This wrapper simplifies working with the MultiSafepay API and lets you integrate MultiSafepay in your Java application.
MultiSafepay is a Dutch payment services provider, which takes care of contracts, processing transactions, and collecting payments for a range of local and international payment methods. Start selling online today and manage all your transactions in one place!
You will need a MultiSafepay account. Consider a test account first.
Clone this git repository.
Set up the client for testing:
MultiSafepayClient.init(true, "YOUR_API_KEY");
Create an order:
Order order = new Order();
"Product description",
new PaymentOptions(
JsonObject jsonResponse = MultiSafepayClient.createOrder(order);
String payment_url = MultiSafepayClient.getPaymenUrl(jsonResponse);
See more examples.
Create an issue on this repository or email
If you spot mistakes or want to help improve this wrapper, feel free to create a pull request.
See MultiSafepay Docs – API reference.