Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse Prediction
This package implements a simulation-based 'inverse prediction' algorithm for fitting spatially explicit capture-recapture models to data from tricky detectors such as single-catch traps (Efford, 2004; Efford, Dawson and Robbins, 2004; Efford, 2023).
ipsecr depends on secr 4.5.8 or later. It improves on the functionality of ip.secr
in earlier versions of secr. Many functions mirror those in secr.
ipsecr is available on CRAN.
The code here is under development. It may be installed using
Compilation of C++ code is required.
Please report problems as Issues on GitHub.
Efford, M. G. (2004) Density estimation in live-trapping studies. Oikos 106, 598--610.
Efford, M. G. (2023) ipsecr: An R package for awkward spatial capture-recapture data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14, 1182--1189.
Efford, M. G., Dawson, D. K. and Robbins C. S. (2004) DENSITY: software for analysing capture-recapture data from passive detector arrays. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 217--228.