EasyMeetjs: The easiest yet flexible and robust webrtc libraty for react and javascript with typescript support
EasyMeetjs is a robust and versatile TypeScript library that provides a solid foundation for building WebRTC-based applications. It simplifies the complexities of WebRTC, enabling developers to easily incorporate real-time communication features into their projects.From simple audio video calling to real time peer to peer file transfer , everything can be done in just 40 lines! 😉😉
MeetUp -> https://meetupx.vercel.app/
- Peer-to-Peer Connection Management: Seamlessly handles the creation, management, and closure of WebRTC peer connections, facilitating direct communication between users.
- Media Handling (Audio/Video/Screen Sharing): Supports capturing, sending, and receiving audio, video, and screen share streams, enriching the communication experience.
- Data Channels: Enables the exchange of arbitrary data between peers, extending the possibilities beyond just audio and video.
- File Transfer: Implements a file transfer mechanism leveraging data channels, allowing users to share files directly.
- State Management and Event Handling: Maintains and updates the state of peers, media streams, and file transfers, providing callbacks to react to changes.
- Well-Structured and Comprehensive: Encapsulates the complexities of WebRTC, offering a convenient interface for developers to build upon.
npm install @mobinx/easymeet
"use client"
import Ably from "ably";
import { useEasyMeet } from "@mobinx/easymeet/react";
import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { FileState } from "@mobinx/easymeet";
const ably = new Ably.Realtime({ key: 'your-ably-api-key', clientId: Math.random().toString(36).substring(7) })
ably.connection.once('connected').then(() => {
console.log('Connected to Ably!');
const channel = ably.channels.get('quickstart');
async function sendmsg(msg: any, to: any) {
await channel.publish("greeting", {
data: msg,
clientId: ably.auth.clientId,
to: to,
console.log("message sent: ", msg);
const VIdeo = ({ stream }: { stream: MediaStream }) => {
let viref = useRef<HTMLVideoElement | null>(null);
let [isPlay, setIsPlay] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (viref.current) {
viref.current.srcObject = stream;
viref.current.onplaying = () => {
viref.current.onpause = () => {
if (viref.current.paused) {
return (
style={{ width: "100%" }}
const AUdeo = ({ stream }: { stream: MediaStream }) => {
let viref = useRef<HTMLAudioElement | null>(null);
let [isPlay, setIsPlay] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (viref.current) {
viref.current.srcObject = stream;
viref.current.onplaying = () => {
viref.current.onpause = () => {
if (viref.current.paused) {
return (
style={{ width: "100%" }}
export default function Meet({ iceServers }: { iceServers: any }) {
const isInit = useRef<boolean | null>(null);
const {
} = useEasyMeet(ably.auth.clientId, iceServers, sendmsg);
const [myMsg, setMyMsg] = useState<string>("");
const [allMsg, setAllMsg] = useState<{ from: string; msg: string }[]>([]);
const [fileProgress, setFileProgress] = useState<
id: string;
progress: number;
url?: string | null;
fileState?: FileState;
useEffect(() => {
}, [peers]);
useEffect(() => {
if (fileSharingState) {
setFileProgress((prev) => {
let tempArray = [];
prev.map((item) => {
if (item.id != fileSharingState.fileId) {
id: fileSharingState.fileId,
progress: fileSharingState.progress,
fileState: fileSharingState,
return tempArray;
}, [fileSharingState]);
useEffect(() => {
if (fileSharingCompleted) {
setFileProgress((prev) => {
let tempArray = [];
prev.map((item) => {
if (item.id != fileSharingCompleted.file.fileId) {
id: fileSharingCompleted.file.fileId,
progress: 100,
url: fileSharingCompleted.objectUrl,
fileState: fileSharingCompleted.file,
return tempArray;
}, [fileSharingCompleted]);
useEffect(() => {
