XAI Viz is a visualization tool for convolutional Keras models. It uses Feature Visualization and Grad-CAM to create visual representations of hidden layers of convolutional neural networks.
- Generate Feature Visualizations for filters or individual neurons.
- Investigate filter activations at spatial locations on your input image.
- Generate visual representations of hidden layers using Feature Visualization.
- Show the attribution to the models prediction of spatial locations on these representations using Grad-CAM.
- Form groups of activations using non-negative matrix factorization.
- Visualize these groups using Feature Visualization and activation maps.
If your model requires special input preprocessing clone the repo and update the prepare_input function in backend.util to your needs.
After that install the requirements.txt and run the install script to generate an executable or simply run main.py.
This application is designed for and tested with python 3.7 and tensorflow 2.7.
- Export your Keras model using tf.keras.models.save_model()
- Start the tool and import your model
- Generate/Import a dictionary containing Feature Visualizations for each filter in your model (generating may take some time depending on your models complexity)
- Load an input and start visualizing
- This tool implements many of the ideas proposed by Olah et al.
- Feature Visualization and Grad-CAM engines are based on the tutorials provided by Keras.
- Color scheme: qdarkstyle.