This template helps you refine your ideas to become publishable papers.
(which conference or journal is targeted; explain reason, if choice is untraditional)?
(draft title that contains the main message of the paper)
(student leading, other students and collaborators, then primary supervisor) List of team members
(an image or two and a couple of bullets)
(around 5 references, include: group, year and conf./journal). Note: When giving the background (leading to the problem), you need to cite some papers. When describing the closest works, you need to focus on papers that attempted to solve the same problem you outlined, and highlight their weaknesses.
- Venue
- Code
- Short description
- Weaknesses
(bulleted list of concise items) In a paper this would be at the end of the introduction and in the abstract: We are the first to propose
- X with Y
- Does not need Z
(outline the main novel equation/algorithm/idea)
(why this method and not another, why these steps)
that back up the contribution claims and outperform competing methods
- which state of the art competing methods are you comparing with?
- Are you sure there are no newer/better methods to compare with?
- How are you ensuring it is a fair comparison (e.g. using same training and test data, e.g. using public challenge data)?
- How are you sure that you are faithful to the compering methods (e.g. did you use code from the authors of competing methods)?
- How will the results be presented, show mock-up graphs, tables with proper headings and labels)
(which and how many datasets will be used)
- GitHub repo
- Overleaf for paper
- Storage link for data