if (newDataChannelMsg) {
setAllMsg((prev) => prev.concat([newDataChannelMsg]));
}, [newDataChannelMsg]);
useEffect(() => {
async function init() {
if (!isInit.current) {
if (isSystemReady) {
await channel.subscribe("greeting", async (message) => {
if (message.clientId === ably.auth.clientId) {
if (message.data.to === ably.auth.clientId) {
console.log("message received from: " + message.clientId);
await onSocketMessage(message.data.data, message.clientId!, null);
channel.presence.subscribe("enter", async function (member) {
if (member.clientId === ably.auth.clientId) {
console.log("informAboutNewConnection", member);
channel.presence.subscribe("leave", async function (member) {
if (member.clientId === ably.auth.clientId) {
console.log("leave", member);
channel.presence.get().then((other_users: any) => {
console.log("userconnected", other_users);
if (other_users) {
for (var i = 0; i < other_users.length; i++) {
if (other_users[i].clientId !== ably.auth.clientId)
joinExistingPeer(other_users[i].clientId, false);
isInit.current = true;
}, [
return (
<div className="flex flex-row space-x-3">
my id: {ably.auth.clientId}
onChange={(e) => setMyMsg(e.target.value)}
onClick={() => {
sendDataChannelMsg(myMsg, "all");
setAllMsg((prev) =>
prev.concat([{ from: ably.auth.clientId, msg: myMsg }])
onChange={async (e) => {
const file = e.target.files?.[0];
if (file) {
peers.forEach((peer) => {
sendFile(peer.socketId, file);
<button className="mx-2" onClick={async () => await toggleAudio()}>
{isAudioOn ? "mute" : "unmute"}
<button onClick={async () => await toggleCamera()}>
{isVideoOn ? "camera off" : "camera on"}
<button onClick={async () => await toggleScreenShare()}>
{isScreenShareOn ? "stop screen share" : "start screen share"}
{isVideoOn && <VIdeo stream={videoStream!} />}
{isScreenShareOn && <VIdeo stream={screenShareStream!} />}
<hr />
{allMsg.map((msg, key) => (
<div key={key}>
{msg.from} : {msg.msg}
<hr />
<hr />
{fileProgress.map((item, key) => {
return (
<div key={key}>
id: {item.fileState?.fileName}
<progress max="100" value={item.progress}></progress>
{item.url && (
<a href={item.url} download={item.fileState?.fileName}>
{peers.map((peer, key) => (
<div key={key}>
Peer Id: {peer.socketId}
{peer.isScreenShareOn && <VIdeo stream={peer.screenShareStream!} />}
{peer.isVideoOn && <VIdeo stream={peer.videoStream!} />}
{peer.isAudioOn && <AUdeo stream={peer.audioStream!} />}
import Image from "next/image";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const Meet = dynamic(() => import("./Meet"), { ssr: false });
export default async function Home() {
const response = await fetch("your-metered-api-key");
const iceServers = await response.json();
return (
<Meet iceServers={iceServers} />
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<title>Multi Conn App</title>
<script src="https://cdn.ably.com/lib/ably.min-1.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/2.0.4/socket.io.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/jquery@3.7.1/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<!-- <script src="scripts/jquery.signalR-2.2.2.min.js"></script> -->
<!-- <script src="https://localhost:44338/signalr/hubs"></script> -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@mobinx/easymeet@1.0.4/dist/easy-meet.min.js"></script>
<!-- <script type="module">
import WebrtcBase from './dist/index.js';
</script> -->
<script src="app.js"></script>
$(function () {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
var meeting_id = urlParams.get('mid');
// if (!meeting_id) {
// var murl = window.location.origin + "?mid=" + (new Date()).getTime();
// $('#meetingid').attr('href',murl).text(murl);
// $("#meetingContainer").hide();
// $("#meetingbox").show();
// return;
// }
// var user_id = urlParams.get('uid');
// if (!user_id) {
// user_id = window.prompt('Enter your nick!');
// }
// if (!user_id || !meeting_id) {
