This project is for 2018-2 Media Project class of Dept. of Digital Media in Ajou Univ.
Our members and roles are like below.
Name | Position | Roles |
👽 Moon Wanki (Media 13) | PM / Front-End / Back-End | The Creator & Director of this game. Main developer. |
👦 Jamlee Kim (Media 13) | Back-End / QA | Back-end developer. Designs algorithms for game logics. |
👩 Jisoo Han (Media 14) | Art Design / UI·UX Design | Designs game resources by 2D graphic illustration. |
The Guiliano's wish is to see the Venus, who has ULTIMATE Necklace, the greatest equipment in the world.
Do you know? They can get more power by acquiring more special necklace!
Everyone's hope is to be strong, and so is Guiliano.
That's why Guiliano finally decided to go on an adventure.
Clear stages to grow your Guiliano and his army!
Clear given stages and you'll get stronger.
In the stage, each battle is based on turn.
If your armies are stronger than the enemy, your will win the battle. Then you can get golds and experience.
As you experience increases, your level will rise.
The higher your level is, the more powerful your characters become!
Raise your rank to earn more ETHEREUM!
That is also one reason why you must be stronger.
Optionally, you can get much stronger via investing your Ethereum to this game.
Do you think this is the act of losing money?
If you become the ranker in leaderboard, you can get your Ethereum back!
If you are in luck, it can be more than you invested - means that you can earn ethereum by this game!
We don't need any server for running TGV! We have no server in fact.
TGV is a ÐApp(Decentralized Application) based on the Blockchain technology.
Thus, all of your data, which includes armies, items, golds and battle records, will be in the public blockchain network whenever and forever.
Supports nice environments for smart contract development. -
Truffle-box / React-box |
Boilerplate for React development on Truffle framework.
ReactJS |
No.1 Front-end library in 2018, ReactJS. -
PixiJS |
Fast, flexible 2D WebGL Renderer engine.
Redux |
For state management in React. -
React Pixi Fiber | | by Michal Ochman
For writing PixiJS using React declarative style in React 16. -
React Materialize |
Provides Materialize in React declarative style. -
Redux-Thunk |
Middleware that makes redux actions asynchronous. -
Sass Loader |
Enables compile SASS(Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) language. -
Animated |
Declarative Animations Library for React and React Native. -
Lodash |
A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.