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Manage and generate chapters for podcasts and other media via cli and web

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Create and convert chapters for podcasts, youtube, matroska, mkvmerge/nero/vorbis, webvtt, ffmpeginfo, ffmetadata, pyscenedetect, apple chapters, edl, podlove simple chapters (xml, json), apple hls chapters and mp4chaps.

Build on @mtillmann/chapters

Click here to open the web app.

Supported Formats

name key ext info
Podcasting 2.0 Chapters chaptersjson json spec
FFMetadata ffmpegdata txt spec
Matroska XML chapters matroskaxml xml spec
MKVToolNix mkvmerge XML mkvmergexml xml spec
MKVToolNix mkvmerge simple mkvmergesimple txt spec
WebVTT Chapters webvtt vtt spec
Youtube Chapter Syntax youtube txt
FFMpegInfo ffmpeginfo txt read only, used internally
PySceneDetect pyscenedetect csv project home
Vorbis Comment Format vorbiscomment txt spec
"Apple Chapters" applechapters xml source
Shutter EDL edl edl source
Podlove Simple Chapters psc xml spec
Podlove Simple Chapters JSON podlovejson json source
MP4Chaps mp4chaps txt source
Apple HLS Chapters applehls json spec, partial support
SceneCut scenecut json spec



You need to install node and optionally ffmpeg on your system:

Windows: modern terminal, package manager, node, ffmpeg macOS: package manager, node, ffmpeg linux: node, ffmpeg

create chapters from video

An updated cli tool with better interface is available here: chapconv

npx chaptertool@latest generate YOUR_FILE.mp4

Wait for the process to finish, afterwards a new folder called YOUR_FILE_chapters should be present. It contains the screenshots from the video and a chapters.json-file that contains the automatically generated chapters.


npx chaptertool@latest <command> <input?> --option-a --option-b=value


Run the http-server that hosts the web ui.

option description default
--port port for the http-server 8989


Generate raw chapters from video using ffmpeg.

option description default
<input> the video file that you want to process
--y when set ffmpeg will always overwrite existing output
--n when set ffmpeg will never overwrite existing output
--output-format output format for the chapters, see below chaptersjson
--output-folder image destination folder, $filename will be replaced with the input video filename minus the extension $filename_chapters
--chapter-template template string for the chapter names. Chapter $chapter of $total
--scene-value min value for ffmpeg's scene detection. If you only use a small portion of the screen, the value should be smaller. See the crop option 0.1
--scale when given, images will be scaled to given width while keeping original aspect ratio
--force-dar when used, the display aspect ratio will be used for generated images. Useful for some videos. overwrites --scale
--crop when set, it will apply the crop filter on the input to the given coordinates. General syntax is w:h:x:y
--use-crossfade-fix when set, a special filter setup will be used to handle crossfade situations
--crossfade-frames assuming your input video has a framerate of ~30fps and your average cross-fade transition is 2 seconds long, the amount of frame should be at least FPS * CROSSFADE_DURATION * 2 120
--silent suppress output
--img-uri uri to prepend to the images in the json
--pretty pretty-print the output, if supported
--keep-info when set, info.txt will not be deleted
--config point to a yaml file that may contain all options for a enhanced re/usability, see below
--dump-ffmpeg echo the generated ffmpeg-command to stdout
--ffmpeg-binary path to the ffmpeg binary, optional ffmpeg
--ffprobe-binary path to the ffprobe binary, optional ffprobe
--extract-audio extract the audio from video file
--audio-filename filename for the audio file. $filename will be replaced with input filename, same as --output-folder. Extension controls the output format $filename.mp3
--audio-options options for the ffmpeg command that extracts the audio -q:a 0 -map a
--audio-copy-stream copy audio stream from video. Correct output file extension will be set automatically. --audio-options will be overwritten internally
--audio-only create no chapters and images
--input-chapters path to a chapters.json file. See below
--dump-options dump final options object, for debugging only
--min-chapter-length minimum chapter length. New chapters below that threshold are ignored 10
--no-end-times when set, no endTime-attributes are written on chapters.json


Converts existing chapters between any of the supported formats:

option description default
<input> the file that you want to convert, format will be detected
--output-format target format, one of those listed above. When omitted, detected input format is used
--pretty some formats support pretty printing
--img-uri see above, works only with chaptersjson
--output-file file to write the output to. see below
--psd-omit-timecodes When set, first line of PySceneDetect-CSV will not be written
--psd-framerate set the framerate for PySceneDetect output
--ac-use-text-attr use the text-attribute for Apple Chapters

use --output-file when using powershell, otherwise you'll have BOMs in your output

config yaml and .env

Use any option (except input) listed above in a config file passed via --configto create reusable configurations:

# my-config.yaml
- --crop=616:410:554:46
- --silent

Additionally you can create an .env file in any directory and put in options like this:

# prefix with CT_, option name uppercase and replace all dashes with underscore

You can combine config with regular cli options. Evaluation occurs in this order:

  1. build-in default value
  2. .env values
  3. config yaml (if present) value
  4. explicit cli value

Examples & FAQ, FAQ


Use docker to run the web GUI:

docker build -t chaptertool-gui .
docker run -p 8989:8989 chaptertool-gui
# open http://localhost:8989 in your browser

or use the image from dockerhub:

docker run -p 8989:8989 martintillmann/chaptertool-gui