// alert('user id or meeting id missing');
// return;
// }
// MyApp._init(user_id,meeting_id);
<div id="meetingContainer" style="display: none;">
<h1 id='meetingname'></h1>
<input type="file" id="fileinput" />
<button id="btnsendfile">Send File</button>
<div id="fileprogress"></div>
<input type="text" id="msgbox" />
<button id="btnsend">Send</button>
<div id='messages'></div>
<div id='divUsers' style="display:none">
<div id="me" class="userbox">
<video autoplay muted id="localVideoCtr"></video>
<video autoplay muted id="localScreenVideoCtr"></video>
<div id="otherTemplate" class="userbox" style="display:none">
<video autoplay muted id="remoteVideoCtr111 " class="video"></video>
<video autoplay muted id="remoteVideoCtr111" class="screen"></video>
<audio autoplay controls id="remoteAudioCtr111" class="audio"></audio>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<div class="toolbox" style="display:none">
<button id="btnMuteUnmute">UnMute</button>
<button id="btnStartStopCam">Start Camera</button>
<button id="btnStartStopScreenshare">Screen Share</button>
(async () => {
const response = await fetch("https://virsys.metered.live/api/v1/turn/credentials?apiKey=ca9f4e60bf446fc29401ccb1fa904d110708");
const iceServers = await response.json();
let isWrtcInit = false;
const ably = new Ably.Realtime({ key: 'YSXfdw.ksCpsA:Bf6jKYu4LPPpMfiFkSMJrZ4q4ArLDkuBf7bJCPxKQUo', clientId: Math.random().toString(36).substring(7) });
ably.connection.once('connected').then(async () => {
console.log('Connected to Ably!');
const myid = ably.auth.clientId;
console.log('myid: ', myid);
const channel = ably.channels.get('quickstart');
let easymeet = new EasyMeet.WebrtcBase(ably.auth.clientId, iceServers, sendmsg,);
document.title = myid;
async function sendmsg(msg, to) {
await channel.publish('greeting', { data: msg, clientId: myid, to: to });
console.log('message sent: ', msg);
await channel.subscribe('greeting', async (message) => {
// clientid == sender from
// id == receiver (to)
if (message.clientId === myid) {
//checking i am not worikng on my own msg
} else {
if (message.data.to === myid) {
//checking if the msg is for me
console.log('message received from: ' + message.clientId);
await easymeet.onSocketMessage(message.data.data, message.clientId);
let _localVideoPlayer = document.getElementById('localVideoCtr');
let localScreenVideoCtr = document.getElementById('localScreenVideoCtr');
easymeet.onFileStateChange((fileState) => {
if (document.getElementById('fileprogress' + fileState.fileId) == null) {
let progress = document.createElement('progress');
progress.id = 'fileprogress' + fileState.fileId;
progress.value = parseInt(fileState.progress);
progress.max = 100;
else {
document.getElementById('fileprogress' + fileState.fileId).value = parseInt(fileState.progress);
// $("#fileprogress").append(`<div>${(fileState.progress) + "% " + parseInt(fileState.transferSpeed) + "kb/s" } </div>`)
easymeet.onFileTransferCompleted((fileState, objectURl) => {
console.log(fileState, objectURl);
document.getElementById('fileprogress' + fileState.fileId).value = 100;
// // $("#fileprogress").append(`<div>${JSON.stringify(fileState)}</div>`)
$("#fileprogress").append(`<a href="${objectURl}" download="${fileState.fileName}">${objectURl}</a>`)
$("#btnsendfile").on('click', async function () {
let file = document.getElementById('fileinput').files[0];
(easymeet.getAllPeerDetails()).forEach(element => {
easymeet.sendFile(element.socketId, file);
easymeet.onCameraVideoStateChange((state, stream) => {
if (state) {
_localVideoPlayer.srcObject = stream;
else {
_localVideoPlayer.srcObject = null;
easymeet.onScreenShareVideoStateChange((state, stream) => {
if (state) {
localScreenVideoCtr.srcObject = stream;
else {
localScreenVideoCtr.srcObject = null;
$("#btnMuteUnmute").on('click', async function () {
await easymeet.toggleAudio()
$("#btnStartStopCam").on('click', async function () {
