🤖 Shorten your links for free with a powerful interface!
I just wanted to have a cool project, and I made this. I also need to shorten some URLs, and bit.ly's URL shortner is good but not free and it requires me to have a account.
For being lazy to login, I just made this. 🧐
Just a party to include in my full-stack list. Also, this domain is just a 1-year domain from GitHub Student Dev Pack, I'm not sure where would I move it after it expires.
Demo will be available soon.
Based on Python-Flask. It saves your shortened URLs to a database and keeps logging infos too. This makes it much easier and faster to have a API!
I'm planning to make seperate mirrors, so that every day, to optimize the database, every mirror be different and new shorts directly go to the newest mirror (each mirror having 100 shorts, then a new mirror and so on). It would help me fix the population issue before deployments. 💀
Make venv yourself, then install the flask package and validators
python3 -m pip install flask validators
# or from file
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py
- @ashishagarwal2023 - Idea & Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- References