Always on bed
Passionate Computer Engineering student with a penchant for Linux, Django, and the intricate dance of computer architecture. 🚀
- Pro
Radio_Javan_downloaderbot Public
Radio Javan downloader telegram bot
plasma-workspace Public
Forked from KDE/plasma-workspaceVarious components needed to run a Plasma-based environment
C++ UpdatedApr 9, 2024 -
stack-Mohuva13 Public
Forked from UI-DS-02/stack-Mohuva13stack-Mohuva13 created by GitHub Classroom
UpdatedNov 17, 2023 -
DNS_Changer_Linux Public
Simple DNS changer for linux
Fast_Password_Generator Public
Fast Password generator
Script to show emoji on ArchLinux with KDE Plasma Desktop
DFS_BFS Public
DFS and BFS finder + Graph connectivity
QueraSolutions Public
Forked from bestmahdi2/QueraSolutionsراه حل های سوالات کوئرا
Torsh Public
Tor with special auto-configuration for censored internet of Iranian users
Python script for copy your videos and photos by year
Divar.ir_scraping Public