Simple module to validate the request to the backend
- this module can be integrated to all libraries internal for MecuateAstrophytum with minimal impact
- this module uses JWT token lib
- this module is intended to be used whithin GO version 18.1.x
go get
provides method to validate a users jwt token based on the custom claims, determine user permissions on server service app and returns validation functions to the main app.
type MecuateClaimsResponse struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
Realms RealmPermissions `json:"realms"`
Audience []string `json:"audience"`
Valid bool `json:"valid"`
Lifetime string `json:"lifetime"`
Id string `json:"user_id"`
Trace string `json:"trace_id"`
authorized, claims := auth.Authorized(w, r)
bool_value := claims.Realms.Read().{service_name}
bool_value := claims.Realms.Create().{service_name}
bool_value := claims.Realms.Update().{service_name}
bool_value := claims.Realms.Delete().{service_name}