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Welcome to the chartmaker wiki!
- Pull the latest image: docker pull n129bz/chartmaker:latest
- Launch the image: docker run -it n129bz/chartmaker:latest
- Change to the chartmaker directory: cd chartmaker
- Start chartserver: node make (NOTE: run node make -s or --settings to show all settings.json values)
Chartmaker can process one of the following arguments: -h or --help, -s or -settings, area-single=X, area-all, full-single=X, full-all where X is an ordinal index number from the appropriate list in settings.json. If no argument is provided, you will be prompted with a menu selection with these choices:
1 = Process a single area VFR chart
2 = Process all 53 area VFR charts individually
3 = Process a single full chart from the full chart list
4 = Process all of the full charts in the full chart list
Your selection:
After entering your selection, if it is one of the two "single" options you will be prompted with an indexed list to choose from. (see lists in settings.json below.)
The FAA publishes charts 20 days before the official chart date, and chartmaker will automatically select the nearest chart date from this file of official FAA chart 56-day release dates, all the way up to the year 2044. If the next chart date is more than 20 days out, chartmaker will get the current chart date.
- Edit the values in chartprocessindexes with any ordinal index numbers from the faachartnames list for charts you want to process, in the order you want them processed. The default is all charts in the index list, in index order. The setting array faachartnames are the actual zip filenames the FAA uses and are for reference only. Changes to the downloadtemplate or faachartnames, layertypes, and tiledrivers lists is not recommended!
- The zoom range value can either be in the format n-n, or you can use a single zoom level n
- You can change the tileimagequality percentage from 1 up to 100 and tiledriverindex index to 2 (webp) to reduce mbtiles file size. The smaller the percentage, the fuzzier the chart will be at high zoom levels.
- The tiledimagequality setting works for both png and webp images.
- To save disk space, you can set cleanprocessfolders to true.
- The merge and/or pngquant work folders will be many gigabytes for the entire chart set and are not needed once processing is complete
- To preserve the processed databases, you can set renameworkarea to true. This will rename the workarea folder to include the processed chart date so the next run will not overwrite the folder.
- attribution is a database metadata value that many mapping applications use for acknowledgement of the database creator*
"attribution": "Aviation charts <a href='https://github.com/n129bz/chartmaker'>github.com/n129bz/chartmaker</a>",
- curl download templates, values inside brackets <> are programmatically replaced with values to match FAA's file names*
"vfrdownloadtemplate": "https://aeronav.faa.gov/visual/<chartdate>/All_Files/<charttype>.zip",
"ifrdownloadtemplate": "https://aeronav.faa.gov/enroute/<chartdate>/<charttype>.zip",
"vfrindividualtemplate": "https://aeronav.faa.gov/visual/<chartdate>/sectional-files/<charttype>.zip",
"usvfrwallplanningtemplate": "https://aeronav.faa.gov/visual/<chartdate>/Planning/US_WallPlan.zip",
- application flags
"renameworkarea": false, <- if true, will append chart date to the working folder name
"logtofile": true, <- if true will produce a file "debug.log"
"cleanprocessfolders": false, <- if true then working folders are removed after processing
- tile image quality percentage, tileimagequality has a huge effect on png processing time, not quite as much with webp*
"tileimagequality" : 50, <- percentage (1-100) greatly affects processing speed and database size
"zoomrange" : "1-12", <- range of overviews to produce, higher takes longer and can make db huge
"dbfolder: "", <- optional folder, if a valid path is used the app will put db files here, otherwise will use default
- chartprocessindexes control which chart types to process. Each faachartname is an array with 3 values: FAA chart name, chart type, and an alias (not used for vfr charts.) The chartprocessindexes array values correspond to the ordinal position (zero-based) in the fullchartlist. Array entries can be reordered or omitted for specific chart(s) processing. Alternatively, any of the full charts can be processed by responding to the prompt with the appropriate value.
