We are thrilled to announce the release of TerminalDesigner version 0.0.1! TerminalDesigner is a powerful Python package that brings advanced text processing capabilities to the terminal environment, allowing you to create visually appealing and dynamic text-based designs.
Key Features:
Text Styling: With TerminalDesigner, you can easily modify the background and foreground colors of your text, enabling you to create eye-catching designs that stand out in the terminal.
ASCII Art Conversion: Convert your images into ASCII art directly from the terminal. TerminalDesigner provides a built-in function that converts images into a collection of ASCII characters, allowing you to display images in a unique and creative way.
Random Text Color: Add a touch of randomness to your text by applying random colors. This feature is perfect for creating vibrant and dynamic visual effects or generating unique designs every time.
Easy Integration: TerminalDesigner is designed to be easy to use and integrate into your Python projects. Simply install the package using pip and import it into your code to start leveraging its powerful text processing capabilities.
Comprehensive Documentation: We have provided detailed documentation to guide you through the installation process, usage instructions, and examples of how to leverage the various features of TerminalDesigner. The documentation will help you quickly get up to speed and make the most out of the package.
To install TerminalDesigner version 0.0.1, run the following command in your terminal:
Copy code
pip install TerminalDesigner==0.0.1
We are continuously working on improving TerminalDesigner and adding more exciting features. Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated as they will help us shape the future development of this package.
For more information and code examples, please visit the official TerminalDesigner GitHub repository: TerminalDesigner
We hope you enjoy using TerminalDesigner 0.0.1 and that it brings a new level of creativity and visual appeal to your terminal-based projects. Thank you for your support, and happy coding!
The tutorial titled "Python Terminal Processing with TerminalDesigner Module" provides a step-by-step guide on how to install TerminalDesigner, explains the various features and functions of the module, and demonstrates practical examples of using TerminalDesigner for text styling, ASCII art conversion, and random text color generation.
By following this tutorial, you will gain a deeper understanding of TerminalDesigner and how to leverage its capabilities to enhance your terminal-based projects. The tutorial is designed to be beginner-friendly and provides clear explanations along with code snippets to help you grasp the concepts easily.
You can access the tutorial on GeeksforGeeks by visiting the following link: Python Terminal Processing with TerminalDesigner Module
We hope this additional resource helps you further explore and master the TerminalDesigner module. Happy learning!
pip install TerminalDesigner==0.0.1
After installation you can import the package using
import Designer
- BackGroundColor.py
- Color.py
- ForeGroundColor.py
- General.py
- HexName.py
- RandomColor.py
- Values.py
There are 255 different shades with 610 colors combinations. these colors are handle with 6 Modules :-
- BackGroundColor.py
- Color.py
- ForeGroundColor.py
- General.py
- HexName.py
- RandomColor.py
it have 610 color named functions and set_default_stylebg() extra one of the function.
Note : this function names are have colors name + bg for example : redbg("hello"),bluebg("world")
It is easy to use we just import the BackGroundColor Function From Designer and call the names of the colors. It will return the colored BackGround text.
text = it's need a string input like ['text' (or) "text"]
Style :-
- Normal = 0
- Bold = 1
- Light = 2
- Italicized = 3
- UnderLined = 4
- Blink = 5
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 0 ) it's return color text without any style
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 1 ) it's return color text with bold text
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 2 ) it's return color text with light text
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 3 ) it's return color text with Italicized style
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 4 ) it's return color text with UnderLine
Nameof theFunction<("Hello World", Style = 5 ) it's return Blinking color text
#import the all functions BackGroundColor Module then just call
its,s need only one parameter String type it's return type is None.
it's used to change the default values (or) change the value of style to all colors
- Some style propertys
- Normal = 0
- Bold = 1
- Light = 2
- Italicized = 3
- UnderLined = 4
- Blink = 5
Return: it's return None Value,it's not return any values just it change the changes in BackGroundColor file.
it have 610 color named functions and set_default_style() extra one of the function. It is easy to use we just import the ForeGroundColor Function From Designer and call the names of the colors. It will return the colored ForeGround text.
text = it's need a string input like ['text' (or) "text"]
Style :-
- Normal = 0
- Bold = 1
- Light = 2
- Italicized = 3
- UnderLined = 4
- Blink = 5
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 0 ) it's return color text without any style
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 1 ) it's return color text with bold text
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 2 ) it's return color text with light text
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 3 ) it's return color text with Italicized style
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 4 ) it's return color text with UnderLine
Nameof theFunction<("Hello World", Style = 5 ) it's return Blinking color text
#import the all functions BackGroundColor Module then just call
its,s need only one parameter String type it's return type is None.
it's used to change the default values (or) change the value of style to all colors
- Some style propertys
- Normal = 0
- Bold = 1
- Light = 2
- Italicized = 3
- UnderLined = 4
- Blink = 5
Return: it's return None Value,it's not return any values just it change the changes in BackGroundColor file.
