Mocalc is a small calculator, designed with a few technical superiorities to the default windows calculator, including:
- support for complex math
- keybinds for all buttons
- RPN input
- can be run from the console
Bugs MoCalc does not have which calc.exe has:
- sqrt(4) - 2 bug
Let a be the top of the stack, b be the next item down, and so on.
button | keybind | notes |
0-9 | 0-9 | numbers |
ENTER | enter, = | push 0 to stack |
CLEAR | delete | clear all |
← | backspace | backspace |
[none] |
() | Move decimal left/right |
+-*/^ | +-*/^ | basic arithmetic functions |
% | % | a% of b |
~ | ~ | negation of a |
sqrt | r | square root of a |
square | q | square of a |
; | ; | pop a |
. | . | copy a |
@ | @ | rotate stack |
||swap a and b | ||
not | n | bitwise not |
and | & | bitwise and |
or | [pipe] |
bitwise or |
xor | x | bitwise xor |
abs | a | absolute value of a |
rand | # | random number in unit interval |
! | ! | factorial/gamma(x+1) |
exp | e | exponential function |
mod | m | modulus |
gcd | g | greatest common denominator |
ln | l | natural logarithm |
sin | s | sine |
cos | c | cosine |
tan | t | tangent |
hypot | h | hypotenuse |
asin | S | arcsine |
acos | C | arccosine |
atan | T | arctangent |