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Implement SIM Cameras #301

Implement SIM Cameras

Implement SIM Cameras #301

Workflow file for this run

name: Build and Publish Docker Images
# Run this workflow every time a pull request is opened or updated with the development branch as the base
# and there is a change to the dockerfiles or any of the package build scripts.
branches: ["development"]
- ".devcontainer/Dockerfile_Jammy"
- ".devcontainer/Dockerfile_JetPack"
- ".github/workflows/deploy_docker.yml"
- "tools/package-builders/geolib/"
- "tools/package-builders/geolib/"
- "tools/package-builders/libdatachannel/"
- "tools/package-builders/libdatachannel/"
- "tools/package-builders/ffmpeg/"
- "tools/package-builders/ffmpeg/"
- "tools/package-builders/gtest/"
- "tools/package-builders/gtest/"
- "tools/package-builders/opencv/"
- "tools/package-builders/opencv/"
- "tools/package-builders/pytorch/"
- "tools/package-builders/pytorch/"
- "tools/package-builders/abseil/"
- "tools/package-builders/abseil/"
- "tools/package-builders/tensorflow/"
- "tools/package-builders/tensorflow/"
- "tools/package-builders/quill/"
- "tools/package-builders/quill/"
# Or, run this workflow every time a push/merge is made to the development branch and there is a change to
# the dockerfiles or any of the package build scripts.
branches: ["development"]
- ".devcontainer/Dockerfile_Jammy"
- ".devcontainer/Dockerfile_JetPack"
- ".github/workflows/deploy_docker.yml"
- "tools/package-builders/geolib/"
- "tools/package-builders/geolib/"
- "tools/package-builders/libdatachannel/"
- "tools/package-builders/libdatachannel/"
- "tools/package-builders/ffmpeg/"
- "tools/package-builders/ffmpeg/"
- "tools/package-builders/gtest/"
- "tools/package-builders/gtest/"
- "tools/package-builders/opencv/"
- "tools/package-builders/opencv/"
- "tools/package-builders/pytorch/"
- "tools/package-builders/pytorch/"
- "tools/package-builders/abseil/"
- "tools/package-builders/abseil/"
- "tools/package-builders/tensorflow/"
- "tools/package-builders/tensorflow/"
- "tools/package-builders/quill/"
- "tools/package-builders/quill/"
# Or, run this manually from the Actions tab in GitHub. This will run the workflow on the development branch.
# This workflow has concurrency protection enabled. This means that if the workflow is already running, it will
# wait until the previous run is complete before starting a new run. This is to prevent multiple runs from
# happening at the same time and causing conflicts. If there are more than (2) runs waiting in the queue, the
# workflow will be cancelled. This is to prevent the queue from getting too long and causing delays in the
# workflow. It will not cancel a run that is already in progress.
group: "docker"
cancel-in-progress: false
# This workflow is split into multiple jobs. Each job is run on a different runner. This allows multiple jobs to
# run at the same time. The jobs are run in parallel unless they have a dependency on another job. If a job has
# a dependency on another job, it will wait until the other job is complete before starting.
# This job is used to get the current date and time. This is used to tag the docker images. The date and time
# job is run first so that all of the docker images are tagged with the same date and time. And is a dependency
# for the other jobs.
runs-on: [ubuntu-latest]