Note: it's just like ForeGround Module these function names are hax value names.
it have 610 color named functions and set_default_style() extra one of the function. It is easy to use we just import the ForeGroundColor Function From Designer and call the names of the colors. It will return the colored ForeGround text.
text = it's need a string input like ['text' (or) "text"]
Style :-
- Normal = 0
- Bold = 1
- Light = 2
- Italicized = 3
- UnderLined = 4
- Blink = 5
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 0 ) it's return color text without any style
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 1 ) it's return color text with bold text
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 2 ) it's return color text with light text
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 3 ) it's return color text with Italicized style
Nameof theFunction("Hello World", Style = 4 ) it's return color text with UnderLine
Nameof theFunction<("Hello World", Style = 5 ) it's return Blinking color text
#import the all functions BackGroundColor Module then just call
its,s need only one parameter String type it's return type is None.
it's used to change the default values (or) change the value of style to all colors
- Some style propertys
- Normal = 0
- Bold = 1
- Light = 2
- Italicized = 3
- UnderLined = 4
- Blink = 5
Return: it's return None Value,it's not return any values just it change the changes in BackGroundColor file.
There are 6 ( functions frd2b, frb2d, brd2b, brb2d, bgrandomclr, fgrandomclr ) this function are performance are based on random.
it's return the random colored ForeGround text(stringType) based on given text.
def fgrandomclr( String : str ) -> str :
it's return the random colored BackGround(stringType) text based on given text.
def bgrandomclr( String : str ) -> str :
Example: bgrandomclr( "world" ):
its's return the bright to dull color given text for BackGround.
def brb2d(String : str) -> str:
Example: print(brb2d("is"))
its's return the dull to bright color given text for BackGround.
def brd2b(String : str) -> str:
Example: print(brd2b("Fake"))
its's return the bright to dull color given text for ForeGround
def frb2d(String : str) -> str:
Example: print(frb2d("hello"))
its's return the dull to bright color given text for ForeGround
def frd2b(String : str) -> str:
Example: print(frd2b("hello"))
This Model have generally used functions. it's haveone class and 14 functions:
it's need to file path of the image.
Example : image_ = image_("/file/path/file.jpg")
it's return the Pixels of the image.
def rgb_value(self) -> list : Example : print(image_.rgb_value())
it's return the size of the image.
def img_size(self) -> tuple: Example: print(image_.img_size())
it's return the tuple.the tuple have used colors in the image.
def used_colors(self,graph_view= False, return_graph_view = False, graph_view_with_rgb=False,view_text="") -> Union[str,tuple]:
- graph_view - if the graph_view is true it print the colors in the terminal
- return_graph_view - if the return_graph_view is true it return the colors value.
- graph_view_with_rgb - if graph_view_with_rgb is true print or return the rgb values with bg color
- view_text - view_text is used to print the given text with used background. Example: image_.used_colors() #it return the used colors in tuple type.
it return the tuple it have most used color which is rgb.
def most_used_color(self) -> str: Example: image_.most_used_color() # it return most used color of rgb value which is tuple.
it's very interesting module,it's convert image into ascii code.the return type is string.
def img_to_ascii(Path) -> str :
Example : path = "/file/patch/image.jpg " img_to_ascii() # it's return string which is replicate image.
it's apply the given colors in terminal which is after printing this start function.it's until apply the given color to text until will call the end function.
def start( String : str ,Type_ : str ="fg", style : int = 0) -> str :
- String = it's need a string type input.
- Type_ : it's need the only two input that is nether "bg" nor "fg".
- style : it's need an int type input.
- Normal = 0
- Bold = 1
- Light = 2
- Italicized = 3
- UnderLined = 4
- Blink = 5 Example: #import all the functions from General model start("red") #its apply the red color after printing text in the terminal
it's stop the applying colors which is performed by start.
def stop() -> str :
Example: start("blue") stop() #it's apply the blue color to the text between start() and end().
it just clear the terminal's screen.
def clrscreen() -> None :
Example: #import module & call clrscreen() #after calling screen will clear.
it's apply background and foreground color to total terminal screen based on given parameters.
def Fullbgclr( FColor : str, BColor :str ) -> None:
- FColor = it's need the string value to__ForeGround__ of the text.
