Casinos are lucrative businesses where a lot of turnover is made. To make they work in a fair and legal way, a gambling authority is involved to oversee the way casino’s make betting possible.
This case describes a part of an application which forces casinos to perform bets in a legal way. It focuses on electronic betting using gambling machines (for instance: slot machines, race machines, online gambling)
run tests using gradle wrapper
gradlew test
- JavaDoc comments are used to describe the behaviour of classes and methods.
- C4 model of system.
- Canvas assignment GD1 is delivered on time.
- Canvas assignment GD2 is delivered on time.
- JavaDoc comments are used to describe the behaviour of tests.
- an overview of tests needed for each behaviour is present.
- an classification of the type of needed unit test is added to the overview of tests (direct/indirect in/outputs, time bound, multithreaded, other)
- github setup
- Canvas assignment GD2 is delivered on time.
- JavaDoc comments are used to describe the behaviour of tests.