timeout-minutes: 360
# This outputs the current date and time to the GitHub output. This is used to tag the docker images.
date: ${{ }}
# This step is used to get the current date and time. And outputs it to the GitHub output.
- name: Get Current Date and Time
id: date
run: echo "date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# This job is used to check if any of the packages for AMD64 need to be rebuilt. If any of the package build
# scripts have been updated, then the packages need to be rebuilt in the next job. This job is run on a self-
# hosted runner because there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. It outputs a variable for
# each package that is set to true if the package needs to be rebuilt. This job is only run on pull requests.
needs: [time-and-date]
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, X64]
timeout-minutes: 1440
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
# This outputs a variable for each package that is set to true if the package needs to be rebuilt. This is
# used to determine if the docker images need to be rebuilt.
geolib-amd64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.geolib-amd64 }}
libdatachannel-amd64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.libdatachannel-amd64 }}
ffmpeg-amd64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.ffmpeg-amd64 }}
gtest-amd64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.gtest-amd64 }}
opencv-amd64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.opencv-amd64 }}
pytorch-amd64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.pytorch-amd64 }}
abseil-amd64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.abseil-amd64 }}
tensorflow-amd64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.tensorflow-amd64 }}
quill-amd64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.quill-amd64 }}
- name: Setup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
if [ ! -d "Autonomy_Software" ]; then git clone --recurse-submodules -j8; fi
# This step is used to checkout the repository. It is needed so that the package build scripts can be
# checked for changes.
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
submodules: recursive
# This step is used to check if any of the package build scripts have been updated. If any of the package
# build scripts have been updated, then the packages need to be rebuilt in the next job. This step outputs
# a variable for each package that is set to true if the package needs to be rebuilt.
- name: Check for Updated Files
id: changes
uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3
filters: |
- 'tools/package-builders/geolib/'
- 'tools/package-builders/libdatachannel/'
- 'tools/package-builders/ffmpeg/'
- 'tools/package-builders/gtest/'
- 'tools/package-builders/opencv/'
- 'tools/package-builders/pytorch/'
- 'tools/package-builders/abseil/'
- 'tools/package-builders/tensorflow/'
- 'tools/package-builders/quill/'
- name: Cleanup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
rm -rf /opt/Autonomy_Software
# This job is to rebuild the updated AMD64 packages and push them to the package repository. It is run on a
# self-hosted runner because there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. It gets the list of
# packages that need to be rebuilt from the previous job. It outputs a variable for each package that is set
# to true if the package was rebuilt. This runs in a development matrix so that each package is rebuilt in a
# separate job. This allows multiple packages to be rebuilt at the same time. This job is only run on pull
# requests.
needs: [time-and-date, check-amd64-packages]
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, X64]
timeout-minutes: 1440
name: docker-packages
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
# This strategy is used to run the job for each package that needs to be rebuilt. This allows multiple
# packages to be rebuilt at the same time. The job will fail if any of the packages fail to build. But the
# other packages will continue to build. This is so that the packages can be rebuilt in parallel, if
# there are enough action runners in service.
fail-fast: false
- geolib
- libdatachannel
- ffmpeg
- gtest
- opencv
- pytorch
- abseil
- tensorflow
- quill
- name: Setup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
if [ ! -d "Autonomy_Software" ]; then git clone --recurse-submodules -j8; fi
# This step is used to checkout the repository. It is needed so that the package build scripts can be
# checked for changes.
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
submodules: recursive
# This step is used to rebuild the updated package. It gets the list of packages that need to be rebuilt
# from the previous job. It runs the package build script for the package that is being built.
- name: Rebuild ${{ matrix.package }} Package
id: rebuild_pkg
if: needs.check-amd64-packages.outputs.${{ matrix.package }}-amd64 == 'true'
run: |
cd tools/package-builders/${{ matrix.package }}
chmod +x ${{ matrix.package }}
./${{ matrix.package }}
# This step is used to push the updated package to the package repository. It clones the package
# repository using SSH. It copies the new package into the repository. And then, commits and pushes
# the changes.
- name: Push Packages
if: steps.rebuild_pkg.outputs.rebuilding_pkg == 'true'
run: |
# Find Debian Package
debfile=$(find /tmp/pkg/deb/ -name "*.deb" -type f -print -quit)
# Set up Git configuration
git config --global ""
git config --global "MRDT-Software"
# Set up SSH key
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# Clone the destination repository using SSH
git clone
cd Autonomy_Packages
# Copy the new AMD64 packages into the repository
mkdir -p ${{ matrix.package }}/amd64/
cp -r /tmp/pkg/deb/*amd64*.deb ${{ matrix.package }}/amd64/
# Set up Git LFS
git lfs install
# Commit and push changes
git lfs track '*.deb'
git add .gitattributes
git add .
