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This Drupal module provides a tool to build a chat bot to work on Facebook's Messenger Platform


Apache-2.0 and 2 other licenses found

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Press minus + shift + s and return to chop/fold long lines!

Show folder content: ls -la


Do not put (external) dependencies in version control!


See where Git is located: which git

Get the version of Git: git --version

Create an alias (shortcut) for git status: git config --global status

Help: git help


Initialize Git: git init

Get everything ready to commit: git add .

Get custom file ready to commit: git add index.html

Commit changes: git commit -m "Message"

Commit changes with title and description: git commit -m "Title" -m "Description..."

Add and commit in one step: git commit -am "Message"

Remove files from Git: git rm index.html

Update all changes: git add -u

Remove file but do not track anymore: git rm --cached index.html

Move or rename files: git mv index.html dir/index_new.html

Undo modifications (restore files from latest commited version): git checkout -- index.html

Restore file from a custom commit (in current branch): git checkout 6eb715d -- index.html


Go back to commit: git revert 073791e7dd71b90daa853b2c5acc2c925f02dbc6

Soft reset (move HEAD only; neither staging nor working dir is changed): git reset --soft 073791e7dd71b90daa853b2c5acc2c925f02dbc6

Undo latest commit: git reset --soft HEAD~

Mixed reset (move HEAD and change staging to match repo; does not affect working dir): git reset --mixed 073791e7dd71b90daa853b2c5acc2c925f02dbc6

Hard reset (move HEAD and change staging dir and working dir to match repo): git reset --hard 073791e7dd71b90daa853b2c5acc2c925f02dbc6

Hard reset of a single file (@ is short for HEAD): git checkout @ -- index.html

Update & Delete

Test-Delete untracked files: git clean -n

Delete untracked files (not staging): git clean -f

Unstage (undo adds): git reset HEAD index.html

Update most recent commit (also update the commit message): git commit --amend -m "New Message"


Show branches: git branch

Create branch: git branch branchname

Change to branch: git checkout branchname

Create and change to new branch: git checkout -b branchname

Rename branch: git branch -m branchname new_branchname or: git branch --move branchname new_branchname

Show all completely merged branches with current branch: git branch --merged

Delete merged branch (only possible if not HEAD): git branch -d branchname or: git branch --delete branchname

Delete not merged branch: git branch -D branch_to_delete


True merge (fast forward): git merge branchname

Merge to master (only if fast forward): git merge --ff-only branchname

Merge to master (force a new commit): git merge --no-ff branchname

Stop merge (in case of conflicts): git merge --abort

Stop merge (in case of conflicts): git reset --merge // prior to v1.7.4

Undo local merge that hasn't been pushed yet: git reset --hard origin/master

Merge only one specific commit: git cherry-pick 073791e7

Rebase: git checkout branchname » git rebase master or: git merge master branchname (The rebase moves all of the commits in master onto the tip of branchname.)

Cancel rebase: git rebase --abort

Squash multiple commits into one: git rebase -i HEAD~3 (source)

Squash-merge a feature branch (as one commit): git merge --squash branchname (commit afterwards)


Put in stash: git stash save "Message"

Show stash: git stash list

Show stash stats: git stash show stash@{0}

Show stash changes: git stash show -p stash@{0}

Use custom stash item and drop it: git stash pop stash@{0}

Use custom stash item and do not drop it: git stash apply stash@{0}

Use custom stash item and index: git stash apply --index

Create branch from stash: git stash branch new_branch

Delete custom stash item: git stash drop stash@{0}

Delete complete stash: git stash clear

Gitignore & Gitkeep


Useful templates:

Add or edit gitignore: nano .gitignore

Track empty dir: touch dir/.gitkeep


Show commits: git log

Show oneline-summary of commits: git log --oneline

Show oneline-summary of commits with full SHA-1: git log --format=oneline

Show oneline-summary of the last three commits: git log --oneline -3

Show only custom commits: git log --author="Sven" git log --grep="Message" git log --until=2013-01-01 git log --since=2013-01-01

Show only custom data of commit: git log --format=short git log --format=full git log --format=fuller git log --format=email git log --format=raw

Show changes: git log -p

Show every commit since special commit for custom file only: git log 6eb715d.. index.html

Show changes of every commit since special commit for custom file only: git log -p 6eb715d.. index.html

