A library to perform linear algebra and calculus operations, plus some other math stuff! Check out https://jitpack.io/#MittyRobotics/LibDiv to use this libary in your own projects or click here:
//can use a double array or an int array
double[] coefficients = new double[] {1, 2, 7};
//don't use the Polynomial contructer - use library create method
Polynomial myPolynomial = LinAlgLib.createPolynomial(coefficients);
double amplitude = 2;
double frequency = 3;
Polynomial mySineFunction = LinAlgLib.sine(amplitude, frequency);
//for default values 1 and 1
Polynomial myOtherSineFunction = LinAlgLib.sine();
//if you know taylor polynomials - decide number of terms (in this case 100)
Polynomial myThirdSineFunction = LinAlgLib.sine(100);
Polynomial myLastSineFunction = LinAlgLib.sine(amplitude, frequency, 100);
Cosine is the same, just replace sine
calls with cosine
Also, myPolynomial.print()
can be used to print the polynomial to the console
//can be any polynomial, sine, or cosine
Polynomial function = LinAlgLib.createPolynomial(new double[] {
1, 4, 5, 8
//guess the root of the function or put in something random
double guess = 2;
// maxRepetitions - how many times you want to run a Newton's method iteration (even 1 will usually suffice)
int maxRepetitions = 1;
double oneRootOfFunction = function.solve(guess, maxRepetitions);
//can be any polynomial, sine, or cosine
Polynomial function = LinAlgLib.createPolynomial(new double[] {
1, 4, 5, 8
//quite simple method call to get a new Polynomial with the derivative
Polynomial derivative = LinAlgLib.takeDerivative(function);
//integrating works similarly but allows you to choose the constant "+c" in one of three ways
Polynomial integralWithConstantAsZero = LinAlgLib.takeIntegral(function);
Polynomial integralWhereYouInputConstant = LinAlgLib.takeIntegral(function, 2);
Polynomial integralWhereYouInputAnXValueAndWhatTheIntegralShouldEqual = LinAlgLib.takeIntegral(function, 3, 7);
//override compute to return what the function is
//this one is x * lnx + e^(2x)
Function function = new Function() {
public double compute(double x) {
return x * Math.log(x) + Math.exp(2 * x);
//if you know the derivative or integral you can input it, but this is not necessary
Function derivative = new Function() {
public double compute(double x) {
return Math.log(x) + 1 + 2 * Math.exp(2 * x);
//same for integral but replace manuallySetDerivative with manuallySetIntegral
//override compute to return what the function is
//this one is x * lnx + e^(2x)
Function function = new Function() {
public double compute(double x) {
return x * Math.log(x) + Math.exp(2 * x);
//guess the root of the function or put in something random
double guess = 2;
// maxRepetitions - how many times you want to run a Newton's method iteration (even 1 will usually suffice)
int maxRepetitions = 1;
double oneRootOfFunction = function.solve(guess, maxRepetitions);
//override compute to return what the function is
//this one is x * lnx + e^(2x)
Function function = new Function() {
public double compute(double x) {
return x * Math.log(x) + Math.exp(2 * x);
function.definiteIntegral(2, 4);
//only use this if you know Gaussian Quadrature
function.definiteIntegralCustomGaussianQuadrature(2, 4, 17);
//note: these are very good estimations and manually inputting derivatives and integrals might be more accurate
Will write soon