“Spotr©” is basically a web application, which will help the user to trace the social media accounts across multiple platforms and the data is stored in the required database using SOCMINT techniques.
Here is a run through of how to set up the application:
- Step 1 : Clone this repository using the git clone link:
git clone https://github.com/Mridul20/Spotr.git
- Step 2 : Navigate to the directory:
cd spotr
- Step 3 : Open the directory created with your favorite IDE. If Atom type
atom .
if VSCode typecode .
. This will lauch the editor with the project setup, - Now feel free to hack around the project.
- Run the command 'python manage.py runserver' to create a local link.
- Directly navigate to the online hosting of the project from here
- None currently.
- Python 3.6.8
- Bootstrap 4.3.1
- Django