git commit -m "Upgrade ${{ matrix.package }} Package for AMD64"
git push origin main
# This step is used to remove the package from the temporary directory. It gets the list of packages that
# need to be rebuilt from the previous job. It removes the package from the temporary directory. This is
# done so that the next package can be built without having to worry about the previous package causing
# conflicts.
- name: Remove ${{ matrix.package }} Package
if: steps.rebuild_pkg.outputs.rebuilding_pkg == 'true'
run: rm -rf /tmp/pkg/*
- name: Cleanup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
rm -rf /opt/Autonomy_Software
# This job is used to check if any of the packages for ARM64 need to be rebuilt. If any of the package build
# scripts have been updated, then the packages need to be rebuilt in the next job. This job is run on a self-
# hosted runner because there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. It outputs a variable for
# each package that is set to true if the package needs to be rebuilt. This job is only run on pull requests.
needs: [time-and-date]
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, ARM64]
timeout-minutes: 1440
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
# This outputs a variable for each package that is set to true if the package needs to be rebuilt. This is
# used to determine if the docker images need to be rebuilt.
geolib-arm64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.geolib-arm64 }}
libdatachannel-arm64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.libdatachannel-arm64 }}
ffmpeg-arm64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.ffmpeg-arm64 }}
gtest-arm64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.gtest-arm64 }}
opencv-arm64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.opencv-arm64 }}
pytorch-arm64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.pytorch-arm64 }}
abseil-arm64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.abseil-arm64 }}
tensorflow-arm64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.tensorflow-arm64 }}
quill-arm64: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.quill-arm64 }}
- name: Setup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
if [ ! -d "Autonomy_Software" ]; then git clone --recurse-submodules -j8; fi
# This step is used to checkout the repository. It is needed so that the package build scripts can be
# checked for changes.
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
submodules: recursive
# This step is used to check if any of the package build scripts have been updated. If any of the package
# build scripts have been updated, then the packages need to be rebuilt in the next job. This step outputs
# a variable for each package that is set to true if the package needs to be rebuilt.
- name: Check for Updated Files
id: changes
uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3
filters: |
- 'tools/package-builders/geolib/'
- 'tools/package-builders/libdatachannel/'
- 'tools/package-builders/ffmpeg/'
- 'tools/package-builders/gtest/'
- 'tools/package-builders/opencv/'
- 'tools/package-builders/pytorch/'
- 'tools/package-builders/abseil/'
- 'tools/package-builders/tensorflow/'
- 'tools/package-builders/quill/'
- name: Cleanup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
rm -rf /opt/Autonomy_Software
# This job is to rebuild the updated ARM64 packages and push them to the package repository. It is run on a
# self-hosted runner because there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. It gets the list of
# packages that need to be rebuilt from the previous job. It outputs a variable for each package that is set
# to true if the package was rebuilt. This runs in a development matrix so that each package is rebuilt in a
# separate job. This allows multiple packages to be rebuilt at the same time. This job is only run on pull
# requests.
needs: [time-and-date, check-arm64-packages]
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, ARM64]