await easymeet.toggleCamera();
$("#btnStartStopScreenshare").on('click', async function () {
await easymeet.toggleScreenShare();
easymeet.onDataChannelMsg((from, msg) => {
console.log("onDataChannelMsg", from, msg);
$("#messages").append("<li>" + from + ": " + msg + "</li>");
easymeet.onPeerStateChange((peerstate) => {
if (peerstate) {
console.log("peerstate", peerstate);
for (let peerz in peerstate) {
let pr = peerstate[peerz];
let remoteElm = document.getElementById(peerstate[peerz].socketId);
if (!remoteElm) {
AddNewUser(peerstate[peerz].socketId, peerstate[peerz].socketId);
let video = remoteElm.querySelector('.video'), audio = remoteElm.querySelector('audio'), screen = remoteElm.querySelector('.screen');
if (pr.isAudioOn) {
if (audio) {
audio.srcObject = peerstate[peerz].audioStream;
else {
if (audio) {
audio.srcObject = null;
if (pr.isVideoOn) {
if (video) {
video.srcObject = peerstate[peerz].videoStream;
else {
if (video) {
video.srcObject = null;
if (pr.isScreenShareOn) {
if (screen) {
screen.srcObject = peerstate[peerz].screenShareStream;
else {
if (screen) {
screen.srcObject = null;
channel.presence.subscribe('enter', async function (member) {
if (member.clientId === myid) {
console.log("informAboutNewConnection", member);
AddNewUser(member.clientId, member.clientId);
easymeet.createConnection(member.clientId, true);
channel.presence.subscribe('leave', async function (member) {
if (member.clientId === myid) {
$('#' + member.clientId).remove();
channel.presence.get(function (err, other_users) {
console.log("userconnected", other_users);
$('#divUsers .other').remove();
if (other_users) {
for (var i = 0; i < other_users.length; i++) {
AddNewUser(other_users[i].clientId, other_users[i].clientId);
easymeet.createConnection(other_users[i].clientId, false);
$('#btnResetMeeting').on('click', function () {
$('#btnsend').on('click', function () {
easymeet.sendDataChannelMsg("all", $('#msgbox').val());
$('#divUsers').on('dblclick', 'video', function () {
function AddNewUser(other_user_id, connId) {
var $newDiv = $('#otherTemplate').clone();
$newDiv = $newDiv.attr('id', connId).addClass('other');
$newDiv.find('video').attr('id', 'v_' + connId);
$newDiv.find('audio').attr('id', 'a_' + connId);
Public Methods:
This table provides a detailed description of all public methods available in the WebrtcBase
class from @mobinx/easymeet:
let webrtc = new EasyMeet.WebrtcBase("you-socket-id", iceServers, sendmsg /*the function used by easymeet system for sending msg to other over socket, takes msg and to ,two perameter , see usages example avobe */);
Method | Description | Usage Example |
createConnection(connid, polite, extraInfo) |
Establishes a WebRTC connection with a peer. | webrtc.createConnection('peer-id', false, { username: 'Alice' }); |
closeConnection(connid) |
Closes the connection with a specific peer. | webrtc.closeConnection('peer-id'); |
onSocketMessage(message, from_connid, extraInfo) |
Handles incoming signaling messages from a peer. | webrtc.onSocketMessage(JSON.stringify({ offer: offer }), 'peer-id', { username: 'Bob' }); |
onPeerStateChange(fn) |
Registers a callback to be notified of peer state changes (e.g., audio/video on/off). | webrtc.onPeerStateChange((peerStates) => { console.log('Peer states updated:', peerStates); }); |
getAllPeerDetails() |
Returns an array of details for all connected peers. | const peerDetails = webrtc.getAllPeerDetails(); console.log('Connected peers:', peerDetails); |
getPeerDetailsById(connid) |
Returns the details of a specific peer by their connection ID. | const peerDetails = webrtc.getPeerDetailsById('peer-id'); console.log('Peer details:', peerDetails); |
startCamera(cameraConfig) |
Starts the user's camera with optional configuration (resolution, audio). | webrtc.startCamera({ video: { width: 1280, height: 720 }, audio: true }); |
stopCamera() |