- BColor = it's need the string value to__BackGround__ of the text.
{'BLACK': 0, 'BLUE': 1, 'GREEN': 2,'AQUA': 3, 'RED': 4, 'PURPLE': 5, 'YELLOW':6, 'WHITE ': 7, 'GRAY': 8, 'LIGHT BLUE': 9,'LIGHT GREEN': 'A', 'BRIGHT WHITE': 'F','LIGHT AQUA': 'B', 'LIGHT YELLOW': 'E','LIGHT RED': 'C', 'LIGHT PURPLE': 'D'}
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'A', 'B','C', 'D',' E', 'F'
Example: Fullbgclr("red","black")
it apply the color given string and just return the rgb value of the given text.
def color(TColor : str, String:str)->str:
Tolor : it need a Color name to apply. String : it's need a string value
Example : color("red","hello")
it's also very interesting module,it's convert image into colored text code.the colored text are replicate the image in terminal.the return type is string.
Note : it's Only get JPG File and using below ( 150 X 150 )px image is more suitable function : def img_to_ascii(Path) -> str :
Character = it takes string (or) - character using this output are replicate given image
Path = it's need Path of the file
Type = it's need inputs like ForeGround["fg"] (or) BackGround["bg"] so based on that the output replicate
Example : image_art(Character : str, Path: str) image_art( "*", /../../) path = "/file/patch/image.jpg " # it's return colored string which is replicate image.
it's used to print the colored text based on given rgb value
Note : it's take single (r,g,b) value. def rgb_to_txt(text : str, rgb : tuple style : int = 0,type_ : str ="fg") -> str:
Example: rgb_to_txt("str",(255,255,255))
there is the module under development so the rgb values in data it's return name of the data else it return 0.
def rgb_to_name(rgb_val : tuple) -> Union[str,int] :
Example: rgb_to_name((0,0,0))
there is the module under development so the given name in data it's return value of the data else it return None.
def name_to_rgb(Name_of the_color : str )-> tuple :
Example: name_to_rgb("red")
there is the module under development so the given hex in data it's return value of thr data else it return None.
def hex_to_name(Name_of the_color : str )-> str:
there is the module under development so the given name in data it's return value of the data else it return None.
name_to_hex(hex_val : str ) -> str:
Example: name_to_hex("green")
there is the module under development so the given rgb in data it's return value of the data else it return None.
def rgb_to_hex(rgb_val : tuple ) -> str:
Example: rgb_to_hex((0,0,0))
there is the module under development so the given hex in data it's return value of the data else it return None.
def hex_to_rgb(rgb_val : str ) -> tuple:
Example: hex_to_rgb("#FFFFFF")
it have one class that is Colors. Color's have two functions.
- fore_ground_color
it's return the color code of the given text. it's return the color code based on given RGB.
fore_ground_color(text : str, r : int, g : int, b : int, style : int = 0)
text = it's need a string input\n
r, b, g = This is the RGB color code like white RGB(255,255,255)\n
- Normal = 0
- Bold = 1
- Light = 2
- Italicized = 3
- UnderLined = 4
- Blink = 5
Example : #import the function from colors module fore_ground_color("hello",0,0,0,2)
it's return the BackGround color code of the given text. it's return the color code based on given RGB.
back_ground_color(text : str, r : int, g : int, b : int, style : int = 0)
text = it's need a string input\n
r, b, g = This is the RGB color code like white RGB(255,255,255)\n
- Normal = 0
- Bold = 1
- Light = 2
- Italicized = 3
- UnderLined = 4
- Blink = 5
Example : #import the function from colors module back_ground_color("black",0,0,0,3)
it's return the color code of the given text. it's return the color code based on given RGB.
this is have the colors and rgb values to the variables.
- ValuesNRH
- hex_name
- name_hex
- tuple_name
- rgb
- colors
it perform terminal color operations.
- ForeGround
- BackGround
Each module are perform each works.
