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Releases: McUsr/FB

Updated documentation

04 Feb 12:11
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Documentation and install script are updated.
Most noteworthy is the section on sudo in and that there should be no doubt about which version the documents are for.

And, best of all, I think this will lead to a new repackaging of the source files.

v.0.0.3 Bug fixes and refactoring.

04 Feb 01:03
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Found some bugs, when I refactored the code, preparing for implementing the periodic backup jobs.
There was one concerning creation of visible folder names from invisible folders (dot folders) when restoring a backup.
There were also a logic error, with regards to the destruction of the folder, containing the folder containing the backup in '/tmp'.
The documentation is also updated.

Folder Backup Version 0.0.2 command line tools

02 Feb 00:20
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This Folder Backup System are tailor made for users of Linux/Debian containers under ChromeOs with access to a Google Disk with space enough to make use of it as a a backup media for compressed tar files of folders.

This is a first release of the Folder Backup system, that consists of various backup schemes for taking periodical backups, and that is highly, and easily customizeable. This initial release, consists of the part of the system for taking spontaneous backups of folders from the command line, and the tool to restore them easily.

Those backups are placed in a parallel structure to the periodical backups on the Google Disk, so all backups are in one place, and easy to drill down to find, from the command line, and 'Filer', which lets you mount tar.gz files, and watch the contents in Filer, making it easy to copy a file from an archive and paste it into your Linux container. It works for me, when I need to!

The routines can handle invisible folders, and folders everywhere on your disk, and lets you specify exclude folders or patterns in an exclude file, that is valid for that folder.