Show stats and summary of commits: git log --stat --summary

Show history of commits as graph: git log --graph

Show history of commits as graph-summary: git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate


Compare modified files: git diff

Compare modified files and highlight changes only: git diff --color-words index.html

Compare modified files within the staging area: git diff --staged

Compare branches: git diff master..branchname

Compare branches like above: git diff --color-words master..branchname^

Compare commits: git diff 6eb715d git diff 6eb715d..HEAD git diff 6eb715d..537a09f

Compare commits of file: git diff 6eb715d index.html git diff 6eb715d..537a09f index.html

Compare without caring about spaces: git diff -b 6eb715d..HEAD or: git diff --ignore-space-change 6eb715d..HEAD

Compare without caring about all spaces: git diff -w 6eb715d..HEAD or: git diff --ignore-all-space 6eb715d..HEAD

Useful comparings: git diff --stat --summary 6eb715d..HEAD

Blame: git blame -L10,+1 index.html

Releases & Version Tags

Show all released versions: git tag

Show all released versions with comments: git tag -l -n1

Create release version: git tag v1.0.0

Create release version with comment: git tag -a v1.0.0 -m 'Message'

Checkout a specific release version: git checkout v1.0.0


Show remote: git remote

Show remote details: git remote -v

Add remote upstream from GitHub project: git remote add upstream

Add remote upstream from existing empty project on server: git remote add upstream ssh://root@

Fetch: git fetch upstream

Fetch a custom branch: git fetch upstream branchname:local_branchname

Merge fetched commits: git merge upstream/master

Remove origin: git remote rm origin

Show remote branches: git branch -r

Show all branches (remote and local): git branch -a

Create and checkout branch from a remote branch: git checkout -b local_branchname upstream/remote_branchname

Compare: git diff origin/master..master

Push (set default with -u): git push -u origin master

Push: git push origin master

Force-Push: `git push origin master --force

Pull: git pull

Pull specific branch: git pull origin branchname

Fetch a pull request on GitHub by its ID and create a new branch: git fetch upstream pull/ID/head:new-pr-branch

Clone to localhost: git clone or: git clone ssh://

Clone to localhost folder: git clone ~/dir/folder

Clone specific branch to localhost: git clone -b branchname

Clone with token authentication (in CI environment): git clone https://oauth2:<token>

Delete remote branch (push nothing): git push origin :branchname or: git push origin --delete branchname


Create a zip-archive: git archive --format zip --output master

Export/write custom log to a file: git log --author=sven --all > log.txt


Ignore files that have already been committed to a Git repository:


Hide Git on the web via .htaccess: RedirectMatch 404 /\.git (more info here:

Large File Storage


Install: brew install git-lfs

Track *.psd files: git lfs track "*.psd" (init, add, commit and push as written above)

testing doc

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<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="" nonce="pAL1iXXD"></script>

Yadi te AMAMOS Feliz Cumpleaños!!! 😍💓❤💓❤💓😍

se que nunca veras esto porque no te import mis Projectos

git add .

Adds the file to your local repository and stages it for commit. 'received_231163335341842.jpeg'

git commit -m "received_231163335341842.jpeg"

commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository. To remove this commit and modify. # the file, use 'git reset --soft HEAD~1' and commit and add the file again.

git push origin YOUR_BRANCH

pushes the changes in your local repository up to the remote repository you specified as the origin

<script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '{your-app-id}', cookie : true, xfbml : true, version : '{api-version}' }); FB.AppEvents.logPageView(); }; (function(d, s, id){ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); </script>Copy Code

Deploy Jekyll with GitHub Pages dependencies preinstalled Deploy static content to Pages

<script async src="" data-telegram-login="Fbapp_bot" data-size="large" data-onauth="onTelegramAuth(user)" data-request-access="write"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function onTelegramAuth(user) { alert('Logged in as ' + user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name + ' (' + + (user.username ? ', @' + user.username : '') + ')'); } </script>

This Drupal module provides a tool to build a chat bot to work on Facebook's Messenger Platform.


