[MAILBOX] is a mail inbox fullstack application built using React.js and Node.js. The app allows users to view their email messages and the app marks the opened messages as read. The app implements an API layer to fetch and update message data stored in a database. The top bar of the app indicates the number of unread messages and the name of the user. The app is styled using CSS. The app uses a predefined user and only shows messages for that user and to that user.
- MongoDB
- Expres.js
- React
- Node.js
- Node provides the backend environment for this application
- Express middleware is used to handle requests, routes
- Mongoose schemas to model the application data
- React for displaying UI components
- Login
- Homepage
- inbox page
- Message page
- Differentiation of read and unread messages
- Text on homepage telling the user the number of unread messages they have
In order to run this project you need:
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
$ git clone https://github.com/NATASHA-ct/MAILBOX-APP.git
Install this project with:
// go to client folder(frontend)
$ yarn # or npm i // npm install packages
// go to server folder(backend)
$ yarn # or npm i // npm install packages
To run the project, execute the following command:
In your code editor open 2 terminals one for frontend and one for backend
#### Run the backend
$ cd backend
$ npm run dev
#### Run the frontend
$ cd frontend
$ npm run start
To be deployed
using render
- GitHub: [@NATASHA-ct]((https://github.com/NATASHA-ct)
- Twitter: [@NatashaChirombe]
- LinkedIn: Natasha Chirombe