Stops the user's camera. | webrtc.stopCamera(); |
toggleCamera() |
Toggles the camera on or off. | webrtc.toggleCamera(); |
startScreenShare(screenConfig) |
Starts screen sharing with optional configuration. | webrtc.startScreenShare(); |
stopScreenShare() |
Stops screen sharing. | webrtc.stopScreenShare(); |
toggleScreenShare() |
Toggles screen sharing on or off. | webrtc.toggleScreenShare(); |
startAudio() |
Starts the user's microphone. | webrtc.startAudio(); |
stopAudio() |
Stops the user's microphone. | webrtc.stopAudio(); |
toggleAudio() |
Toggles the microphone on or off. | webrtc.toggleAudio(); |
isLocalAudioOn() |
Returns true if the local audio is on, false otherwise. |
const audioOn = webrtc.isLocalAudioOn(); console.log('Local audio is on:', audioOn); |
isLocalVideoOn() |
Returns true if the local video is on, false otherwise. |
const videoOn = webrtc.isLocalVideoOn(); console.log('Local video is on:', videoOn); |
isLocalScreenShareOn() |
Returns true if local screen sharing is on, false otherwise. |
const screenSharingOn = webrtc.isLocalScreenShareOn(); console.log('Local screen sharing is on:', screenSharingOn); |
onCameraVideoStateChange(fn) |
Registers a callback for camera video state changes. | webrtc.onCameraVideoStateChange((state, stream) => { console.log('Camera state changed:', state, stream); }); |
onScreenShareVideoStateChange(fn) |
Registers a callback for screen share video state changes. | webrtc.onScreenShareVideoStateChange((state, stream) => { console.log('Screen share state changed:', state, stream); }); |
onAudioStateChange(fn) |
Registers a callback for audio state changes. | webrtc.onAudioStateChange((state, stream) => { console.log('Audio state changed:', state, stream); }); |
sendDataChannelMsg(conId, msg) |
Sends a message over the data channel to a specific peer or all peers (if conId is "all"). |
webrtc.sendDataChannelMsg('peer-id', { message: 'This is a data channel message!' }); |
onDataChannelMsg(fn) |
Registers a callback function to handle incoming data channel messages. | webrtc.onDataChannelMsg((connId, message) => { console.log('Data channel message from', connId, ':', message); }); |
sendFile(to, file) |
Sends a file to a specific peer. | webrtc.sendFile('peer-id', fileInput.files[0]); |
onFileSendingReq(fn) |
Registers a callback to handle file sending requests (allows confirmation before accepting a file). |
webrtc.onFileSendingReq((filename, connId) => { return confirm( Accept file ${filename} from ${connId}?); });
onFileStateChange(fn) |
Registers a callback to track file transfer progress. | webrtc.onFileStateChange((fileState) => { console.log('File transfer progress:', fileState.progress); }); |
onFileTransferCompleted(fn) |
Registers a callback to handle completed file transfers. | webrtc.onFileTransferCompleted((fileState, objectUrl) => { console.log('File transfer completed:', fileState, objectUrl); }); |
onError(fn) |
Registers a callback function to handle errors. | webrtc.onError((error) => { console.error('WebRTC Error:', error); }); |
You can use those from @mobinx/easymeet/react
import {useEasyMeet} from "@mobinx/easymeet/react"
let {startCamera, isVideoOn , isAudioOn , peers, fileSharingState ...and more} = useEasyMeet("you-socket-id", iceServers, sendmsg /*the function used by easymeet system for sending msg to other over socket, takes msg and to ,two perameter , see usages example avobe */)
Method/State | Description | Usage Example |
webRTCBaseRef |
A ref object containing the underlying WebrtcBase instance. |
webRTCBaseRef.current?.sendDataChannelMsg('peer-id', 'Hello!'); (Access the WebrtcBase instance directly if needed) |
error |
An object containing error information (if any). | if (error) { console.error('WebRTC Error:', error.message); } |
onSocketMessage(message, from_connid, extraInfo) |
Handles incoming signaling messages from a peer. | onSocketMessage(JSON.stringify({ offer: offer }), 'peer-id', { username: 'Bob' }); |
