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Releases: NHAS/reverse_ssh


21 Mar 03:05
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This is a small release that fixes a couple bugs and adds a quality of life features.


  • The link command now takes a new argument --use-host-header which will use the HTTP host header to generate the callback ip when using templated downloads

Bug Fixes:

  • When the client loses server connection, it will now close any remote forwards it had open, otherwise reopening your remote forwards is impossible.
  • Fix an issue where the ip address given from forwarding the server port would be unparsable, stopping connections from working properly when pivoting.

Thanks to @wrighterase


18 Mar 20:16
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This release brings NTLM proxy support to the linux version of the RSSH client and enables the rssh client to correctly forward ipv6 addresses.


  • Add cross-platform NTLM proxy authentication support by @nollium in #186
  • link now supports --ntlm-proxy-creds argument to supply ntlm credentials e.g 'DOMAIN\USER:PASS'
  • The rssh client now supports --ntlm-proxy-creds argument with same format for credentials.

Bug Fixes:

  • The RSSH client now supports forwarding to ipv6 addresses correctly (was broken due to some incorrect concatenation
  • Server now prints out ipv6+port correctly


30 Jan 23:13
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This release incorporates changes made by @wrighterase to add finer controls to log level output in the client.


  • link now has an additional argument --log-level
  • clients now have an additional argument --log-level
  • link -l will now show the log level baked in to a client
  • The log command can now dynamically set a clients logging level with --log-level e.g log -c <client_name> --log-level WARNING will only show warnings


  • Dependencies have been updated
  • Clients default log level (when generated via link) will now be set from server default (can be set with RSSH_LOG_LEVEL)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix small issue where log level wasn't properly respected in some cases


21 Dec 11:42
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Fix a rather annoying regression where RSSH clients would fail to connect due to missing their embedded private key. After me missing a line removal from a fork.


  • Added work to support corporate kerberos enabled proxies thanks to @durck


  • Improved proxy env variable handling by making case sensitive and including all values to try as potential proxies fixes #182


19 Nov 20:57
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This release brings a few QoL and functional improvements helpfully contributed by @wrighterase


  • The garble option in the link command now supports lzma compression for better RSSH client sizes
  • Log Level control, the --log-level cli flag or RSSH_LOG_LEVEL env variable now lets you define now noisy the RSSH server log is, with DISABLED, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and FATAL options
  • You can now change the server console label from catcher$ using the cli flag --console-label or env variable RSSH_CONSOLE_LABEL, helpful for differentiating different RSSH server instances

Public Key for this release:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGuhBJ2e5tAhdWtJeXqzjnWBSH8eSZJ9yOLJvAmW2Egg 


02 Nov 22:35
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This is a ghost release with no binaries, it updates the docker container to point to the development release (@master) branch of garble to resolve #174


01 Nov 23:13
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This release is a tiny release just replacing the package with its github hosted equivalent, as the taliban control the .af TLD

This fixes #176


31 Oct 05:41
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This release adds a minor new feature and fixes a small edge case bug.


  • When using download handlers for file execution (e.g ssh -J localhost:3232 rssh://busybox ls /) it is now possible to supply a url parameter which specifies what the argv[0] should be. For example ssh -J localhost:3232 rssh://busybox\?argv=busybox ls /

Bug Fix:

  • Closes #175 the jump handler was passing in the wrong server connection, and thus the ssh client would get a rssh-download request instead of the server. This stopped jump host downloading of shells from working properly.


24 Oct 04:51
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Like any good fix to a long standing bug, this is fix part two where I actually fix it totally.

Bug fixes:

  • Stop congestion control issues due to packets being chopped in half at higher transfer speeds
  • Expose internal SSH structures to read data packet by packet for tun device


  • Logging for tun has changed to show stats rather than all connections. This should also speed things up

Thanks to @lachlan2k


23 Oct 11:58
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This release brings a long awaited fix to RSSH's tuntap functionality which closes out a long standing bug that causes connections break randomly.
It also brings some quality of life improvements.


  • Tun devices will now actually send data if multiple packets are sent at once

New Features:

  • New console command log allows you to see client binary stdout/logging output on the server itself, or direct logging output to a file
  • clear command clears the server console
  • Raw TCP downloading is now possible, rather than having to use http to host client binaries you can now connect to the server control port. Check out link --raw-download, thanks to @stacksparrow4 for suggesting it
  • The automatic bash script generated by appending .sh to links can now be configured to write the binary to a specific folder with link --working-directory

Public Key for this release:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIN3MrSqUg34VLQJe/z485GhRvSlDh2Qihxs4ARL4PZ+1