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Catenary additions to handle hard near-taut cases:
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- Another heuristic condition for determining when a near-taut anchored line should
  still be ProfileType 1 and not have any seabed contact.
  (Misinterpretation as ProfileType 2 caused problems).
- Added a last ditch approximation for taut lines that fail to solve, so
  they are now modeled as a simple linear spring without weight.
- Added tests in test_catenary for examples of these cases.
  • Loading branch information
mattEhall committed Dec 7, 2023
1 parent 8e38b71 commit 1564ae5
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Showing 2 changed files with 143 additions and 113 deletions.
244 changes: 133 additions & 111 deletions moorpy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -437,7 +437,6 @@ def dV_dZ_s(z0, H): # height off seabed to evaluate at (infinite if 0), horizo
X, Y, info2 = dsolve2(eval_func_cat, X0, Ytarget=Ytarget, step_func=step_func_cat, args=args,
ytol=Tol, stepfac=1, maxIter=MaxIter, a_max=1.2)

# retry if it failed
if info2['iter'] >= MaxIter-1 or info2['oths']['error']==True or np.linalg.norm(info2['err']) > 10*Tol:
# ! Perhaps we failed to converge because our initial guess was too far off.
Expand All @@ -460,18 +459,17 @@ def dV_dZ_s(z0, H): # height off seabed to evaluate at (infinite if 0), horizo

HF = np.max([ abs( 0.5*W* XF/ Lamda0 ), Tol ]) # As above, set the lower limit of the guess value of HF to the tolerance
VF = 0.5*W*( ZF/np.tanh(Lamda0) + L )

X0 = [HF, VF]
Ytarget = [0,0]
args = dict(cat=[XF, ZF, L, EA, W, CB, hA, hB, alpha, WL, WEA, L_EA, CB_EA]) #, step=[0.1,0.8,1.5]) # step: alpha_min, alpha0, alphaR
# call the master solver function
#X, Y, info3 = msolve.dsolve(eval_func_cat, X0, Ytarget=Ytarget, step_func=step_func_cat, args=args, tol=Tol, maxIter=MaxIter, a_max=1.1) #, dX_last=info2['dX'])
X, Y, info3 = dsolve2(eval_func_cat, X0, Ytarget=Ytarget, step_func=step_func_cat, args=args,
ytol=Tol, stepfac=1, maxIter=MaxIter, a_max=1.2)

# retry if it failed
if info3['iter'] >= MaxIter-1 or info3['oths']['error']==True:

X0 = X
Ytarget = [0,0]
args = dict(cat=[XF, ZF, L, EA, W, CB, hA, hB, alpha, WL, WEA, L_EA, CB_EA]) #, step=[0.05,1.0,1.0])
Expand All @@ -485,82 +483,79 @@ def dV_dZ_s(z0, H): # height off seabed to evaluate at (infinite if 0), horizo

# ----- last-ditch attempt for a straight line -----
d = np.sqrt(XF*XF+ZF*ZF)
sin_angle = XF/d
F_lateral = sin_angle*np.abs(W)*L
F_EA = (d/L-1)*EA

print(f" F_lateral/F_EA is {F_lateral/F_EA:7.5f} !!!! and strain is {d/L-1 : 7.5f}.")

print(f" F_lateral / (strain+tol)EA is {F_lateral/((d+Tol)/L-1)*EA:7.5f} !!!!!!")


print("catenary solve failed on all 3 attempts.")
print(f"catenary({XF}, {ZF}, {L}, {EA}, {W}, CB={CB}, HF0={HF0}, VF0={VF0}, Tol={Tol}, MaxIter={MaxIter}, plots=1)")

print("First attempt's iterations are as follows:")
for i in range(info2['iter']+1):
print(f" Iteration {i}: HF={info2['Xs'][i,0]: 8.4e}, VF={info2['Xs'][i,1]: 8.4e}, EX={info2['Es'][i,0]: 6.2e}, EZ={info2['Es'][i,1]: 6.2e}")
d = np.sqrt(XF*XF+ZF*ZF)

print("Second attempt's iterations are as follows:")
for i in range(info3['iter']+1):
print(f" Iteration {i}: HF={info3['Xs'][i,0]: 8.4e}, VF={info3['Xs'][i,1]: 8.4e}, EX={info3['Es'][i,0]: 6.2e}, EZ={info3['Es'][i,1]: 6.2e}")

print("Last attempt's iterations are as follows:")
for i in range(info4['iter']+1):
print(f" Iteration {i}: HF={info4['Xs'][i,0]: 8.4e}, VF={info4['Xs'][i,1]: 8.4e}, EX={info4['Es'][i,0]: 6.2e}, EZ={info4['Es'][i,1]: 6.2e}")

