I'm a student from Germany with a long-standing interest in programming and technology. Beyond my passion for computer science and software engineering, I enjoy going to the gym, reading, cycling, walking my dog, and traveling.
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 👨🏻💻 I’m currently working on something cool
- 🚀 I’m currently learning IoT
- ❤ I love Bots, Minimalism, 90fps, Fast Internet 🥴
- 💬 Ask me about anything on Discord, I am happy to help
- ⚡ Fun fact: I spend almost 12 hours listening songs everyday.
From: 02 September 2023 - To: 01 November 2024
Total Time: 474 hrs 12 mins
TypeScript 106 hrs 29 mins >>>>>>------------------- 22.36 %
Markdown 88 hrs 45 mins >>>>>-------------------- 18.64 %
Java 87 hrs 31 mins >>>>>-------------------- 18.38 %
Rust 74 hrs 29 mins >>>>--------------------- 15.64 %
C# 58 hrs 5 mins >>>---------------------- 12.20 %
JSON 19 hrs 38 mins >------------------------ 04.12 %
TOML 5 hrs 41 mins ------------------------- 01.20 %
Text 4 hrs 50 mins ------------------------- 01.02 %
YAML 4 hrs 25 mins ------------------------- 00.93 %
CSS 3 hrs 30 mins ------------------------- 00.74 %