GeoSPARQL Compliance Benchmark integrated into the HOBBIT Platform
Easy to use Gatsby Theme to create documentation websites ⚡️🔥
Learning Vim and Vimscript doesn't have to be hard. This is the guide that you're looking for 📖
A rework of app-mu-info, a service that displays information about known microservices
A collection of RDF libraries for JavaScript
A replacement for the Connective Plugin which is used on several websites to log in or sign documents using a card reader and an electronic identity card.
Integration for Home Assistant to fetch day ahead energy prices from European countries via ENTSO-e Transparency Platform
emhass: Energy Management for Home Assistant, is a Python module designed to optimize your home energy interfacing with Home Assistant.
European Parliament Open Data - Call for beta testers
Database scripts for the Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO) Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE) Zentrale Datenbank der Unternehmen (ZDU) Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE)
Flexibly import bank account CSV files into Ledger for command-line accounting
Convert vcards from version 2.1 to version 3.0
A map tool with real-time collaboration 🗺️
Bypass 'Log in to continue' of Twitter, added in August 2021
✍️ Architecture Decision Records (ADR) management and publication tool
🔈 Sonos Media Player Interface/Client
a tool to dump a graph from a sparql endpoint through a batched construct query
Suppress existing violations of new eslint rules and get back to building stuff.
DSMR-telegram reader & data visualizer for hobbyists. Free for non-commercial use.
Convert osm pbf files into a format that can be used in peermaps.