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Sprint Goals
September 20, 10:30 CEST
- Helm charts for LocalEGA deployment on the LocalEGA-deploy-k8s repository
- https://github.com/NBISweden/LocalEGA-deploy-k8s/issues/2 - for generating configuration
- https://github.com/NBISweden/LocalEGA-deploy-k8s/issues/1 - for creating helm charts
- Draw a scheme about the Deployment at NBIS
- Martin up to speed
- Helm charts for LocalEGA deployment on the LocalEGA-deploy-k8s repository
Data in:
- stable IDs
- Update LocalEGA database schema, synchronize with Anand and Alexander
- Use only one database
- https://github.com/EGA-archive/ega-data-api/issues/10
- https://github.com/EGA-archive/ega-data-api/issues/9 - worth considering if we have time
Data out:
- Continue with Data API deployment in EBI
- Integrate Data API with LocalEGA
- Documentation on the Data API part
Start stitching a general docker-compose for LocalEGA (Data-In and Data-out)
- https://github.com/NBISweden/LocalEGA/issues/343
- https://github.com/NBISweden/LocalEGA/issues/340 (Adding docker-compose for the EGA-DATA-API)
September 6, 10:30 CEST - https://cscfi.zoom.us/j/335469331
- Helm charts for LocalEGA deployment on the LocalEGA-deploy-k8s repository
- Automated deployment of Data In in SE environment
- Draw a scheme about the Deployment at NBIS
- add Information to the LocalEGA Deployment Document about NBIS Plans
- Integrate Data out to current deployment swarm and kubernetes/openshift
Data API
- Continue with Data API deployment in EBI
- Integrate Data API with LocalEGA
- Start Documentation on the Data API part
August 24 10:30 CET
- Deployment
- Move deployments to separate repositories (including Terraform)
- Continue OpenShift deployment planning and test deployment in production-like environment (especially verify network configuration)
- Get Jocke up to speed
- Implement the plan how to use REMS for authorising the data use
- Data API
- Continue with Data API deployment in EBI
- Integrate ELK stack for Data API
- Integrate Data API to ingestion and make sure that it works with Crypt4GH (replicate what we had in the demo)
August 9th 10:30 CET
- Make Local EGA containers work in Docker Swarm and deploy to test environment in Norway
- Kubernetes deployment
- Work together with CSC's cloud team with open questions related to production environment
- Finnish testing in Rahti (use separate images)
- Data API
- Create OpenAPI specification about Key service interface
- Kubernetes deployment in EBI
- Finnish database schema planning
- Integrate new Key service to Local EGA ingestion
- Make it possible to disable Netflix OSS
- Debugging more human
- GitHub
- Travis integration for all repos to Local EGA (NBIS) Slack
- Create a picture how REMS is connected to Local EGA
July 19th 09:00
- Continue Deployment
- test the functionality of the deployed solution (if it is still there)
- Deploy SUNET
- Fuse Inbox alternative (cron job)
- (EGA) Data out API
- make it possible to disable Netflix OSS
- debugging more human
- bring the code to ega-data-api repo and create hierarchical Maven project
- database schema planning
- Fix the Calendar
- make it suitable for UK time
- (Bonus) Write a design document about deployment https://github.com/NBISweden/LocalEGA/issues/314
July 5th 09:00
- Quality control: Finnish the PR
- Deployment
- Study possibilities for adding alternative to FUSE-based notification mechanism in ingestion to something else
- Continue deployment work in Rahti and in SUNET
- Draw a picture about LEGA storage architecture
June 21st 09:00
- Separate production deployment from development (including documentation)
- Make deployment work in SUNET (deploying the cluster, providing the configuration files, shared volumes, network, etc)
- Make deployment work in CSC (Rahti or cPouta)
- Explore deployment options for TSD
Integrate Local EGA cryptor and S3 interface to the ingestion
Start implementing the "GA4GH cryptor model" to Local EGA ingestion
Write unit tests for Local EGA cryptor
Create mockups of Data Out API
May 31st 09:00
Config server
- Implement support for Spring config server
- Get rid of mounting files inside containers
- Make containers work without the root permissions
- Get rid of capabilities and privileged devices in docker-compose file
Implement first version of GA4GH Crypt encryption/decryption
Make a release, write release notes and tag a version
(Implement support for storing files using S3 interface)
May 16th 09:00
- Compare different deployment methods (e.g. Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, OpenStack; also in term of configs)
- Investigate network separation with Docker
Tests: continue with integration/unit testing
Documenting the communication between LEGA <-> CEGA (e.g. messages)
Make a release, write release notes and tag a version
April 26 09:00
- Review the test list and implement missing ones (unit tests and integration tests)
- Fix issues with existing test (e.g. with big files)
- Provide a mock of S3 interface for Docker
- Create a plan for implementing S3 interface
- Compare different deployment methods
LEGA crypto
- Stabilise the code (e.g. memory usage)
- Stabilise the key infrastructure (e.g. no plain text passphrases)
- Write unit tests
Make a release, write release notes and tag a version
April 12 09:00
Prepare a demo setup
- Fix the problem in EGA Data API
- Push CEGA to implement submission trigger from LEGA so we can demo the user interface
- Plan and prepare the file upload
- Figure out where to run the demo
- Prepare the FUSE client access
- (Plan and prepare file encryption for the demo (e.g. LEGA "cryptor"))
- Record a backup video
Restructure repositories:
- add unit tests in same language as LEGA implementation
- move integration tests to another
- move deployments to another repository and document them
March 22 09:00
Connect Vault of LEGA ingestion to data out
- Study how Vault volume could be shared between data in and data out (due Tuesday 13th)
- Use Central EGA stable ids for ingested files
- Implement the solution
Use data in key service in data out
- Study how to share Docker-Compose network (due Tuesday 13th)
- Integrate data out to data in key service
Rounding up for the demo
- Update documentation
- Merge all existing code
- Unit tests for PGP script
March 8 09:00
Read encrypted data from LEGA Vault
- Integrate LEGA ingestion micro services with EGA Data API (mount LEGA Vault)
- Read unencrypted test file from anywhere (LEGA Vault)
- Combine two above steps
Data in: CEGA Submission portal
- Make a list of changes related to adding LEGA specificities to CEGA Submission portal
- Trigger new submission from CEGA Submission portal
- Show file status in user interface
Wrap up
- GnuPG alternative
- EGA Data API bootstrap script (reviewed and merged before Friday 29th)
Feb 22 09:00
- Implement "DATA OUT"
- Bootstrap script
- Fix jwt token authentication
- Decrypt file from our Vault
- Decrypt file from "EGA data api database"
- Connect EGA data api database to LEGA vault
- Bootstrap script
- Improve robustness
- Microservice "discovery/handling/monitoring/..."
