I’m a Back-End Developer with expertise in Python, C++, and web development frameworks like Django and Flask. Working on my specialization in AI, NLP, and cross-platform development.
Visit my personal website for more details about my work.
- Languages: Python, C++
- Frameworks: Django, Flask, JUCE
- AI & Machine Learning: NLP, spaCy, NLTK
- Web Development: Responsive design, REST APIs, scalable architecture
- Remote Jobs App: Explore companies offering remote jobs (Flask, SQLAlchemy).
- MovieRanker: Filter and rank movies using TMDB API (Django, TMDB).
- Audio Transcription: Convert audio to text using Python libraries.
- Chatbot Repository: Chatbot prototype for audio and gaming applications.
- PCOptimizerAI: AI-driven system optimization tool for PC resources.
- Morse Code Translator: SwiftUI app translating text to Morse code.