Name : Nagi Pragalatha.N
Email : nagipragalathan@gmail.com
About : https://nagipragalathan.github.io/Personal_website/about.html
GitHub : https://github.com/NagiPragalathan/
Contact : InstaGram,FaceBook,LinkedIn
Name : Designer
Version :
License : MIT
Grey(), Grey_Silver(), grey(), LightGray(), LightSlateGrey(), SlateGray(), SlateGray1(), SlateGray2(), SlateGray3(), SlateGray4(), black(), grey0(), grey1(), grey2(), grey3(), grey4(), grey5(), grey6(), grey7(), grey8(), grey9(), grey10(), grey11(), grey12(), grey13(), light_black(), grey14(), grey15(), grey16(), grey17(), grey18(), grey19(), grey20(), grey21(), grey22(), grey23(), grey24(), grey25(), grey26(), grey27(), grey28(), grey29(), grey30(), grey31(), grey32(), grey33(), light_gray(), grey34(), grey35(), grey36(), grey37(), grey38(), grey39(), grey40(), grey41_DimGrey(), grey42(), grey43(), grey44(), grey45(), grey46(), grey47(), grey48(), grey49(), grey50(), grey51(), grey52(), grey53(), grey54(), grey55(), grey56(), grey57(), grey58(), grey59(), grey60(), grey61(), grey62(), grey63(), grey64(), grey65(), grey66(), grey67(), grey68(), grey69(), grey70(), grey71(), grey72(), grey73(), grey74(), grey75(), grey76(), grey77(), grey78(), grey79(), grey80(), grey81(), grey82(), grey83(), grey84(), grey85(), grey86(), grey87(), grey88(), grey89(), grey90(), grey91(), grey92(), grey93(), grey94(), grey95(), grey96(), grey97(), grey98(), grey99(), grey100_White(), Dark_Slate_Grey(), Dim_Grey(), Light_Grey(), Very_Light_Grey(), Free_Speech_Grey(), AliceBlue(), BlueViolet(), Cadet_Blue(), CadetBlue(), CadetBlue1(), CadetBlue2(), CadetBlue3(), CadetBlue4(), Corn_Flower_Blue(), CornflowerBlue(), DarkSlateBlue(), DarkTurquoise(), DeepSkyBlue(), DeepSkyBlue1(), DeepSkyBlue2(), DeepSkyBlue3(), DeepSkyBlue4(), DodgerBlue(), DodgerBlue1(), DodgerBlue2(), DodgerBlue3(), DodgerBlue4(), LightBlue(), LightBlue1(), LightBlue2(), LightBlue3(), LightBlue4(), LightCyan(), LightCyan1(), LightCyan2(), LightCyan3(), LightCyan4(), LightSkyBlue(), LightSkyBlue1(), LightSkyBlue2(), LightSkyBlue3(), LightSkyBlue4(), LightSlateBlue(), LightSteelBlue(), LightSteelBlue1(), LightSteelBlue2(), LightSteelBlue3(), LightSteelBlue4(), Aquamarine(), MediumBlue(), MediumSlateBlue(), MediumTurquoise(), MidnightBlue(), NavyBlue(), PaleTurquoise(), PaleTurquoise1(), PaleTurquoise2(), PaleTurquoise3(), PaleTurquoise4(), PowderBlue(), RoyalBlue(), RoyalBlue1(), RoyalBlue2(), RoyalBlue3(), RoyalBlue4(), RoyalBlue5(), SkyBlue(), SkyBlue1(), SkyBlue2(), SkyBlue3(), SkyBlue4(), SlateBlue(), SlateBlue1(), SlateBlue2(), SlateBlue3(), SlateBlue4(), SteelBlue(), SteelBlue1(), SteelBlue2(), SteelBlue3(), SteelBlue4(), aquamarine(), aquamarine1(), aquamarine2(), MediumAquamarine(), aquamarine4(), azure(), azure1(), azure2(), azure3(), azure4(), blue(), blue1(), blue2(), blue3(), blue4(), aqua(), cyan(), cyan1(), cyan2(), cyan3(), cyan4(), navy(), teal(), turquoise(), turquoise1(), turquoise2(), turquoise3(), turquoise4(), DarkSlateGray(), DarkSlateGray1(), DarkSlateGray2(), DarkSlateGray3(), DarkSlateGray4(), Dark_Slate_Blue(), Dark_Turquoise(), Medium_Slate_Blue(), Medium_Turquoise(), Midnight_Blue(), Navy_Blue(), Neon_Blue(), New_Midnight_Blue(), Rich_Blue(), Sky_Blue(), Slate_Blue(), Summer_Sky(), Iris_Blue(), Free_Speech_Blue(), RosyBrown(), RosyBrown1(), RosyBrown2(), RosyBrown3(), RosyBrown4(), SaddleBrown(), SandyBrown(), beige(), brown(), brown1(), brown2(), brown3(), brown4(), dark_brown(), burlywood(), burlywood1(), burlywood2(), burlywood3(), burlywood4(), baker_chocolate(), chocolate(), chocolate1(), chocolate2(), chocolate3(), chocolate4(), peru(), tan(), tan1(), tan2(), tan3(), tan4(), Dark_Tan(), Dark_Wood(), Light_Wood(), Medium_Wood(), New_Tan(), Semi_Sweet_Chocolate(), Sienna(), Tan(), Very_Dark_Brown(), Dark_Green(), DarkGreen(), dark_green