You could refer to for specific meaning of the configuration
You could refer to for normal commands of gfsh Start the gfsh and locator:
$ gfsh
gfsh>start locator --name=locator1
Configure locator as follows
gfsh>configure pdx --read-serialized=true
gfsh>configure pdx --disk-store
Start the server
gfsh>start server --name=server1 --J=-Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=true \
--J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-bind-address=localhost
Create a replicated, persistent region:
create region --name=regionA --type=REPLICATE_PERSISTENT
Write your Java program, you could refer to this sample code and sample operation:
Deploy application
#to make your restful application, you need to deploy jar one the server
$ gfsh>deploy --dir=libs/group1-libs