Welcome to the MiniAiLive!
Our SDK analyze a series of face related attributes including age, gender, smile intensity, head pose, eye status, emotion, mouth status, skin status, face image quality and blurriness. Feel free to use our Face Attributes Android SDK.
You need to add the model here.
Please contact US to get the model weights.
SDK is fully on-premise, processing all happens on hosting server and no data leaves server.

Feel free to Contact US to get a trial License.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
1. Fork the repository.
2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
5. Submit a pull request to the original repository.
No | Project | Feature |
1 | FaceRecognition-Linux | 1:1 & 1:N Face Matching |
2 | FaceRecognition-Windows | 1:1 & 1:N Face Matching |
3 | FaceRecognition-Docker | 1:1 & 1:N Face Matching |
4 | FaceRecognition-Android | 1:1 & 1:N Face Matching, 2D & 3D Face Passive LivenessDetection |
5 | FaceRecognition-LivenessDetection-Windows | 1:1 & 1:N Face Matching, 2D & 3D Face Passive LivenessDetection |
6 | FaceLivenessDetection-Linux | 2D & 3D Face Passive LivenessDetection |
7 | FaceLivenessDetection-Windows | 2D & 3D Face Passive LivenessDetection |
8 | FaceLivenessDetection-Docker | 2D & 3D Face Passive LivenessDetection |
9 | FaceLivenessDetection-Android | 2D & 3D Face Passive LivenessDetection |
10 | FaceMatching-Android | 1:1 Face Matching |
11 | FaceMatching-Windows-Demo | 1:1 Face Matching |
12 | FaceAttributes-Android | Face Attributes, Age & Gender Estimation |
13 | ID-DocumentRecognition-Linux | IDCard, Passport, Driver License, Credit, MRZ Recognition |
14 | ID-DocumentRecognition-Windows | IDCard, Passport, Driver License, Credit, MRZ Recognition |
15 | ID-DocumentRecognition-Docker | IDCard, Passport, Driver License, Credit, MRZ Recognition |
16 | ID-DocumentRecognition-Android | IDCard, Passport, Driver License, Credit, MRZ Recognition |
17 | ID-DocumentLivenessDetection-Linux | ID Document LivenessDetection |
18 | ID-DocumentLivenessDetection-Windows | ID Document LivenessDetection |
19 | ID-DocumentLivenessDetection-Docker | ID Document LivenessDetection |
MiniAiLive is a leading AI solutions company specializing in computer vision and machine learning technologies. We provide cutting-edge solutions for various industries, leveraging the power of AI to drive innovation and efficiency.
For any inquiries or questions, please Contact US