timeout-minutes: 1440
name: docker-packages
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
# This strategy is used to run the job for each package that needs to be rebuilt. This allows multiple
# packages to be rebuilt at the same time. The job will fail if any of the packages fail to build. But the
# other packages will continue to build. This is so that the packages can be rebuilt in parallel.
fail-fast: false
- geolib
- libdatachannel
- ffmpeg
- gtest
- opencv
- pytorch
- abseil
- tensorflow
- quill
- name: Setup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
if [ ! -d "Autonomy_Software" ]; then git clone --recurse-submodules -j8; fi
# This step is used to checkout the repository. It is needed so that the package build scripts can be
# checked for changes.
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
submodules: recursive
# This step is used to rebuild the updated package. It gets the list of packages that need to be rebuilt
# from the previous job. It runs the package build script for the package that is being built.
- name: Rebuild ${{ matrix.package }} Package
id: rebuild_pkg
if: needs.check-arm64-packages.outputs.${{ matrix.package }}-arm64 == 'true'
run: |
cd tools/package-builders/${{ matrix.package }}
chmod +x ${{ matrix.package }}
./${{ matrix.package }}
# This step is used to push the updated package to the package repository. It clones the package
# repository using SSH. It copies the new package into the repository. And then, commits and pushes
# the changes.
- name: Push Packages
if: steps.rebuild_pkg.outputs.rebuilding_pkg == 'true'
run: |
# Find Debian Package
debfile=$(find /tmp/pkg/deb/ -name "*.deb" -type f -print -quit)
# Set up Git configuration
git config --global ""
git config --global "MRDT-Software"
# Set up SSH key
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# Clone the destination repository using SSH
git clone
cd Autonomy_Packages
# Copy the new ARM64 packages into the repository
mkdir -p ${{ matrix.package }}/arm64/
cp -r /tmp/pkg/deb/*arm64*.deb ${{ matrix.package }}/arm64/
# Set up Git LFS
git lfs install
# Commit and push changes
git lfs track '*.deb'
git add .gitattributes
git add .
git commit -m "Upgrade ${{ matrix.package }} Package for AMD64"
git push origin main
# This step is used to remove the package from the temporary directory. It gets the list of packages that
# need to be rebuilt from the previous job. It removes the package from the temporary directory. This is
# done so that the next package can be built without having to worry about the previous package causing
# conflicts.
- name: Remove ${{ matrix.package }} Package
if: steps.rebuild_pkg.outputs.rebuilding_pkg == 'true'
run: rm -rf /tmp/pkg/*
- name: Cleanup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
rm -rf /opt/Autonomy_Software
# This job is used to build and push the new jammy docker image. It is run on a self-hosted runner because
# there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. If this is being run on a pull request, then
# the image is tagged with the date and time. If this is being run on a push, then the image is tagged with
# the date and time and the latest tag. This job is run on both pushes and pull requests. And is allowed to run
# even if the previous job was skipped. This is because the previous job is only run on pull requests, but this
# job is run on pushes and pull requests.
needs: [time-and-date, check-amd64-packages, build-updated-amd64-packages]
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, X64]
timeout-minutes: 1440
if: ${{ always() && !failure() && !cancelled() }}
- name: Setup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
if [ ! -d "Autonomy_Software" ]; then git clone --recurse-submodules -j8; fi
# This step is used to checkout the repository. It is needed so that the package build scripts can be
# checked for changes.
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
submodules: recursive
# This step is used to check if any of the package build scripts have been updated. If any of the package
# build scripts have been updated, then the packages need to be rebuilt in the next job. This step outputs
# a variable for each package that is set to true if the package needs to be rebuilt.
- name: Check for Updated Files
id: changes
uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3
filters: |
- '.devcontainer/Dockerfile_Jammy'
- '.github/workflows/deploy_docker.yml'
# This step is used to setup the docker buildx. It is needed to build the docker images.
- name: Setup Docker Buildx
if: steps.changes.outputs.dockerfile == 'true'
id: buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
# This step is used to login to the GitHub Packages. It is needed to push the docker images.
- name: Login to GitHub Packages
if: steps.changes.outputs.dockerfile == 'true'
id: login
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ }}
password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# This step is used to build and push the new jammy docker image. It is run on a self-hosted runner because