Examples: [0,6] or [6,5,3]
WARNING: Editing of any of the fullchartlist values will break the application!*
"chartprocessindexes": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], <- charts represented by indexes 0-5 will be processed, in this order
"fullchartlist": [
["Sectional", "vfr", ""], <- as in [FAA chart name, type, alias] (no alias used for vfr charts)
["Caribbean", "vfr", ""],
["Grand_Canyon", "vfr", ""],
["Terminal", "vfr", ""],
["Helicopter", "vfr", ""],
["DDECUS", "ifr", "Enroute_Low"], <- aliases for DDECUS are required (Digital Data Enroute Continental US)
["DDECUS", "ifr", "Enroute_High"],
["US_VFR_Wall_Planning", "vfr", ""]
- individualchartlist allows processing of all 53 area charts, either individually or all:
"individualchartlist": [
[0, "Albuquerque"],
[1, "Anchorage"],
[2, "Atlanta"],
[3, "Bethel"],
[4, "Billings"],
[5, "Brownsville"],
[6, "Cape_Lisburne"],
[7, "Charlotte"],
[8, "Cheyenne"],
[9, "Chicago"],
[10, "Cincinnati"],
[11, "Cold_Bay"],
[12, "Dallas-Ft_Worth"],
[13, "Dawson"],
[14, "Denver"],
[15, "Detroit"],
[16, "Dutch_Harbor"],
[17, "El_Paso"],
[18, "Fairbanks"],
[19, "Great_Falls"],
[20, "Green_Bay"],
[21, "Halifax"],
[22, "Hawaiian_Islands"],
[23, "Houston"],
[24, "Jacksonville"],
[25, "Juneau"],
[26, "Kansas_City"],
[27, "Ketchikan"],
[28, "Klamath_Falls"],
[29, "Kodiak"],
[30, "Lake_Huron"],
[31, "Las_Vegas"],
[32, "Los_Angeles"],
[33, "McGrath"],
[34, "Memphis"],
[35, "Miami"],
[36, "Montreal"],
[37, "New_Orleans"],
[38, "New_York"],
[39, "Nome"],
[40, "Omaha"],
[41, "Phoenix"],
[42, "Point_Barrow"],
[43, "Salt_Lake_City"],
[44, "San_Antonio"],
[45, "San_Francisco"],
[46, "Seattle"],
[47, "Seward"],
[48, "St_Louis"],
[49, "Twin_Cities"],
[50, "Washington"],
[51, "Western_Aleutian_Islands"],
[52, "Wichita"]
- layertypeindex controls the layertype and therefore how it will be rendered on a map, for example If you will be overlaying an OSM map with your chartmaker map*
"layertypeindex": 1,
"layertypes": [
- tiledriverindex determines the tiledriver type, for example webp produces the smallest image size but png produces the sharpest images*
"tiledriverindex": 0,
"tiledrivers": [
The chart zip files are downloaded from the FAA digital raster chart repository and unzipped. After the unzipping process all of the the resultant GEOtiff image names (and their matching tfw world file names) are "normalized" to all lower-case filenames with underscores in place of dashes and spaces and any apostrophes removed. This simplifies the down-stream processing of these files since GDAL can interpret spaces as argument separators.
Install list: sqlite3, python3, Nodejs + npm, Perl, cpanminus, pngquant, imagemagick, curl, unzip, build-essential, libgdal-dev, and GDAL v3.6.2 (minimum)
Note: Most linux machines have Perl installed by default
Step 1. Apt Install
sudo \
apt install -y \
sqlite3 \
pngquant \
imagemagick \
curl \
unzip \
build-essential \
libssl-dev \
libgdal-dev \
cpanminus \
Step 2. - Install node and npm NOTE: USE OF NVM HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as it will install both node and npm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
Step 3 Edit .bashrc to create the GTIFF_SRS_SOURCE environment variable: (shown using nano editor)
nano /home/<username>/.bashrc
Add this line at the end of the .bashrc file:
Step 4. Save and close .bashrc and then re-source it and install Node:
source /home/<username>/.bashrc
nvm install --lts
Step 5. - Clone the repository (shown as cloned from the /home/user folder
cd /home/<username>
git clone https://github.com/n129bz/chartmaker.git
** Step 6**. - Give Execute permission to the perlinstall.sh script and run it to install Perl modules
Step 1. - Pull and run the ubuntu-small osgeo/gdal docker image
docker run -it ghcr.io/osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-small-3.9.2
Step 2. - Install all required programs
apt install -y \
sqlite3 \
pngquant \
imagemagick \
curl \
unzip \
build-essential \
libgdal-dev \
libssl-dev \
cpanminus \
gdal-bin \
Step 3. - install node and npm NOTE: USE OF NVM HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as it will install both node and npm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
After this is done, open /root/.bashrc for editing: (shown using nano editor)
nano /root/.bashrc
Add this line at the end of the .bashrc file:
Save and close the file, re-source it, and then install Node:
source /root/.bashrc
nvm install --lts
Step 4. Clone the repository into the base folder**
cd /
git clone https://github.com/n129bz/chartmaker.git
cd chartmaker
Step 5. Use your favorite text editor (nano shown) and edit the settings.json file to select which chart(s) to process. See above for what is in settings.json
nano /chartmaker/settings.json
Step 6. MOST IMPORTANT STEP - commit the docker container to persist it as a new image. In a separate terminal, enter docker ps -a to list all containers. Make note of the container being used and copy the container ID (not an image ID) and enter:
docker commit <containerid> <your desired image name>
Step 7. After committing the new container, run the application:
docker run -it <your created image name>
When the terminal prompt is ready,
cd /chartmaker
npm install
node make
Optional Step 8. You can create a new image using a dockerfile. The following example shows how you could build a new image from n129bz/chartmaker:latest and then run the application, processing all 53 area charts, and having those chart db's placed in a local folder:
FROM n129bz/chartmaker:latest
ENV PATH="$PATH:/root/.nvm/versions/node/v20.16.0/bin"
WORKDIR /chartmaker
CMD ["node", "make", "area-all"]
Build the new image from the dockerfile:
docker build -t mynewchartmakerimage
Launch the new image using the volume (-v) switch to specify a local folder that will receive all of the db files: This example shows how to specify an external chart folder (using the required value "externalcharts".) If the application knows it is running in a Docker container, it will look for this volume name and will use it as the location to save all processed databases:
docker run -it -v /mylocalfolder/charts:/chartmaker/externalcharts mynewchartmakerimage
Optional Step 9. If you want to save this new image as an archive file
NOTE: See https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/save/
NOTE: docker will save the file as a .tar archive
docker save -o <your file name>.tar <new image id>
TO LOAD saved your image archive directly into docker,
docker load --input <your saved image archive name>.tar