  • Drupal 8
  • PHP 5.6 or greater
  • Facebook App and Page


  1. Enable the fb_messenger_bot module.
  2. Visit /admin/config/fb-messenger and enter a custom value for the Facebook Verify Token (save the configuration).
  3. Complete steps 1-4 outlined in Facebook's quickstart documentation including the copying of the page access token in step 3 (note: this module sets up the webhook at /webhook/contact).
  4. Return to /admin/config/fb-messenger and paste the page access token into the Facebook Page Access Token field (save the configuration).
  5. Clear caches.
  6. Visit the Facebook page your app is subscribed to and send it a message. You should receive a response from the bot!

Customizing your bot

Note: You can use the demo_fb_messenger_bot folder as a starting point or reference.

  1. In a custom module, create a custom workflow by creating a class that extends the FBMessengerBotWorkflow class.
  2. Modify the fb_messenger_bot.workflow service to use your custom workflow by creating a class that extends ServiceProviderBase and implements the alter() method (documentation from d.o.).

Supported message types

As of right now, this module can handle sending text, button, generic, and video messages from Facebook's Send API.

Text message

$textMessage =  new TextMessage('Hello world!');

Button message

$buttonMessage = new ButtonMessage(
    new PostbackButton('Next Step', 'buttonMessage_Next'),
    new UrlButton('URL Button', '');

Video message

$videoMessage = new VideoMessage('');


The meat of a workflow resides in its steps. Each step is an object responsible for providing the workflow with a human readable name (see Roadmap), machine name, and message(s) to send the user. In addition to those basics, steps need to indicate what the next step to go to in the workflow based on a user's response. Lastly, steps should provide a validation callback which will be invoked to validate the user's response to the step, as well as an invalid response message, which will be sent to the user in the event that the callback returns false.

Instantiating a step in your workflow

$messageToSend = array(new TextMessage('You ugly!'));

// Set step welcoming user to conversation.
$welcomeStep = new BotWorkflowStep($humanReadableName, $stepMachineName, $messageToSend);

Adding response handlers

As mentioned above, every step needs to indicate the next step to go to based on a user's response to that step. This is achieved with response handlers.

    '*' => array(
      'handlerMessage' => NULL,
      'goto' => 'builtABot',

In the example above, we indicate that regardless of what the user sends us (the asterisk), we want to proceed to the step in the workflow with machine name 'builtABot'. By indicating 'NULL' for the handlerMessage, we are saying we want to send whatever message text is configured in the builtABot step. If we want to override that behavior, we can simply set the handlerMessage value to be an array of messages(s) of type MessageInterface.

If you sent out a message with buttons, and want to route a user to different steps depending on which button they clicked, you would achieve that using response handlers:

$builtStep = new BotWorkflowStep('Built A Bot', 'builtABot',
  new ButtonMessage('Glad you stopped by for a chat. Have you ever built a chat bot?',
      new PostbackButton('Yep!', 'builtABot_Yes'),
      new PostbackButton("Nope!", 'builtABot_No'),

    'builtABot_Yes' => array(
      'handlerMessage' => NULL,
      'goto' => 'veteranBuilder',
    'builtABot_No' => array(
      'handlerMessage' => NULL,
      'goto' => 'neverBuilt',

Step validation

Often times, you'll want to collect some sort of information from the user that requires validation prior to saving it. The module ships with a few validation callbacks you can use, but you're free to override them, and/or implement your own. These include:

  • text message (ensure the user sent text)
  • postback (ensure the user clicked one of the buttons you sent them)
  • zip code
  • e-mail
  • phone number (U.S.)
$validationFunction = $this->getTextMessageValidatorFunction();
$invalidResponse = $this->getGenericValidationFailMessage();


Documentation Improvements

Add documentation on:

  • starting over a conversation
  • fetching and storing a user's info from Facebook
  • pre and post conversation process methods
  • handling trolling users

Enhancements and hopes

We'd love to:

  • Refactor as much of the code as possible to be usable in a general PHP context, outside of Drupal.
  • Convert objects to be Drupal entities where appropriate. Refactoring steps to being config entities, for example, would allow for configuration of steps by an admin.
  • Support multiple workflows (e.g. you could have a intro workflow with certain steps and then transition a user to a gather contact info workflow with a different set of steps etc.)
  • See you all fork and contribute to the module! (It would be great to see someone from the community polish the code and contribute it to




This Drupal module provides a tool to build a chat bot to work on Facebook's Messenger Platform



Apache-2.0 and 2 other licenses found

Licenses found


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