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Running Batch Scripts

kevindougherty-noaa edited this page May 4, 2023 · 2 revisions

If a user is interested in producing results for a wide range of inputs or analyzing the YAMLs produced by the global fix files, PyGSI has scripts that will submit a batch job. To do so, the user will need three things:

  • Path to user's PyGSI directory
  • Path to output directory
  • Path to input YAML file

The shell script then executes a python script that will create multiple output diagnostic figures.


Navigate to the shell script PyGSI/scripts/ The example code will look as follows:

#SBATCH -J plot_gsi_diags
#SBATCH -A da-cpu
#SBATCH -q debug
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00
#SBATCH --mail-user=$

# PyGSIdir=path/to/PyGSI_Directory

# load environment needed to run python scripts
# source $PyGSIdir/modulefiles/modulefile.PyGSI.hera.bash

python $PyGSIdir/scripts/ -n 20 -y $YAML -o $OUTDIR

Change the PyGSIdir, OUTDIR, and YAML variables to point to the users appropriate paths. The Python script being called uses multi-processing and the number of nodes can be changed with the -n input. This example uses -n 20.

Once the changes have been made to reflect the appropriate inputs, save the file and run the following on the command line:



The instructions are the same for radiance files. The script can be found at PyGSI/scripts/


The instructions are the same for ozone files. The script can be found at PyGSI/scripts/

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