A Spicetify extension that allows Twitch chat users to request songs through chat commands. Users can add songs to the listening queue using the !sr
command followed by the song name.
- Start Spotify
- Add expansion from the marketplace extensions
- Click button on the top right near the notifications to authenticate the bot
- Authenticate the bot account on the twitch site
- Open spotify settings (account icon -> settings)
- Find Twitch Spotifi section
- Enter the nickname of the channel where the commands will be
- Reconnect bot
- Give the bot a moderator or VIP (if the account is not a broadcaster)
- Users can request songs using the command:
!sr <song name>
!sr <spotify or youtube url> [spotify or youtube url...]
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/MrPandir/twitch-spotifi.git && cd twitch-spotifi
- Build the extension using one of the following commands:
pnpm build
Add the extension to Spicetify's config:
spicetify config extensions twitch-spotifi.js
Apply the changes:
spicetify apply
For development with auto-rebuilding on code changes:
- First, build the app at least once
- Start watch mode using one of these commands:
pnpm watch
- Run Spotify in watch mode:
spicetify watch -le
To build files locally and store them in a dist
pnpm build-local