Facial, sentiment, age, and sex detection analysis of Unsplash images. The application is built using Vue 3, Unsplash API, and justadudewhohack's face-api.js.
To run Face Splash locally, you can either clone
git clone https://github.com/NElnour/face-splash.git
or download this respository as a ZIP from
After the ZIP file is downloaded, unzip the file and change your current directory to
Before running the application, ensure that all dependencies are installed and up to date by running in the command line
npm install
Afterwards, you can proceed run one of the three following modes
- Compile and hot-reload for development:
npm run serve
- Compile and minify for production:
npm run build
- Lint and fix files:
npm run lint
Face Splash has an intuitive search-and-analyze interface. To begin, type into the search field what you would like to search Unsplash for. For example, try typing "people" like below and either press the Enter key or click on the search icon on the far right
If you see an image that you would like to analyze, click on the fx icon below the image
and a dialog should open with four buttons at the top and an empty canvas. To analyze the image, you can click on any of the three left-most buttons.
To exit the dialog, you can click on the "x" icon as highlighted below and the canvas will be cleared.
You can detect faces in an image by clicking the left-most button on the dialog as highlighted below
The image will be drawn along with box corresponding to the aspects of the image that are predicted to be a face. The number that appears denotes the probability that the image aspect is a face. I set the convolutional neural net (CNN) to the SsdMobilenetv1 model with a minimum confidence threshold of 0.5.
To predict sentiment in the image, click on the second left-most button as highighted below
A text box will appear with the emotion (here, "happy") as well as the probability that the emotion is present in the predicted face (in this case, 0.99).
Finally, you can also get the model to guess the detected face's age and sex by clicking on the third left-most button of the dialog
The textbox that appears lists the predicted sex of the detected face along with its prediction probability. It also lists the predicted age of the detected face.
You are welcome to add features to Face Splash. As a guideline, if you implement changes or features, you can ask for their inclusion through Pull Requests. Please make sure you have the following for your pull request:
- a summary of changes you made and their purpose as part of your pull request message; and
- the enhancement tag as the pull request's label.
If you find issues or bugs, simply submit a new issue in the Issues Tracker and I will try to respond promptly.
Face Splash was developed by Nada Elnour. It was inspired by one of Mintbean's hackathons, PhotoHack, which I unfortunately missed.
Face Splash is under MIT License