A landing page with a built in Solar Energy savings estimator based on bill price at current average rates, and a contact form that sends inquiries. This fully responsive webpage was built for a company I had started and am not actively persuing anymore.
Deployed site - https://solar-beat.com/
The main reason for this build was to practice using Material UI. This site is built with React, Material UI, and Email JS. I made a theme providor using Material UI to set the colors, font families, and font sizes. I also used useState to perform form validations.
I am the sole contributor of this project.
Clone repository and run npm i to install dependancies. Start Application with npm start.
If I was to get back into the Solar Business, I would swap out my icons and images with paid for professional ones. I would also add a database to hold all of the products and installers available and create a portal for users who want a quote to log in, recieve quotes, check status on projects, and sign documents all independantly. Essentially like carfax for solar.