_copper(), DarkKhaki(), DarkOliveGreen(), DarkOliveGreen1(), DarkOliveGreen2(), DarkOliveGreen3(), DarkOliveGreen4(), olive(), DarkSeaGreen(), DarkSeaGreen1(), DarkSeaGreen2(), DarkSeaGreen3(), DarkSeaGreen4(), ForestGreen(), GreenYellow(), LawnGreen(), LightSeaGreen(), LimeGreen(), MediumSeaGreen(), MediumSpringGreen(), MintCream(), OliveDrab(), OliveDrab1(), OliveDrab2(), OliveDrab3(), OliveDrab4(), PaleGreen(), PaleGreen1(), PaleGreen2(), PaleGreen3(), PaleGreen4(), SeaGreen_SeaGreen4(), SeaGreen1(), SeaGreen2(), SeaGreen3(), SpringGreen(), SpringGreen1(), SpringGreen2(), SpringGreen3(), SpringGreen4(), YellowGreen(), chartreuse(), chartreuse1(), chartreuse2(), chartreuse3(), chartreuse4(), green(), lime(), green1(), green2(), green3(), green4(), khaki(), khaki1(), khaki2(), khaki3(), khaki4(), Dark_Olive_Green(), Medium_Aquamarine(), Medium_Forest_Green(), Medium_Sea_Green(), Medium_Spring_Green(), Pale_Green(), Sea_Green(), Spring_Green(), Free_Speech_Green(), DarkOrange(), DarkOrange1(), DarkOrange2(), DarkOrange3(), DarkOrange4(), DarkSalmon(), LightCoral(), LightSalmon(), LightSalmon1(), LightSalmon2(), LightSalmon3(), LightSalmon4(), PeachPuff(), PeachPuff1(), PeachPuff2(), PeachPuff3(), PeachPuff4(), bisque(), bisque1(), bisque2(), bisque3(), bisque4(), coral(), coral1(), coral2(), coral3(), coral4(), honeydew(), honeydew1(), honeydew2(), honeydew3(), honeydew4(), orange(), orange1(), orange2(), orange3(), orange4(), salmon(), salmon1(), salmon2(), salmon3(), salmon4(), sienna(), sienna1(), sienna2(), sienna3(), sienna4(), Mandarian_Orange(), Orange(), Orange_Red(), DeepPink(), DeepPink1(), DeepPink2(), DeepPink3(), DeepPink4(), HotPink(), HotPink1(), HotPink2(), HotPink3(), HotPink4(), IndianRed(), IndianRed1(), IndianRed2(), IndianRed3(), IndianRed4(), LightPink(), LightPink1(), LightPink2(), LightPink3(), LightPink4(), MediumVioletRed(), MistyRose(), MistyRose1(), MistyRose2(), MistyRose3(), MistyRose4(), OrangeRed(), OrangeRed1(), OrangeRed2(), OrangeRed3(), OrangeRed4(), PaleVioletRed(), PaleVioletRed1(), PaleVioletRed2(), PaleVioletRed3(), PaleVioletRed4(), VioletRed(), VioletRed1(), VioletRed2(), VioletRed3(), VioletRed4(), firebrick(), firebrick1(), firebrick2(), firebrick3(), firebrick4(), pink(), pink1(), pink2(), pink3(), pink4(), Flesh(), Feldspar(), red(), red1(), red2(), red3(), red4(), tomato(), tomato1(), tomato2(), tomato3(), tomato4(), Dusty_Rose(), Firebrick(), Indian_Red(), Pink(), Salmon(), Scarlet(), Spicy_Pink(), Free_Speech_Magenta(), Free_Speech_Red(), DarkOrchid(), DarkOrchid1(), DarkOrchid2(), DarkOrchid3(), DarkOrchid4(), DarkViolet(), LavenderBlush(), LavenderBlush1(), LavenderBlush2(), LavenderBlush3(), LavenderBlush4(), MediumOrchid(), MediumOrchid1(), MediumOrchid2(), MediumOrchid3(), MediumOrchid4(), MediumPurple(), Medium_Orchid(), MediumPurple1(), Dark_Orchid(), MediumPurple2(), MediumPurple3(), MediumPurple4(), lavender(), magenta(), fuchsia(), magenta1(), magenta2(), magenta3(), magenta4(), maroon(), maroon1(), maroon2(), maroon3(), maroon4(), orchid(), Orchid(), orchid1(), orchid2(), orchid3(), orchid4(), plum(), plum1(), plum2(), plum3(), plum4(), purple(), purple1(), purple2(), purple3(), purple4(), thistle(), thistle1(), thistle2(), thistle3(), thistle4(), violet(), violet_blue(), Dark_Purple(), Maroon(), Medium_Violet_Red(), Neon_Pink(), Plum(), Thistle(), Turquoise(), Violet(), Violet_Red(), AntiqueWhite(), AntiqueWhite1(), AntiqueWhite2(), AntiqueWhite3(), AntiqueWhite4(), FloralWhite(), GhostWhite(), NavajoWhite(), NavajoWhite1(), NavajoWhite2(), NavajoWhite3(), NavajoWhite4(), OldLace(), WhiteSmoke(), gainsboro(), ivory(), ivory1(), ivory2(), ivory3(), ivory4(), linen(), seashell(), seashell1(), seashell2(), seashell3(), seashell4(), snow(), snow1(), snow2(), snow3(), snow4(), wheat(), wheat1().
