
├:page_with_curl: network.json
└:page_with_curl: canconfig.json
This file similarly to the DBC format contains the full network definition in a custom json format
The json structure is as follows:
"network_version": decimal,
"max_payload_size": integer,
"custom_types": {
"type1_name": {
"base_type": string,
"type2_name": {
"base_type": string,
"messages": [
"name": string,
"topic": string,
"priority": integer,
"sending": [ string ],
"receiving": [ string ],
"contents": {
"field_name": "type",
"field2_name": "type",
, ... ]
Description and constraints you have to follow:
Keywords used:
- Required: this field must be present
- Required by: indicates that the field must be present if the specified submodule is used
- Used by: indicates that the field can either be present or omitted and that is used by the specified submodule
- Not required: the field can be omitted
"name": string
This field must be unique for each message, and should contain only UPPERCASE letters and "_"
"topic": string
Required by: id_generator
This field can be the same across at most 64 messages, meaning a topic can contain at most 64 messages.
The characters you should use are all UPPERCASE letters and "_", additionally it can't be named FIXED_IDS as it is
a reserved topic used internally.
Messages should be subdivided in topics keeping in mind that the topic will be used by CAN devices to discriminate
whether a message is interesting or not.
"priority": int
Required by: id_generator
This field can can be an integer from 0 to 7, the higher the value the more important the message. You can have at most 8 messages with the same combination of priority and topic, if you have more you must create a new topic or assign a different priority to some of them.
"sending": [string]
Not required.
This field indicates the sending device(s), can be more than one.
The characters you should use are all UPPERCASE letters and "_".
If there is more than one sending device insert each one as a different array element.
If there is only one sending device use an array with a single element.
"receiving": [string]
Not required.
This field indicates the receiving device(s), can be more than one.
The characters you should use are all UPPERCASE letters and "_".
If there is more than one receiving device insert each one as a different array element.
If there is only one receiving device use an array with a single element.
"description": string
Used by: includes-generator
This field contains a description for the message, the description will be included as a comment in the generated files.
"contents": {
"field_name_1": "type",
"field_name_2": "type",
Required by: naked_generator
This field describes the message's payload, can be left empty. The overall size can be at most 8 bytes.
Each value contained in the payload must be indicated with its name and its type.
The field name must satisfy this regex: ^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$
The type can be one of the following:
- 1 byte:
bool, int8, uint8
- 2 bytes:
int16, uint16
- 4 bytes:
int32, uint32, float32
- 8 bytes:
int64, uint64, float64
In addition you may also use an enum
which has a size of 1 byte:
"contents": {
"field1_name": ["ITEM1", "ITEM2", ...] // Concise syntax
"Enum_name: field2_name": ["ITEM1", "ITEM2", ...] // Complete syntax
The complete syntax describes the enum type name and the actual field name.
Enum name must start with an Uppercase letter and may contain lowercase letters,
numbers and "_".
Enum type name and field name must be separated by ": ".
In the concise version you don't need to specify the enum's name as it will be created internally
by capitalizing the field name's first letter.
field1_name: [...]
will result in an enum called Field1_name
If the same enum (same name, same items) is used multiple times within the same message or across different messages it will be represented with a single enum type, however items differences will result in an error.
This file contains the parameters required by can devices to properly connect and communicate with the network,
such as the clock frequency and the bitrate.
The json structure is as follows:
"canconfig_version": integer,
"canconfig": {
"peripheral_clk_mhz": integer,
"pref_sample_point_pct": decimal,
"sync_jump_width": integer,
"config_table": {
"bit_rate_kbps": integer,
"pre_scaler": integer,
"time_quanta_amount": integer,
"seg1": integer,
"seg2": integer,
"sample_point_pct": decimal
Description and constraints you have to follow:
Follow the steps described here and use the newly forked repo as a submodule for your projects, the branch build will contain the generated files.
Alternatively you can manually download the assets from the generated release page.