# there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. This step is only run on a pull request or a
# manual run. In either case the image is tagged with the date and time. It also saves a build cache so
# that the next time the image is built, it has the potential to be faster.
- name: Build and Push Jammy Image with Date Tag
if: ${{ ( github.event_name == 'pull_request' || ( github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/development' )) && (steps.changes.outputs.dockerfile == 'true') }}
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: ".devcontainer/"
file: ".devcontainer/Dockerfile_Jammy"
tags: |
"${{ }}"
platforms: "linux/amd64"
push: true
cache-from: type=registry,
cache-to: type=registry,,mode=max
# This step is used to build and push the new jammy docker image. It is run on a self-hosted runner because
# there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. This step is only run on a push. In this case
# the image is tagged with the date and time and the latest tag. It also saves a build cache so that the
# next time the image is built, it has the potential to be faster.
- name: Build and Push Jammy Image with Latest Tag
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && (steps.changes.outputs.dockerfile == 'true') }}
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: ".devcontainer/"
file: ".devcontainer/Dockerfile_Jammy"
tags: |
"${{ }}"
platforms: "linux/amd64"
push: true
cache-from: type=registry,
cache-to: type=registry,,mode=max
- name: Cleanup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
rm -rf /opt/Autonomy_Software
# This job is used to build and push the new jetpack docker image. It is run on a self-hosted runner because
# there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. If this is being run on a pull request, then
# the image is tagged with the date and time. If this is being run on a push, then the image is tagged with
# the date and time and the latest tag. This job is run on both pushes and pull requests. And is allowed to run
# even if the previous job was skipped. This is because the previous job is only run on pull requests, but this
# job is run on pushes and pull requests.
needs: [time-and-date, check-arm64-packages, build-updated-arm64-packages]
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, ARM64]
timeout-minutes: 1440
if: ${{ always() && !failure() && !cancelled() }}
- name: Setup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
if [ ! -d "Autonomy_Software" ]; then git clone --recurse-submodules -j8; fi
# This step is used to checkout the repository. It is needed so that the package build scripts can be
# checked for changes.
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
submodules: recursive
# This step is used to check if any of the package build scripts have been updated. If any of the package
# build scripts have been updated, then the packages need to be rebuilt in the next job. This step outputs
# a variable for each package that is set to true if the package needs to be rebuilt.
- name: Check for Updated Files
id: changes
uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3
filters: |
- '.devcontainer/Dockerfile_JetPack'
- '.github/workflows/deploy_docker.yml'
# This step is used to setup the docker buildx. It is needed to build the docker images.
- name: Setup Docker Buildx
if: steps.changes.outputs.dockerfile == 'true'
id: buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
# This step is used to login to the GitHub Packages. It is needed to push the docker images.
- name: Login to GitHub Packages
if: steps.changes.outputs.dockerfile == 'true'
id: login
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ }}
password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# This step is used to build and push the new jetpack docker image. It is run on a self-hosted runner
# because there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. This step is only run on a pull
# request or a manual run. In either case the image is tagged with the date and time. It also saves a
# build cache so that the next time the image is built, it has the potential to be faster.
- name: Build and Push JetPack Image with Date Tag
if: ${{ ( github.event_name == 'pull_request' || ( github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/development' )) && (steps.changes.outputs.dockerfile == 'true') }}
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: ".devcontainer/"
file: ".devcontainer/Dockerfile_JetPack"
tags: |
"${{ }}"
platforms: "linux/arm64"
push: true
cache-from: type=registry,
cache-to: type=registry,,mode=max
# This step is used to build and push the new jetpack docker image. It is run on a self-hosted runner
# because there is not an NVIDIA GPU available on the GitHub runners. This step is only run on a push. In
# this case the image is tagged with the date and time and the latest tag. It also saves a build cache so
# that the next time the image is built, it has the potential to be faster.
- name: Build and Push JetPack Image with Latest Tag
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && (steps.changes.outputs.dockerfile == 'true') }}
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: ".devcontainer/"
file: ".devcontainer/Dockerfile_JetPack"
tags: |
"${{ }}"
platforms: "linux/arm64"
push: true
cache-from: type=registry,
cache-to: type=registry,,mode=max
- name: Cleanup Action Environment
if: always()
run: |
cd /opt
rm -rf /opt/Autonomy_Software