Greybg(), Grey_Silverbg(), greybg(), LightGraybg(), LightSlateGreybg(), SlateGraybg(), SlateGray1bg(), SlateGray2bg(), SlateGray3bg(), SlateGray4bg(), blackbg(), grey0bg(), grey1bg(), grey2bg(), grey3bg(), grey4bg(), grey5bg(), grey6bg(), grey7bg(), grey8bg(), grey9bg(), grey10bg(), grey11bg(), grey12bg(), grey13bg(), light_blackbg(), grey14bg(), grey15bg(), grey16bg(), grey17bg(), grey18bg(), grey19bg(), grey20bg(), grey21bg(), grey22bg(), grey23bg(), grey24bg(), grey25bg(), grey26bg(), grey27bg(), grey28bg(), grey29bg(), grey30bg(), grey31bg(), grey32bg(), grey33bg(), light_graybg(), grey34bg(), grey35bg(), grey36bg(), grey37bg(), grey38bg(), grey39bg(), grey40bg(), grey41_DimGreybg(), grey42bg(), grey43bg(), grey44bg(), grey45bg(), grey46bg(), grey47bg(), grey48bg(), grey49bg(), grey50bg(), grey51bg(), grey52bg(), grey53bg(), grey54bg(), grey55bg(), grey56bg(), grey57bg(), grey58bg(), grey59bg(), grey60bg(), grey61bg(), grey62bg(), grey63bg(), grey64bg(), grey65bg(), grey66bg(), grey67bg(), grey68bg(), grey69bg(), grey70bg(), grey71bg(), grey72bg(), grey73bg(), grey74bg(), grey75bg(), grey76bg(), grey77bg(), grey78bg(), grey79bg(), grey80bg(), grey81bg(), grey82bg(), grey83bg(), grey84bg(), grey85bg(), grey86bg(), grey87bg(), grey88bg(), grey89bg(), grey90bg(), grey91bg(), grey92bg(), grey93bg(), grey94bg(), grey95bg(), grey96bg(), grey97bg(), grey98bg(), grey99bg(), grey100_Whitebg(), Dark_Slate_Greybg(), Dim_Greybg(), Light_Greybg(), Very_Light_Greybg(), Free_Speech_Greybg(), AliceBluebg(), BlueVioletbg(), Cadet_Bluebg(), CadetBluebg(), CadetBlue1bg(), CadetBlue2bg(), CadetBlue3bg(), CadetBlue4bg(), Corn_Flower_Bluebg(), CornflowerBluebg(), DarkSlateBluebg(), DarkTurquoisebg(), DeepSkyBluebg(), DeepSkyBlue1bg(), DeepSkyBlue2bg(), DeepSkyBlue3bg(), DeepSkyBlue4bg(), DodgerBluebg(), DodgerBlue1bg(), DodgerBlue2bg(), DodgerBlue3bg(), DodgerBlue4bg(), LightBluebg(), LightBlue1bg(), LightBlue2bg(), LightBlue3bg(), LightBlue4bg(), LightCyanbg(), LightCyan1bg(), LightCyan2bg(), LightCyan3bg(), LightCyan4bg(), LightSkyBluebg(), LightSkyBlue1bg(), LightSkyBlue2bg(), LightSkyBlue3bg(), LightSkyBlue4bg(), LightSlateBluebg(), LightSteelBluebg(), LightSteelBlue1bg(), LightSteelBlue2bg(), LightSteelBlue3bg(), LightSteelBlue4bg(), Aquamarinebg(), MediumBluebg(), MediumSlateBluebg(), MediumTurquoisebg(), MidnightBluebg(), NavyBluebg(), PaleTurquoisebg(), PaleTurquoise1bg(), PaleTurquoise2bg(), PaleTurquoise3bg(), PaleTurquoise4bg(), PowderBluebg(), RoyalBluebg(), RoyalBlue1bg(), RoyalBlue2bg(), RoyalBlue3bg(), RoyalBlue4bg(), RoyalBlue5bg(), SkyBluebg(), SkyBlue1bg(), SkyBlue2bg(), SkyBlue3bg(), SkyBlue4bg(), SlateBluebg(), SlateBlue