In this section, functions originated from the pandas library are defined and syntax is provided.
Import pandas as pd
DatasetName = pd.read_excel(Pathname, sheet_name=sheet, skiprows=number)
- Can also specify specific sheets to work within or number of rows to skip for subsetting
DatasetName[ColumnName] = DatasetName[ColumnName].transform(lambda x: '{:,.2%}'.format(x))
DatatsetName = DatasetName.rename(columns={DatasetName.columns[column#]: NewName})
NewDatasetName= DatasetName.loc[DatasetName[ColumnName] == string parameter]
DatasetName = DatasetName[DatesetName[ColumnName] > Parameter]
- Logical operator can be changed (<,=,!=,>=) and parameter can also be boolean expression (True, False) or a string
DatasetName = DatasetName.loc[DatasetName[ColumnName].idxmax()]
Here are definitions and syntax for functions originating from the datetime library
Import datetime as datetime
date_obj = datetime.strptime(datename,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
formatted_date = date_obj.strftime("%m/%d")
- Can specify between %m, %d, %Y, %b, %B and others when formatting dates depending on desired outcome
When composing emails, here is how the HTML tags used operate
<h4> </h4>
- Can alsp specify h3,h2,h1 to achieve larger headers
<p> </p>
<u> </u>
<b> </b>
<ul> </ul>
<li> </li>
Below are definitions and syntax for all custom functions created throughout the scripts.
def up_down(str):
index = str.find('-')
if index == -1:
- up_down is used to print the string either “up” or “down” depending on if the percentage change is either positive or negative
def sim(str1,str2,num2):
if str1 == str2:
return(""" and in Unique Listeners with """ + human_format(num2) + """ during""")
return(""", while <u>""" + str2 + """</u> set a new historic record for Unique Listeners with """ + human_format(num2) + """ during""")
- sim is used to to determine if the given podcast reached a new historical high in unique listeners and outputs the proper HTML code
def FBNHelp(str1,str2):
index1 = str1.find('-')
index2 = str2.find('-')
if index1 == -1 and index2 == -1:
return("""<u> The Fox Business Hourly Report </u> saw an increase in both Unique Downloads and Unique Listeners in """)
elif index1 == -1 and index2 != -1:
return(""" <u> The Fox Business Hourly Report </u> saw an increase in Unique Downloads but a decrease in Unique Listeners in """)
elif index1 != -1 and index2 == -1:
return(""" <u> The Fox Business Hourly Report </u> saw a decrease in Unique Downloads but a increase in Unique Listeners in """)
return(""" <u> The Fox Business Hourly report </u> saw a decrease in both Unique Downloads and Unique Listeners in """)
- FBNHelp determines is the Fox Business Hourly Update increased/decreased in unique downloads and unique listeners and outputs the proper HTML code
def QuarterEndHelp(NumDown, NumList, PerDown, PerList):
index1 = PerDown.find('-')
index2 = PerList.find('-')
if index1 == -1 and index2 == -1:
return("""Unique Downloads and Unique Listeners were up vs. the prior quarter with """ + human_format(NumDown) + """ Unique Downloads, and """ + human_format(NumList) + """ Unique Listeners""")
elif index1 == -1 and index2 != -1:
return("""Unique Downloads were up vs. the prior quarter with """ + human_format(NumDown) + """ downloads, while Unique Listeners were down vs. the prior quarter with """ + human_format(NumList) + """ listeners""")
elif index1 != -1 and index2 == -1:
return("""Unique Listeners were up vs. the prior quarter with """ + human_format(NumList) + """ listeners, while Unique Downloads were down vs. the prior quarter with """ + human_format(NumDown) + """ downloads""")
return("""Unique Downloads and Unique Listeners were down vs. the prior quarter with """ + human_format(NumDown) + """ Unique Downloads, and """ + human_format(NumList) + """ Unique Listeners """)
- QuarterEndHelp1 has similar functionality to the FBNHelp but inputs are total unique downloads and unique listeners from current and past quarter
def whichQ(date):
indexQ3 = date.find('March')
indexQ4 = date.find('June')
indexQ1 = date.find('September')
indexQ2 = date.find('December')
if indexQ3 != -1:
elif indexQ4 != -1:
elif indexQ1 != -1:
elif indexQ2 != -1:
- WhichQ is used to determine the current quarter for the report and converts it to a string to be printed in HTML code
def QuarterEnd(date):
index = date.find('March')
index1 = date.find('June')
index2 = date.find('September')
index3 = date.find('December')
if index == -1 and index1 == -1 and index2 == -1 and index3 == -1:
return("""<h4 style="font-weight: normal;">For the month of """ + str(Date['Date'].iloc[0]) + """, below are key takeaways from Fox News and Fox Business podcast performance. Please let me know if you have any questions. </h4>
<p style = "margin-bottom:0;">Thanks!</p>
<p style = "margin :0; padding-top:0;">Kayla</p>""")
return("""<h4 style="font-weight: normal;">Attached are key takeaways and Quarter-End highlights for month end (""" + date + """) and quarter-end (""" + whichQ(date) + """). Please let me know if you have any questions.</h4>
<p style = "margin-bottom:0;">Thanks!</p>
<p style = "margin :0; padding-top:0;">Kayla</p>""")
- QuarterEnd and QuarterEnd1 are used to format email with proper HTML code if it is the end of a quarter
- Make sure to update any lines that contain FYxx Qx to contain proper year and quarter (i.e line 83, line 228)
def human_format(num):
num = float('{:.3g}'.format(num))
magnitude = 0
while abs(num) >= 1000:
magnitude += 1
num /= 1000.0
return '{}{}'.format('{:f}'.format(num).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'), ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T'][magnitude])
- human_format creates a format to convert the numerics of the report to specify if it is in the Thousands, millions etc.
def check_up_down(str1,str2):
if str1 == str2:
return("and ")
return("but ")
- check_up_down prints "and" or "but" in email depending on values of parameters
- Need to manually sort Total, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Interactions in Excel sheet
def difference(prev, curr):
return(abs(curr - prev))
- difference is used to determine how many spots an ranking has changed
def rise_drop(prev, curr):
if prev > curr:
return("""moved down """ + str(difference(prev,curr)) + """ spots to #""" + str(curr))
elif prev == curr:
return("""remained in the """ + str(curr) + """spot""")
return("""moved up """ + str(difference(prev,curr)) + """ spots to #""" + str(curr))
- rise_drop returns proper html code depending on whether or not a ranking has increased or decreased