A Webapp for people to post content they like. Similar to instagram, this app provides features like:
- Upload photos - add a title and description.
- Give a Like to an existing post.
This project is build using MERN Stack (MongoDB,Express,React,Nodejs)
This project has :
- User
- Stranger
Each of them have different roles to play
This is the person who will have access to the website from the frontend and will have all the functionalities like :
a) Creating a user account by signing up
b) Create a custom post
c) Add title, description and photo to his/her post
d) Edit an existing post which was created by him
e) Delete a post from his feeds
f) Like functionality for a post
g) View all posts created by different users (LIKE A POST TOO ;) ) -
He is a person who can visit the Webapp and view posts created by different users. He can freely view content here and can create an account for himself too.