Alexander, 18 years old, is a student of a technical school and university. I have been learning to program in various languages using various technologies since I was 14 years old. I program in Python most of all.
- Studying at Yandex Lyceum for industrial programming in Python (2021 - 2023)
- Studying at Moscow Instrument Engineering College (2022 - present)
- Studying at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (2023 - present)
- Python / Flask, Telegram Bots
- Data Analytics / Data Science
- C# / WPF, ASP.NET, Unity
- C++ / Arduino
- Java / Android
- T-SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL
- HTML, CSS, JS / React
- Solidity
- Blender
- Testing
- Mention Bot - A bot for mentioning users in telegram chats.
- Book tracker - This is a desktop application written in PyQt5, in which you can track the books you have read graphically, as well as add quotes.