# plot solve performance
fig, ax = plt.subplots(4,1, sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(np.hstack([info2['Xs'][:,0], info3['Xs'][:,0], info4['Xs'][:,0]]))
ax[1].plot(np.hstack([info2['Xs'][:,1], info3['Xs'][:,1], info4['Xs'][:,1]]))
ax[2].plot(np.hstack([info2['Es'][:,0], info3['Es'][:,0], info4['Es'][:,0]]))
ax[3].plot(np.hstack([info2['Es'][:,1], info3['Es'][:,1], info4['Es'][:,1]]))
ax[2].set_ylabel("X err")
ax[3].set_ylabel("Z err")
# plot solve path
#c = np.hypot(info2['Es'][:,0], info2['Es'][:,1])
c = np.arange(info2['iter']+1)
c = cm.jet((c-np.min(c))/(np.max(c)-np.min(c)))
for i in np.arange(info2['iter']):
plt.plot(info2['Xs'][i:i+2,0], info2['Xs'][i:i+2,1],":", c=c[i])
plt.plot(info2['Xs'][0,0], info2['Xs'][0,1],"o")
c = np.arange(info3['iter']+1)
c = cm.jet((c-np.min(c))/(np.max(c)-np.min(c)))
for i in np.arange(info3['iter']):
plt.plot(info3['Xs'][i:i+2,0], info3['Xs'][i:i+2,1], c=c[i])
plt.plot(info3['Xs'][0,0], info3['Xs'][0,1],"*")
c = np.arange(info4['iter']+1)
c = cm.jet((c-np.min(c))/(np.max(c)-np.min(c)))
# if it's taut -- let's do an approximation that ignores weight
if d/L - 1 > 0:

# tension, assuming a straight line and ignoring weight, is
T0 = (d/L - 1) * EA

# solve the horizontal equivalent using a parabola approximation!
theta = np.arctan2(ZF,XF) # rotation angle
W2 = W*np.cos(theta) # transformed vertical weight (i.e. transverse distributed load)

# Get line profile for future plotting. The quadratic term is just w/T0.
# Figure out the right z = w/T0 x^2 + bx + c
c = 0
# z(d) = 0 = w/T0 d^2 + b d
b = -W2/T0 * d # slope at x=0
X2 = np.linspace(0, d, nNodes)
Z2 = W2/T0*X2**2 + b*X2

Xs_parabola = X2*np.cos(theta) - Z2*np.sin(theta) # put in global frame
Zs_parabola = X2*np.sin(theta) + Z2*np.cos(theta)

# Now get the forces and stiffnesses, again assuming it's just based on elasticity
# This is back in the regular orientation - should we add weight in?
HF = T0*np.cos(theta)
VF = T0*np.sin(theta)
HA = T0*np.cos(theta)
VA = T0*np.sin(theta)
R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]) # rotation matrix
Kl = EA/L # inline stiffness
Kt = T0/d # transverse stiffness
K = np.matmul(R, np.matmul( np.array([[Kl,0],[0,Kt]]), R.T) ) # stiffness matrix (should check some of the math)

# put things in the format expected from the normal solve (this could all be refactored)
X = np.zeros(2)
HF = X[0] = HF
VF = X[1] = VF
HA = info4['oths']['HA'] = HA
VA = info4['oths']['VA'] = VA

info4['oths']["stiffnessA"] = np.array(K)
info4['oths']["stiffnessB"] = np.array(K)
info4['oths']["stiffnessAB"] = np.array(-K)

info4['oths']['ProfileType'] = -1 # flag for the parabolic solution for the coordinates...
info4['oths']['error'] = False
info4['oths']['message'] = 'Approximated as a straight massless spring as a last resort.'

info.update(info4['oths']) # <<< hopefully I modified enough in info4 for this to work
info['catenary'] = info4

for i in np.arange(info4['iter']):
plt.plot(info4['Xs'][i:i+2,0], info4['Xs'][i:i+2,1], c=c[i])
plt.plot(info4['Xs'][0,0], info4['Xs'][0,1],"*")
plt.title("catenary solve path for troubleshooting")
raise CatenaryError("catenary solver failed. "+info4['oths']['message'])
# Otherwise, we'd need an iterative solve of tension, curvature, and distributed load.
# It could potentially be with a parabola. We don't have that yet, so fail.
print("catenary solve failed on all 3 attempts.")
print(f"catenary({XF}, {ZF}, {L}, {EA}, {W}, CB={CB}, HF0={HF0}, VF0={VF0}, Tol={Tol}, MaxIter={MaxIter}, plots=1)")

