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Welcome to the VESS wiki!
Angular official documentation
Angular 4.0.0 release notes
Ionic documentation
Ionic 3 release notes
Guide : How to update to Ionic 3
- Read the installation instructions in the Native docs
- Add the plugin to app.module.ts (Instructions)
Mobile App Development with Ionic 2: Cross-Platform Apps with Ionic 2, Angular 2, and Cordova (release date jan. 2017)
Building Mobile Apps with Ionic 2 (Un bon livre à mon avis)
Lien qui mène vers les livres Ionic 2 -> voir livre qui sort en octobre
Introduction to lists
Simple guide to navigation
Splash screen & Icon
The source image’s minimum dimensions should be 2208x2208 px, and its artwork should be centered within the square, knowing that each generated image will be center cropped into landscape and portrait images. The splash screen’s artwork should roughly fit within a center square (1200x1200 px).
Ionic2 Native Camera
See also : cordova-plugin-camera for more details
Tutorial : 10 minutes with ionic 2 using the camera with ionic-native
"The Complete Ionic 2 Images Guide (Capture, Store & Upload)"
Native File documentation (eg. for saving taken pictures)\
Where to store files
: file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.ionicframework.vessXXXXXX/files ; visible by file managers.
: store to the root of the internal memory (=! SD card); visible by file managers.
Ngx-translate (GitHub)
Ngx-translate (Ionic docs)
A tutorial
Difference between translate.get and translate.instant
Angular-translate, another Angular translation module
Variable replacement
Ionic2 docs - Modals
Alex Disler - Modals in Ionic2
Ionic Storage documentation on GitHub (more complete that the 'official doc' below)
Storage (Ionic docs)
no more 'query' in Storage - reply from devs
Saving data in Ionic2 (Josh Morony)
How to use PouchDB + SQLite in Ionic2
Use SQLite in Ionic2
Email composer
Email composer official project page
ionic serve -c
: launch in browser, -c
(--consolelogs) to show logs also in console.
ionic emulate android|ios
ionic cordova run android|ios
There's apparently no automatic way to update plugins, nor a command to update all at once.
First, to show the current versions of the installed plugins : cordova plugin
Remove the plugin we want to update : cordova plugin rm __cordova-plugin-name__
Install the latest version : cordova plugin add __cordova-plugin-name__
Coding guidelines
Do's and Dont's
Rename a folder : git mv <oldname> <new name>
Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository : git gc
Resetting, Checking-out and Reverting
Markdown Cheat Sheet : https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
EZ Gif
Settings used : 320 x AUTO, 10 FPS