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Testing LocalEGA

Dmytro Titov edited this page May 15, 2018 · 19 revisions

User Authentication

Feature: Authentication
  As a user I want to be able to authenticate against LocalEGA inbox

    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |

  Scenario: A.0 User exists in Central EGA and uses correct private key for authentication for the correct instance
    Given I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    When I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    Then I'm logged in successfully

  Scenario: A.1 User doesn't exist in Central EGA, but tries to authenticate against LocalEGA inbox
    Given I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    When I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    Then authentication fails

  Scenario: A.2 User exists in Central EGA and uses correct private key for authentication, but the wrong instance
    Given I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "fin1"
    And I have correct private key
    When I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    Then authentication fails

  Scenario: A.3 User exists in Central EGA, but uses incorrect private key for authentication
    Given I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have incorrect private key
    When I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    Then authentication fails

   Scenario: A.4 User exists in Central EGA and tries to connect to LocalEGA, but the inbox was not created for him
     Given I have an account at Central EGA
     And I want to work with instance "swe1"
     And I have correct private key
     And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
     And I disconnect from the LocalEGA inbox
     And I am disconnected from the LocalEGA inbox
     And inbox is deleted for my user
     When I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
     Then authentication fails

File Uploading

Feature: Uploading
  As a user I want to be able to upload files to the LocalEGA inbox

  Scenario: U.0 Upload files to the LocalEGA inbox
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    When I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    Then the file is uploaded successfully

Data-In (Ingestion)

Feature: Ingestion
  As a user I want to be able to ingest files from the LocalEGA inbox

  Scenario Outline: I.0 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox using correct <algo> checksums
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Archived"
    And the raw checksum matches
    And the encrypted checksum matches
    And and the file header matches

    | algo   |
    | MD5    |
    | SHA256 |

  Scenario: I.1 User ingests file encrypted not with OpenPGP
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted not with OpenPGP
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox using correct MD5 checksums
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Error"

  Scenario: I.2 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a wrong key
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "fin1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox using correct MD5 checksums
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Error"

  Scenario: I.3 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP, but inbox is not created
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And inbox is deleted for my user
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox using correct MD5 checksums
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Error"

  Scenario: I.4 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP, but file was not found in the inbox
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And file is removed from the inbox
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox using correct MD5 checksums
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Error"

  Scenario: I.5 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key, but raw checksum doesn't match with the supplied one
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox using wrong raw checksum
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Error"

  Scenario: I.6 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key, but encrypted checksum doesn't match with the supplied one
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox using wrong encrypted checksum
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Error"

  Scenario: I.7 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key, but raw checksum isn't provided
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox without providing raw checksum
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Error"

  Scenario: I.8 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key, but encrypted checksum isn't provided
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox without providing encrypted checksum
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Error"

  Scenario: I.9 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key and providing checksums as companion files
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I upload companion files to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox without providing checksums
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Archived"
    And the raw checksum matches
    And the encrypted checksum matches
    And and the file header matches

  Scenario: I.10 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key and checksums, but the keyserver doesn't respond
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I upload companion files to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I turn off the keyserver
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox without providing checksums
    And I turn on the keyserver
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Error"

  Scenario: I.13 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key and checksums, but the vault listener is down
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I upload companion files to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I turn off the vault listener
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox without providing checksums
    And I turn on the vault listener
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "NoEntry"

  Scenario: I.15 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key and checksums, but the database doesn't respond
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I upload companion files to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I turn off the database
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox without providing checksums
    And I turn on the database
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "NoEntry"
  • (I.10) File found, its checksum is correct but the GPG decryption fails.

    To be expanded, e.g.: keyserver communication fails (server is down, SSL encryption channel is not set up, etc.); GPG key not found, GPG key not unlocked, etc.

  • (I.11) File found, ..., but re-encryption fails.

    To be expanded, e.g.: the key is not found.

  • (I.12) Re-encryption failure due to a shortage in the staging area.

    To be expanded, e.g.: disk is full, mount failed, etc.

  • (I.13) Moving to staging area failed.

    To be expanded, e.g.: vault listener is down, vault disk is full, staging area mount failed, etc.

  • (I.14) Verification of the copied file in the vault failed.

    To be expanded, e.g.: the file was not fully copied, so its checksum failed (calculated at the re-encryption step)

  • (I.15) Database connection failed, so information about the file is not available.

Data-Out ("Outgestion")

  • (O.0) User retrieves the file and decrypts it successfully.
  • (O.1) User retrieves the file, but can't decrypt it:
    • The file appeared to be encrypted with a wrong key.
    • The file appeared to be encrypted with another algorithm.
  • (O.2) User tries to retrieve the file, but it's absent in the vault.
  • (O.3) User retrieves the file and decrypts it, but checksums don't match.
  • (O.4) Database connection failed, so information about the file is not available.


Feature: Robustness
  As a user I want the system to be robust and fault-tolerant

  Scenario: R.0 User ingests file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key and providing checksums as companion files after full system restart
    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
      | swe1 |
    And I have an account at Central EGA
    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
    And I have correct private key
    And the system is restarted
    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
    And I have a file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I upload companion files to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox without providing checksums
    When I retrieve ingestion information
    Then the ingestion status is "Archived"
    And the raw checksum matches
    And the encrypted checksum matches
    And and the file header matches
#  Scenario: R.2 User ingests a big file encrypted with OpenPGP using a correct key and providing checksums as companion files
#    Given I am a user of LocalEGA instances:
#      | swe1 |
#    And I have an account at Central EGA
#    And I want to work with instance "swe1"
#    And I have correct private key
#    And I connect to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP using private key
#    And I have a big file encrypted with OpenPGP using a "swe1" key
#    And I upload encrypted file to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
#    And I upload companion files to the LocalEGA inbox via SFTP
#    And I have CEGA MQ username and password
#    And I ingest file from the LocalEGA inbox without providing checksums
#    When I retrieve ingestion information
#    Then the ingestion status is "Archived"
#    And the raw checksum matches
#    And the encrypted checksum matches
#    And and the file header matches
  • (R.1) Some components are restarted (especially the database, but also the ingestion workers or the vault).
  • (R.2) Stress tests:
    • (R.2a) ingesting a big file.
    • (R.2b) ingesting many files.