startCamera(cameraConfig) |
Starts the user's camera with optional configuration. | startCamera({ video: { width: 1280, height: 720 }, audio: true }); |
stopCamera() |
Stops the user's camera. | stopCamera(); |
startScreenShare(screenConfig) |
Starts screen sharing with optional configuration. | startScreenShare(); |
stopScreenShare() |
Stops screen sharing. | stopScreenShare(); |
toggleCamera() |
Toggles the camera on or off. | toggleCamera(); |
toggleScreenShare() |
Toggles screen sharing on or off. | toggleScreenShare(); |
startAudio() |
Starts the user's microphone. | startAudio(); |
stopAudio() |
Stops the user's microphone. | stopAudio(); |
toggleAudio() |
Toggles the microphone on or off. | toggleAudio(); |
isLocalAudioOn() |
Returns true if the local audio is on, false otherwise. |
const audioOn = isLocalAudioOn(); |
isLocalVideoOn() |
Returns true if the local video is on, false otherwise. |
const videoOn = isLocalVideoOn(); |
isLocalScreenShareOn() |
Returns true if local screen sharing is on, false otherwise. |
const screenSharingOn = isLocalScreenShareOn(); |
joinExistingPeer(peerID, extraData) |
Joins an existing peer connection. | joinExistingPeer('peer-id', { username: 'Alice' }); |
joinNewPeer(peerID, extraData) |
Initiates a new peer connection. | joinNewPeer('peer-id', { username: 'Bob' }); |
leavePeer(peerID) |
Leaves a peer connection. | leavePeer('peer-id'); |
isAudioOn |
Indicates whether the remote peer's audio is on. | const peerAudioOn = peers.find(peer => peer.socketId === 'peer-id')?.isAudioOn; |
isVideoOn |
Indicates whether the remote peer's video is on. | const peerVideoOn = peers.find(peer => peer.socketId === 'peer-id')?.isVideoOn; |
isScreenShareOn |
Indicates whether the remote peer is screen sharing. | const peerScreenSharingOn = peers.find(peer => peer.socketId === 'peer-id')?.isScreenShareOn; |
audioStream |
The remote peer's audio stream. | <audio ref={audioRef} srcObject={audioStream} autoPlay /> |
videoStream |
The remote peer's video stream. | <video ref={videoRef} srcObject={videoStream} autoPlay /> |
screenShareStream |
The remote peer's screen share stream. | <video ref={screenShareRef} srcObject={screenShareStream} autoPlay /> |
newDataChannelMsg |
The latest data channel message received. | useEffect(() => { if (newDataChannelMsg) { console.log('New data channel message:', newDataChannelMsg.msg, 'from:', newDataChannelMsg.from); } }, [newDataChannelMsg]); |
fileSharingCompleted |
Details of a completed file transfer. | useEffect(() => { if (fileSharingCompleted) { console.log('File transfer completed:', fileSharingCompleted.file, 'URL:', fileSharingCompleted.objectUrl); } }, [fileSharingCompleted]); |
fileSharingState |
The current state of an ongoing file transfer. | useEffect(() => { if (fileSharingState) { console.log('File transfer progress:', fileSharingState.progress); } }, [fileSharingState]); |
isSystemReady |
Indicates whether the WebRTC system is initialized and ready. | if (isSystemReady) { // Perform WebRTC operations } |
peers |
An array of connected peer states. | peers.map(peer => <div key={peer.socketId}>Peer: {peer.socketId}, Audio: {peer.isAudioOn}, Video: {peer.isVideoOn}</div>) |
sendDataChannelMsg(msg, toID) |
Sends a data channel message to a specific peer. | sendDataChannelMsg('Hello from data channel!', 'peer-id'); |
sendFile(to, file) |
Sends a file to a specific peer. | const fileInput = useRef(null); // ... <input type="file" ref={fileInput} /> ... sendFile('peer-id', fileInput.current.files[0]); |
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you have any suggestions, bug fixes, or new features.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- WebRTC - The underlying technology powering this library.
For any inquiries or support, please contact MobinX at mobin0219@gmail.com.