- Including error handling & service registration
- Alternative to GnuPG
- Microservice "discovery/handling/monitoring/..."
Uppsala E10:2309 https://sunet.zoom.us/j/214422954
Feb 8 09:00
- Implement "DATA OUT"
- Meeting with Alexander Senf
- Bootstrap script
- Decrypt file from our Vault
- Complete Skeikampenrunt tur
Jan 25 09:00
- Implement "DATA OUT"
- Demonstrate reading archived files in vault using EGA DATA API
- Documentation/Roadmap
- Progress CEGA interface side
- Define tests to implement for DATA OUT
Jan 11 09:00
- Implement deployment in Openshift
- Research "DATA OUT"
- Integrate EGA DATA API in "DATA OUT"
- Adding business logic monitoring tool
- Rework the test list
Dec 14 09:00
- Demonstrate Deployment on OpenStack with Terraform
- Adding business logic monitoring tool
- Implement deployment in Openshift
- Research "DATA OUT"
- Integrate EGA DATA API in "DATA OUT"
- Make tests configurable
- Rework the test list
November 30 09:00
- Running the terraform branch up to date
- Merge Juhas branch into NBISweden
- Remove blockers for Openshift issue #182 and #183
- Investigate how to integrate EGA DATA API
- Settle the information about Error handling
- General Documentation
- Testing file ingestions F.1 - F.5
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://sunet.zoom.us/j/214422954
November 16 09:00
- Running the terraform branch up to date
- Preparing information about communication between CEGA&LEGA
- Testing authentication
- Merge Juhas branch into NBISweden
Web browser: https://vconf.kth.se/. Set SciLifeLab as conference room. Pincode: 8800;
SIP/H323: connect to SciLifeLab@vconf.kth.se
November 2 09:00
- Juha find out decision information about Openshift
- Dymtro find out decision information about Jenkins
- Figure out if we can use SUNET for the production system in Sweden.
- Error/monitor messaging from ingestion process.
- Write contribution guidelines
- Fix KNOX testing environment.
Web browser: https://vconf.kth.se/. Set SciLifeLab as conference room. Pincode: 8800;
SIP/H323: connect to SciLifeLab@vconf.kth.se
October 19 at 09:00
- Nanjiang create list of lots of tests
- and show a limited demo
- Jonas show a budget of hardware
- Juha find out decision information about Openshift
- Dymtro find out decision information about Jenkins
- Decide on what CI to use.
- Convert "The Oscar List" into doable tasks.
October 5 at 09:00
- EGA auth - Fred
- Review of documentation of docker compose.
- Continue set up tests in OpenShift (docker)
- Start sketching hardware requirements - Jonas
- Document Installation procedures
Sprint review 5 October, 9:00
- Clean up provisioning with Terraform (on SSC)
- User management
- Proper C code review
- Expiry date support
- Automatic home directory creation
- Continue set up tests in OpenShift (docker)
- Test ingestion on "big data"
- Start sketching hardware requirements
- Document
- Installation procedures
Sprint review 21 September, 9:00
- Clean up provisioning with Terraform (on SSC)
- User management
- proper C code review
- Expiry date support
- Investigate if ssh keys can be stored in database
- Document
- Code (prio 1)
- Installation procedures
- General architecture
- Continue set up tests in OpenShift (docker)
- Test ingestion on "big data"
- Start sketching hardware requirements
Sprint review 7 September, 9:00
- Deploy on SSC with Terraform
- Test ingestion on "big data"
- Document
- Code (prio 1)
- Installation procedures
- General architecture
- Continue set up tests in OpenShift
- Start sketching hardware requirements
Sprint review 24 August, 9:00
- Provisioning: docker-compose
- -Deployment: Ansible-
- Documentation
- SFTP user creation with MQ
Sprint review 14 July, 9:00
- Deployment
- Ansible? docker-compose?...others?
- fixing bugs
- SFTP user creation with MQ
Sprint review 21 June, 9:00
- Error handling
- Start hooking up AAI
- submission account creation
- ingestion trigger
- ingestion confirmation dialogue
Sprint review 12 June, 14:00
- Deployment in VMs
- AAI auth for every part
- Error handling strategy
- File Naming
- Vault: file naming and the database update (requires stable database schemas)
- back and forth to CentralEGA for "global" naming
- demonstrate a submission all the way
- Lock inbox instead of moving to staging area
- deploy a real demo with fake data all the way
- Start setting up deployment strategy
- First iteration of database schema
- (Fix KNOX)
- Vault: file naming and the database update (requires stable database schemas)
- back and forth to CentralEGA for "global" naming
- demonstrate a submission all the way
- finish the re-encryption pipeline
- Lock inbox instead of moving to staging area
- deploy a real demo with fake data all the way
- Start setting up deployment strategy