This is an Android application that stores shopping lists in a Room database, fetches shopping item images from the Pixabay API, and is built using the MVI (Model-View-Intent) architecture. The app implements Test-Driven Development (TDD) principles and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
- Room Database: Store shopping list items with local persistence.
- Pixabay API Integration: Fetch and display images for shopping items.
- MVI Architecture: Implements Model-View-Intent architecture for cleaner, testable code.
- Test-Driven Development (TDD): Application is developed using TDD to ensure high test coverage and code quality.
- CI/CD: Automated testing, report & artifact generation and deployment using CI/CD pipelines.
- XML for UI Design: Uses XML for designing the user interface.
- Programming Language: Kotlin
- Architecture: MVI (Model-View-Intent)
- Database: Room (SQLite abstraction)
- API: Pixabay (to fetch item images)
- UI: XML layouts
- Testing: JUnit, Espresso (for UI testing), Mockito
- CI/CD: GitHub Actions
Add screenshots of your app here.
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd shoppingList_TDD_CICD
- Get an API key from Pixabay and add it to your file:
- Build the project in Android Studio or using Gradle:
./gradlew build
- Run the tests:
./gradlew test
- Generate the APK and Lint report CI/CD is set up using GitHub Actions. Upon pushing to the main branch, the app will automatically be built, tested, and necessary reports generated.
This project uses TDD principles. Unit tests and UI tests have been written to ensure the functionality and quality of the code.
- Unit Tests: Located in the src/test directory.
- UI Tests: Located in the src/androidTest directory.
Run all tests using:
./gradlew test ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
The project uses GitHub Actions for CI/CD, with workflows defined for:
- Running tests on every push and pull request.
- Automatically building the app when code is merged into the main branch
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues, fork the repository, and open pull requests.