print("First attempt's iterations are as follows:")
for i in range(info2['iter']+1):
print(f" Iteration {i}: HF={info2['Xs'][i,0]: 8.4e}, VF={info2['Xs'][i,1]: 8.4e}, EX={info2['Es'][i,0]: 6.2e}, EZ={info2['Es'][i,1]: 6.2e}")

print("Second attempt's iterations are as follows:")
for i in range(info3['iter']+1):
print(f" Iteration {i}: HF={info3['Xs'][i,0]: 8.4e}, VF={info3['Xs'][i,1]: 8.4e}, EX={info3['Es'][i,0]: 6.2e}, EZ={info3['Es'][i,1]: 6.2e}")

print("Last attempt's iterations are as follows:")
for i in range(info4['iter']+1):
print(f" Iteration {i}: HF={info4['Xs'][i,0]: 8.4e}, VF={info4['Xs'][i,1]: 8.4e}, EX={info4['Es'][i,0]: 6.2e}, EZ={info4['Es'][i,1]: 6.2e}")

raise CatenaryError("catenary solver failed. "+info4['oths']['message'])

else: # if the solve was successful,
info.update(info4['oths']) # copy info from last solve into existing info dictionary
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -815,7 +810,13 @@ def step_func_U(X, args, Y, info, Ytarget, err, tols, iter, maxIter):
Xs[I] = ( np.log( VFMinWLs_HF + SQRT1VFMinWLs_HF2 ) - np.log( VFMinWL_HF + SQRT1VFMinWL_HF2 ) )*HF_W + s_EA* HF;
Zs[I] = ( SQRT1VFMinWLs_HF2 - SQRT1VFMinWL_HF2 )*HF_W + s_EA*( VFMinWL + 0.5*Ws );
Te[I] = np.sqrt( HF*HF + VFMinWLs*VFMinWLs );

if ProfileType==-1: # new last-ditch solution attempt for taut lines
Xs[I] = Xs_parabola[I]
Zs[I] = Zs_parabola[I]
Te[I] = T0

# A portion of the line must rest on the seabed
elif ProfileType in [2,3]:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1005,10 +1006,15 @@ def eval_func_cat(X, args):
SQRT1VF_HF2 = np.sqrt( 1.0 + VF_HF2 )
SQRT1VFMinWL_HF2 = np.sqrt( 1.0 + VFMinWL_HF2 )

# simple inelastic approximation of arc lenght of a parabola with exactly zero laid length
s = np.sqrt(4*XF**2 + 16*ZF**2) # some constanst
lp = s/4 + XF**2/4/ZF*np.log((4*ZF + s)/2/ZF) # length of parabola (slight underestimate vs lenght of catenary)
d = np.linalg.norm([XF, ZF]) # distance from points
# this is a crude check that nothing should be laying along the seabed:ZF/HF >> 0 and L-d << (lp-d)

# determine line profile type
if hA > 0.0 or W < 0.0 or VFMinWL > np.tan(np.radians(alpha)) : # no portion of the line rests on the seabed
if (hA > 0.0 or W < 0.0 or VFMinWL > np.tan(np.radians(alpha))
or (ZF/XF > 0.1 and L-d < 0.001*(lp-d)) ): # no portion of the line rests on the seabed
ProfileType = 1
elif not alpha==0: # a portion of line rests along a *sloped* seabed
ProfileType = 7
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1357,43 +1363,59 @@ def step_func_cat(X, args, Y, info, Ytarget, err, tols, iter, maxIter):
# CB=0.0, HF0=9216801.959569097, VF0=9948940.060081193, Tol=2e-05, MaxIter=100, plots=1)
#catenary(400.0000111513176, 2e-05, 400.0, 70000000000.0, 34.91060469991227,
# CB=0.0, HF0=4224.074763303775, VF0=0.0, Tol=2e-05, MaxIter=100, plots=1)
# tricky near-taut case with starting point
#catenary(119.3237383002058, 52.49668849178113, 130.36140355177318, 700000000.0, 34.91060469991227, CB=0.0, HF0=9298749.157482728, VF0=4096375.3052922436, Tol=2e-05, MaxIter=100, plots=1)

Tol =2e-05

L = 339.7721054751881 #- Tol
L = 50 - 0.001
d = np.sqrt(XF*XF+ZF*ZF)
sin_angle = XF/d
F_lateral = sin_angle*np.abs(W)*L
F_EA = (d/L-1)*EA
Tol =2e-05

#L = d
for dl in [-1, -0.1, -0.01, 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1]: # for exploring line length sensitivity