1bg(), SlateBlue2bg(), SlateBlue3bg(), SlateBlue4bg(), SteelBluebg(), SteelBlue1bg(), SteelBlue2bg(), SteelBlue3bg(), SteelBlue4bg(), aquamarinebg(), aquamarine1bg(), aquamarine2bg(), MediumAquamarinebg(), aquamarine4bg(), azurebg(), azure1bg(), azure2bg(), azure3bg(), azure4bg(), bluebg(), blue1bg(), blue2bg(), blue3bg(), blue4bg(), aquabg(), cyanbg(), cyan1bg(), cyan2bg(), cyan3bg(), cyan4bg(), navybg(), tealbg(), turquoisebg(), turquoise1bg(), turquoise2bg(), turquoise3bg(), turquoise4bg(), DarkSlateGraybg(), DarkSlateGray1bg(), DarkSlateGray2bg(), DarkSlateGray3bg(), DarkSlateGray4bg(), Dark_Slate_Bluebg(), Dark_Turquoisebg(), Medium_Slate_Bluebg(), Medium_Turquoisebg(), Midnight_Bluebg(), Navy_Bluebg(), Neon_Bluebg(), New_Midnight_Bluebg(), Rich_Bluebg(), Sky_Bluebg(), Slate_Bluebg(), Summer_Skybg(), Iris_Bluebg(), Free_Speech_Bluebg(), RosyBrownbg(), RosyBrown1bg(), RosyBrown2bg(), RosyBrown3bg(), RosyBrown4bg(), SaddleBrownbg(), SandyBrownbg(), beigebg(), brownbg(), brown1bg(), brown2bg(), brown3bg(), brown4bg(), dark_brownbg(), burlywoodbg(), burlywood1bg(), burlywood2bg(), burlywood3bg(), burlywood4bg(), baker_chocolatebg(), chocolatebg(), chocolate1bg(), chocolate2bg(), chocolate3bg(), chocolate4bg(), perubg(), tanbg(), tan1bg(), tan2bg(), tan3bg(), tan4bg(), Dark_Tanbg(), Dark_Woodbg(), Light_Woodbg(), Medium_Woodbg(), New_Tanbg(), Semi_Sweet_Chocolatebg(), Siennabg(), Tanbg(), Very_Dark_Brownbg(), Dark_Greenbg(), DarkGreenbg(), dark_green_copperbg(), DarkKhakibg(), DarkOliveGreenbg(), DarkOliveGreen1bg(), DarkOliveGreen2bg(), DarkOliveGreen3bg(), DarkOliveGreen4bg(), olivebg(), DarkSeaGreenbg(), DarkSeaGreen1bg(), DarkSeaGreen2bg(), DarkSeaGreen3bg(), DarkSeaGreen4bg(), ForestGreenbg(), GreenYellowbg(), LawnGreenbg(), LightSeaGreenbg(), LimeGreenbg(), MediumSeaGreenbg(), MediumSpringGreenbg(), MintCreambg(), OliveDrabbg(), OliveDrab1bg(), OliveDrab2bg(), OliveDrab3bg(), OliveDrab4bg(), PaleGreenbg(), PaleGreen1bg(), PaleGreen2bg(), PaleGreen3bg(), PaleGreen4bg(), SeaGreen_SeaGreen4bg(), SeaGreen1bg(), SeaGreen2bg(), SeaGreen3bg(), SpringGreenbg(), SpringGreen1bg(), SpringGreen2bg(), SpringGreen3bg(), SpringGreen4bg(), YellowGreenbg(), chartreusebg(), chartreuse1bg(), chartreuse2bg(), chartreuse3bg(), chartreuse4bg(), greenbg(), limebg(), green1bg(), green2bg(), green3bg(), green4bg(), khakibg(), khaki1bg(), khaki2bg(), khaki3bg(), khaki4bg(), Dark_Olive_Greenbg(), Medium_Aquamarinebg(), Medium_Forest_Greenbg(), Medium_Sea_Greenbg(), Medium_Spring_Greenbg(), Pale_Greenbg(), Sea_Greenbg(), Spring_Greenbg(), Free_Speech_Greenbg(), DarkOrangebg(), DarkOrange1bg(), DarkOrange2bg(), DarkOrange3bg(), DarkOrange4bg(), DarkSalmonbg(), LightCoralbg(), LightSalmonbg(), LightSalmon1bg(), LightSalmon2bg(), LightSalmon3bg(), LightSalmon4bg(), PeachPuffbg(), PeachPuff1bg(), PeachPuff2bg(), PeachPuff3bg(), PeachPuff4bg(), bisquebg(), bisque1bg(), bisque2bg(), bisque3bg(), bisque4bg(), coralbg(), coral1bg(), coral2bg(), coral3bg(), coral4bg(), honeydewbg(), honeydew1bg(), honeydew2bg(), honeydew3bg(), honeydew4bg(), orangebg(), orange1bg(), orange2bg(), orange3bg(), orange4bg(), salmonbg(), salmon1bg(), salmon2bg(), salmon3bg(), salmon4bg(), siennabg(), sienna1bg(), sienna2bg(), sienna3bg(), sienna4bg(), Mandarian_Orangebg(), Orangebg(), Orange_Redbg(), DeepPinkbg(), DeepPink1bg(), DeepPink2bg(), DeepPink3bg(), DeepPink4bg(), HotPinkbg(), HotPink1bg(), HotPink2bg(), HotPink3bg(), HotPink4bg(), IndianRedbg(), IndianRed1bg(), IndianRed2bg(), IndianRed3bg(), IndianRed4bg(), LightPinkbg(), LightPink1bg(), LightPink2bg(), LightPink3bg(), LightPink4bg(), MediumVioletRedbg(), MistyRosebg(), MistyRose1bg(), MistyRose2bg(), MistyRose3bg(), MistyRose4bg(), OrangeRedbg(), OrangeRed1bg(), OrangeRed2bg(), OrangeRed3bg(), OrangeRed4bg(), PaleVioletRedbg(), PaleVioletRed1bg(), PaleVioletRed2bg(), PaleVioletRed3bg(), PaleVioletRed4bg(), VioletRedbg(), VioletRed1bg(), VioletRed2bg(), VioletRed3bg(), VioletRed4bg(), firebrickbg(), firebrick1bg(), firebrick2bg(), firebrick3bg(), firebrick4bg(), pinkbg(), pink1bg(), pink2bg(), pink3bg(), pink4bg(), Fleshbg(), Feldsparbg(), redbg(), red1bg(), red2bg(), red3bg(), red4bg(), tomatobg(), tomato1bg(), tomato2bg(), tomato3bg(), tomato4bg(), Dusty_Rosebg(), Firebrickbg(), Indian_Redbg(), Pinkbg(), Salmonbg(), Scarletbg(), Spicy_Pinkbg(), Free_Speech_Magentabg(), Free_Speech_Redbg(), DarkOrchidbg(), DarkOrchid1bg(), DarkOrchid2bg(), DarkOrchid3bg(), DarkOrchid4bg(), DarkVioletbg(), LavenderBlushbg(), LavenderBlush1bg(), LavenderBlush2bg(), LavenderBlush3bg(), LavenderBlush4bg(), MediumOrchidbg(), MediumOrchid1bg(), MediumOrchid2bg(), MediumOrchid3bg(), MediumOrchid4bg(), MediumPurplebg(), Medium_Orchidbg(), MediumPurple1bg(), Dark_Orchidbg(), MediumPurple2bg(), MediumPurple3bg(), MediumPurple4bg(), lavenderbg(), magentabg(), fuchsiabg(), magenta1bg(), magenta2bg(), magenta3bg(), magenta4bg(), maroonbg(), maroon1bg(), maroon2bg(), maroon3bg(), maroon4bg(), orchidbg(), Orchidbg(), orchid1bg(), orchid2bg(), orchid3bg(), orchid4bg(), plumbg(), plum1bg(), plum2bg(), plum3bg(), plum4bg(), purplebg(), purple1bg(), purple2bg(), purple3bg(), purple4bg(), thistlebg(), thistle1bg(), thistle2bg(), thistle3bg(), thistle4bg(), violetbg(), violet_bluebg(), Dark_Purplebg(), Maroonbg(), 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