Persistence for XP11 Aircraft
Switch positions will be recorded when the Park Brake is set and the Left Engine is off. It will automatically reload the last saved switch positions 10 seconds after the sim loads.
Third Party Aircraft List:
Carenado C550 Citation II
Carenado C208 HD
Carenado C208 EX
Carenado PC12
Carenado Saab 340-B
Third party aircraft require coding of any custom commands to have full save and reload functionality. Capability is provided for basic X-Plane functions.
Carenado C550 Citation II
I have not found a way to shut down the engines in a manner that will allow them to be restarted.
If the scenario is loaded with engines running, the script will pull the power lever latches, however you will have to manually move the power levers to cutoff.
This plugin uses the FlyWithLUA plugin to interface with X-Plane. It is available freely from the .org
Luna INI Parser (LIP) is included as an additional plugin module for use with FlyWithLua. This module allows for the saving and reading of settings data within LUA. It has been included in this package under the MIT Licence offered by creater Carreras Nicholas.
Copy the Scripts and Modules folders into the main folder of FlyWithLUA: X-Plane 11 > Resources > plugins > FlyWithLua NOTE: LIP is a common module and may prompt to overwrite if it already exists in your instalation.
Saving and loading switch positions can be manually accomplished by selecting the option in: Plugins > FlyWithLua > FlyWithLua Macros > PersistenceXP Save / Load
This package is to be distributed as Freeware only. Installation and use of this package is at your own risk.
This is the first time I have coded a plugin, any feedback is welcome. Bug reports, please include the x-plane log.txt file in the main x-plane folder for the flight in question.
This plugin is still a work in progress, to be considered as public beta. Errors may exist.
- V0.1 - Initial Beta Release
- V1.0 - Initial Release
- V2.0 - Recoded to work with all deafult aircraft and Carenado C550
- V3.0 - Major rewrite to utilise aircraft as modules