XF= 119.3237383002058
ZF= 52.49668849178113
L = 130.36140355177318 + dl
EA= 700000000.0
W = 34.91060469991227
L =360.63566262396927 + dl
W =3.08735
L = 339.7721054751881 #- Tol
W =34.91
L = 50 - 0.001
d = np.sqrt(XF*XF+ZF*ZF)
sin_angle = XF/d
F_lateral = sin_angle*np.abs(W)*L
F_EA = (d/L-1)*EA

#L = d

print(f" F_lateral/F_EA is {F_lateral/F_EA:6.2e} !!!! and strain is {d/L-1 : 7.5f}.")

print(f" F_lateral / ((strain+tol)EA) is {F_lateral/(((d+Tol)/L-1)*EA):6.2e} !!!!!!")
print(f" F_lateral / ((strain-tol)EA) is {F_lateral/(((d-Tol)/L-1)*EA):6.2e} !!!!!!")

#(fAH1, fAV1, fBH1, fBV1, info1) = catenary(XF, ZF, L, EA, W, CB=-20, Tol=Tol, MaxIter=40, plots=2)

(fAH1, fAV1, fBH1, fBV1, info1) = catenary(400.00297786197154, 0.0, 400.0, 700000000.0, -221.18695627569764, CB=0.0, alpha=-0.0, HF0=5211.258450277256, VF0=0.0, Tol=2e-05, MaxIter=100, plots=1)

print((fAH1, fAV1, fBH1, fBV1))
#print(f" F_lateral/F_EA is {F_lateral/F_EA:6.2e} !!!! and strain is {d/L-1 : 7.2e}.")
#print(f" F_lateral / ((strain+tol)EA) is {F_lateral/(((d+Tol)/L-1)*EA):6.2e} !!!!!!")
#print(f" F_lateral / ((strain-tol)EA) is {F_lateral/(((d-Tol)/L-1)*EA):6.2e} !!!!!!")

(fAH1, fAV1, fBH1, fBV1, info1) = catenary(XF, ZF, L, EA, W, CB=0, Tol=Tol, MaxIter=40, plots=2)
print("{:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f}".format(fAH1, fAV1, fBH1, fBV1))
#print("{:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f}".format(*info1['stiffnessB'].ravel().tolist() ))

plt.plot(info1['X'], info1['Z'] )
#plt.plot(info1['s'], info1['X'] )
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,15 +13,23 @@
[ 400, 200, 500.0, 7510000000000.0, 800.0 , 0.1 , 0, 0],
[ 400, 200, 500.0, 7510000000000.0, 200.0 , -372.7 , 0, 0],
[ 89.9, 59.2, 130.0, 751000000.0, 881.05, -372.7 , 0, 0],
[ 37.96888656874307, 20.49078283711694, 100.0, 751000000.0, -881.0549577007893, -1245.2679469540894, 63442.20077641379, -27995.71383270186]]
[ 37.96888656874307, 20.49078283711694, 100.0, 751000000.0, -881.0549577007893, -1245.2679469540894, 63442.20077641379, -27995.71383270186],
[ 246.22420940032947, 263.55766330843164, 360.63566262396927-0.01, 700e6, 3.08735, 0, 0, 0], # near-taut tests
[ 246.22420940032947, 263.55766330843164, 360.63566262396927 , 700e6, 3.08735, 0, 0, 0], # near-taut tests (hardest one)
[ 246.22420940032947, 263.55766330843164, 360.63566262396927+0.01, 700e6, 3.08735, 0, 0, 0], # near-taut tests
[ 119.3237383002058, 52.49668849178113, 130.36140355177318, 700000000.0, 34.91060469991227, 0, 9298749.157482728, 4096375.3052922436]] # hard starting point near-taut case

# desired results of: fAH, fAV, fBH, fBV, LBot
desired = [[0.0, 0.0, -96643.43501616362, -237751.75997440016, 202.81030003199982],
[96643.42815934008, 0.0, -96643.42815934008, -237751.75535996316, 202.81030580004602],
[80418.60434855078, 0.0, -96643.42877136687, -237751.75577183915, 202.81030528520108],
[43694.580989249596, -22365.599350216216, -43694.580989249596, -77634.40064978378, 0],
[31373.229006023103, -26650.341270116318, -31373.229006023103, -87886.15872988368, 0],
[6428.437434537766, 53178.729367882406, -6428.437434537766, 34926.76640219652, 0]]
[6428.437434537766, 53178.729367882406, -6428.437434537766, 34926.76640219652, 0],
[71116.8, 75567.3, -71116.8, -76680.6, 0],
[56804.6, 60803.4, -56804.6, -60803.4, 0],
[46077.1, 48765.2, -46077.1, -49878.6, 0],
[72694.145, 29715.173, -72694.145, -34266.168, 0]]

@pytest.mark.parametrize('index', range(len(indata)))
Expand Down

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