All the files for the MVCA datalogger shield compatible with the Arduino Mega 2560
This project was created using EasyEDA, thus we recomend using EasyEDA - EasyEDA is a free PCB designer that is conencted to JLCPCB (a pcb printing company) which allows to see if JLCPCB has the components being used in stock
Files contained: 1) "Data Logger Shield V2.schdoc" -> used on Altium Designer 2) "SCH_Data Logger Shield V2.json" -> used on EasyEDA 3) "Schematic_Data Logger Shield V2" -> used to replicate the PCB in other desiging software
"Ordering_PCB" Folder: - This can be used to directly order the PCB file on JLCPCB - Log into JLCPCB and follow the page to order the PCB - Make sure to get the PCB Assembled (where the BOM and CPL files are needed)